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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I love Miles! he just seems to be the most genuine, sweet guy I have seen on HAA in ages, I just want to pull him out of the TV an give him a huge hug.

Also did anyone else think the man telling Henk about the HIV was smirking or was that just me? It was almost like 'oh you're HIV positive- haha- deal with it', I just found it really annoying because that is just not how a doctor would be like at all.

Oh and more J/M :angry: I really wish they would both go take a long walk of a short cliff.

miles is soo cute! but can i say as michael abraham's number one fan, that he was THE 'most genuine, sweet guy i have seen on HAA in ages'! but miles can come second - please don't shoot me down, he's gone and i still miss him!

and yeah, that doctor, what a jerk - he was so casual, grinning away and swinging in his chair, some doctor! and don't mention JM, i was so annoyed by them - how dare jack ask how michael is?! as if he's worthy of speaking michael's name! :angry: princess sparkle, you think you and me should give them a 'helping hand' off that cliff you mentioned? :wink:

Yeah I liked Michael too, he was always too good for Martha. The only problem was that I really hated the way the writers always seem to bring back rapists and portray them as sweet, innocent human beings. I just wish for once that they wouldn't sugar coat the issue by turning it into a love story. Having said that Michael was sweet and I wish we'd seen him with his own stories (if they were going to bring him back they could have atleast given us more of his background rather than just made him into another cog in the J/M saga), IMO he was completely wasted on Martha.

Lol, yeah I think we could try giving them a helping hand- I'm also open to testing spontaneous human combustion or any other options which would free Summer Bay from those two forever.

lol! i think we'd have to have a good long think about the most painful end for them, just to give them a taste of what they've put us through over the years! :lol:

...and i agree with everything you've said about michael, he was so wasted, definitely could have done some great stories on him, and MUCH MUCH too good for martha BUT (i've been having this discussion with other members on the HAA rape stories thread if you want to have a look, i don't know if you've seen it) and i said there that when michael came back, it's revealed that he didn't rape tasha, so he's not a rapist-turned-good! unlike kane, for example.

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I'm just loving Miles. He's so likeable. It's also great to see Sally being so open with helping him. She's not the type to turn someone away if they need help. Good ol' Sal :D.

Now that we're into the 2008 season, has anyone else noticed that the show has a different 'feel' to it ? I've definitely noticed it and I'm really, really enjoying the show again. I say ''again'' because there was a point in 2007 when I was pretty bored of everything that was happening. But the new season has been such a change. Everything just feels different. It's hard to explain, but I think it's very noticeable. Summer Bay has started to become a small seaside town again. It's sometimes hard to forget that that's what it is, but it's felt more like that in the last few episodes.

Anyone else feel the same?

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Now that we're into the 2008 season, has anyone else noticed that the show has a different 'feel' to it ? I've definitely noticed it and I'm really, really enjoying the show again. I say ''again'' because there was a point in 2007 when I was pretty bored of everything that was happening. But the new season has been such a change. Everything just feels different. It's hard to explain, but I think it's very noticeable. Summer Bay has started to become a small seaside town again. It's sometimes hard to forget that that's what it is, but it's felt more like that in the last few episodes.

Anyone else feel the same?

Agreed. I've definitely found myself wanting to watch the show more in the past couple of weeks, whereas before I didn't mind if I missed a bit. There have been quite a few storylines that I wasn't keen on recently, such as the Annie/Geoff/Bruce stuff, Lucas and Naomi, Martha and Cam (in fact everything to do with Martha and Jack on the whole) and the Sally and Brad break-up. I've also lost interest in Belle and Drew, and I'm not keen on Dom. But things are definitely picking up. I enjoyed the Rachel/Rev Hall stuff, Cassie and Henk's storyline looks promising, as does Miles and Sally, and I'm keen to see what happens with Ric and Matilda. I even enjoyed Sam and Jack's wedding, even though I know it's going to end in tears!

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I have to say i'm loving Miles more and more by the minute, he is just so sweet. I love the way Sally has been reaching out to him, almost as if she can feel the connection between them. I am so looking forward to how this particular story will play out.

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I also agree! I didn't stop watching H&A but there were points when I got really bored of watching like the whole drag racing thing among other things but since then I've been hooked again! Like this week I've been gripped!

Firstly there is the Belle and Dom thing! I don't know if Belle is scared of him or confused about her feelings but theres something going on there and I think Drew knows otherwise he wouldn't have got so upset with Dom in the hospital!

Then there is Martha! I was screaming for her to get to the church on time and was well upset she didn't cos her and Jack so belong together but her and Michael were gd too and think he should've stayed because he has so much potential. I got worried when she was drinking with that guy and thought she might go back to her old ways and was so relieved she didn't.

The whole Reverand Hall thing is quite scary especially when Geoff helped him and now Annie is involved. I hope he gets the help he needs because it's really scary not knowing what he might do due to his illness! Plus I am sick of Aiden bullying everyone!! I know every show has one but I always feel sick watching his bullying!!

I was getting into the whole idea of Rachel and Tony getting together and then Roman came into the picture and now its like Tony likes Rachel but she likes Roman. I like the idea of Rach and Tony together actually and Sam said something about them but she just laughed it off! Really wanna see what goes on with them!

Bit upset to see Maddie and Ric have definetly split even though she can do so much better and he has put her through so much but they were still a strong couple until now! Hope Maddie can find someone like Cass and Henk!!

OMG I was so glad to see Henk back!! I was like YEY and glad he and Cass are back together even though Sal and everyone judging them was so tedious because if they are in love then nothing will stop them and he has changed so I hope people can forgive!! The whole preganancy and engagement was exciting but now we know he is HIV+ is kind of sad because it means Cass and the baby could be too which will be exciting watching to see if they can pull through!

I like Miles too I have to say! He reminds me of a male version of Sal almost and I can really see the connection between them and I'm sure they can obviously too so I really want to see how the whole relationship pans out!

I've been glued to the screen this week because every episode has been filled with such amazing stuff and now I can't wait till tomorrow to see what happens!!!

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It's great to have two very likeable stars from Headland suddenly both arrive in the Bay. Very sorry to see Dan leave though, will miss him, and the producers/writers ought to regret that they completely underused him for a long time. Fascinated to see where this Tony-Rachel thing might lead, to find out more about Miles, and to see what Rev Hall does next (silly Geoff). Rachel was very convincing when she confronted him in hospital to forgive him. I hope Roman will be interesting and doesn't become too stuck in the Diner - walking backwards and forwards to the fridge putting bits of food onto plates through most of his conversations!

Henk may not be a good character but damn, the actor is quite hot!

Mm, "quite" is quite an understatement... :wub: I liked him hugely pretty much the first moment he stepped through the door - the next thought was why did they have to cast this actor in the role of a rapist, since no matter what he does next, it'll always be a barrier to liking the character. He was (possibly the first character ever to be?) doomed before he even got on screen.

I read an interview with Damian a little while back where he repeatedly - and humorously - points out what he thinks of the name "Henk". Well I like it, it sounds Dutch or Danish, so while it may not fit in too well in Australia, it's probably quite common in some countries. If you're talking about weird names, "Roman" has to be one of their worst yet, no?

It's kinda nice to see such passionate kissing in the show occasionally. I don't really remember two characters being so close for a while, various couples (Jack + Martha, Martha + Michael) share a quick kiss from time to time, but I loved the scene where Cass was lying on him on the (Sally's) sofa and they were just so content, so together.

I didn't see his proposal coming, and I know it's a soap, but how mean that the writers couldn't let their blissful happiness last more than one episode?! Annoyingly I happened across one massive plot spoiler, but still I can't wait to see what happens between now and then.

princess.sparkle - I thought that about the doctor too, he was much too casual and cold delivering such devastating news to a patient.

As with another favourite of mine, Peter, Henk has been in and out of the show several times, mainly out, which is, needless to say, frustrating. I suppose I didn't think he would even stay this long, or have as much impact, so any more time is a bit of a bonus. Not that I was looking closely or anything, but (like Pete again) I note he has a tattoo, did anyone catch what it says? (I don't *think* it was "Cassie 4ever"?!)

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I'm just loving Miles. He's so likeable. It's also great to see Sally being so open with helping him. She's not the type to turn someone away if they need help. Good ol' Sal :D.

Now that we're into the 2008 season, has anyone else noticed that the show has a different 'feel' to it ? I've definitely noticed it and I'm really, really enjoying the show again. I say ''again'' because there was a point in 2007 when I was pretty bored of everything that was happening. But the new season has been such a change. Everything just feels different. It's hard to explain, but I think it's very noticeable. Summer Bay has started to become a small seaside town again. It's sometimes hard to forget that that's what it is, but it's felt more like that in the last few episodes.

Anyone else feel the same?

Yes- I totally agree - there are loads of exciting storylines happening all at once with many of the main characters. I can't wait to see what happens with Tony and Rachel, Miles and Sally, Rev Hall, Cassie and Henk and even (i'm sorry!) Jack/Martha and Sam!

I think the small town feel is Home and Away at it's best - I didn't like the storylines recently that kind of moved outside of the familiar Bay settings - like the stuff with the Drag Racing and Martha and Cam at the nightclub. Give me some nice scenes at the Beach, Diner or Surf Club and I'm happy :lol:

I'm really enjoying the Miles storyline because it seems to be linked so closely with H&A's past - the flashbacks with all the old characters have been great to watch.

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I am also enjoying the 2008 season and i think all the new storylines that are developing seem interesting and have me glued to the screen.

I am also liking how all the characters are getting their fair share of screentime and not anyone has been neglected like last season... the likes of Irene, Leah and Colleen have probably had more lines in this first week than the whole of the 2007 season. I hope that this remains throughout the new season.

Also i have noticed that a lot of different characters are being affected by the same storyline which would normally never happen. Like the hospital attacker/ Rev Hall storyline is causing repurcussions for a number of characters aside from the obvious ones directly linked to the storyline. It has affected Rachel, Geoff and Annie directly but the likes of Morag, Belle, Drew, Irene, Roman etc. have all been involved through some other angle.

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Is it just me, or did anyone else feel a little bit sorry for Henk? *ducks* .... oh it was just me then, ok :P

I have to say i'm loving the Rachel/Roman/Tony triangle at the moment. Rachel really seemed to be enjoying Roman's company, but poor Tony's face, he was like a little boy lost :lol:

As for Irene being on Roman's back all the time, me thinks the lady protests to much, if you know what i mean :wink::P

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