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I have never been a Cassie fan, but she doesn't deserve this. I sincerley hope someone told the staff for their sakes and safety. What was that she said about not Matty and co telling anyone when she had just screamed it out for all the hospital to hear. It won't be long till Sally does know. This is Soapland - no secret remains a secret for long.

Good for Drew stopping Belle visiting Dom, definitely would have given him the wrong idea, especially after what he said to Sam. Unless she really wanted to of course :wink:

I believe it is tonight that Miles reveals more about hinself to Sally, so hopefully it will answer some of the questions I want to ask. One of them being (and I'm not giving anything away for those who don't know) is the different names.

Good news that Morag is moving back to the Bay. She is a lot mellower than she used to be but can still be caustic when she likes.

How bitchy was Sam offering to show Martha her wedding album as she (Martha) missed the wedding.

How lovely was Rachel and Tony on their night out, although Tony nearly ruined it by asking Rachel if she wanted to book a room. :blush: Worked out O.K. in the end, they definitely seemed to enjoy each others company. :wub: I saw Tony getting the bill, but I don't remember him actually paying it, they just walked out.

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I agree with you on that, who knew Sharni was such a good actress? She made me feel so sorry for Cassie. I also understand that she's angry at Henk but I actually don't think it's his fault, I mean he had no idea. And if you think about it Cassie must have known he slept around a bit, I mean a druggie travelling around the world- bound to have sex and unprotected sex at that. Not that I'm saying it was Cassie's fault all I'm saying is that it can't be entirely Henk's either. Cassie does seem to pick the wrong guys though doesn't she?

Cassie acted in accordance to how she felt, i am not sure about others but she has been amazing these past few weeks, Its been hard for her. I mean first she finally was happy with Henk, and no matter how much I hate Henk, he loved Cassie and made her happy.

Cassie lost her temper as she was trying to come terms with all that had happened, she never expected it but people who are HIV positive dont really do expect it, she is acting in the way she acts.

Hopefully she can come to terms with it and move her life on and rebuild her life on but

Henk is to return so it wont be plain sailing.

Thats how I see it anyways. Anyways another comment, I am totally in love with Miles! He is so adorable. All he wants is a place to stay and a friend.

Yes! I love him even more than Jack :ph34r::ph34r:


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I can't really understand why Belle has this strange fascination with Dom. He's a madman! He kidnapped her, for God's sake. I suppose she must just be getting fed up with Drew, I can't think of any other reason :unsure:

I hate this storyline. Dom was a good guest character in the beginning with Ric, and the drag racing storyline was interesting enough, but ever since he's been involved with Belle it's all become very...odd. I just don't get it or see the need for it at all. I know there's the whole Stockholm Syndrome thing (at least I think that's the one!) where hostages form a bond with their kidnappers, but it was before he kidnapped her that she started to have feelings for him, for no reason whatsoever. Why would you be attracted to someone who bullied your ex boyfriend to the point of almost killing him, and then made your current boyfriend's life miserable as well? Plus it feels like the whole thing is going round in circles now, so the sooner it's over with the better IMO.

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Hey guys, havnt been on here this past week but H&A's been really good :)

Cassie's HIV was shocking! The only thing that gets me about it though is how unrealistic they've made the whole thing. Firstly she's telling most people she's pregnant (okay well not most people by she's told quite a few) but told them not to tell Sally even though she's acting over-happy around Sally anyway (surely she'd start to catch on that something's not right what with Cassie's morning sick-ness etc) and she's also told them not to tell Sally she's in hospital with HIV.

I know with hospital's they MUST keep patients confidentiality but I just think its abit unreal where Sally doesnt know about anything yet. Like she has absolutley no clue whatsoever. Not even an inclin (or however its spelt.).

On the whole though Henk giving Cassie HIV and getting her pregnant is a good story line. I wonder how things will play out?

Rachel and Tony's date was sooooooo cute! I was so excited when he went to her house and asked her. Bless him he was so nervous and messed it up. However I hated how Coleen compared Roman to Kim because then it seemed Rachel just chose to go on a date with Tony because she felt she had too (Like when Tony asked her to dinner she said she'd think about it but then as soon as Coleen mentioned the similarity between Kim and Roman she rushed round to Tony and said yes to his date straight away) because people like Coleen think she always falls for the same younger guy. Anyway who cares what Coleen thinks ha! I just hope she actually accepted Tony's date because she wanted too and not because of what Coleen said.

How'd you guys feel about Ric and Matilda?? I love them as a couple but at the moment I want them to have some time apart and then get back together.

Sorry about the long post!



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Much as I love Ric and Matilda, I hate what the writers have done to them and at the moment I don't want to see any more of it. The break up was played out extremely well, but it was the circumstances surrounding it I didn't like. Right now I want them to stay apart until they can get back to a place where all the hurt and anger has gone and they can start to feel like they used to about each other.

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I have literally been hooked this week and rushing around waiting for the next days episode :D

I'm so glad that Rev. Hall is in hospital again seeing as that thing on the cliff was so scary!!

OMG the whole Tony and Rachel thing was so addictive. He obviosuly likes her and she doesn't really see it but then Colleen says she only goes after people like Kim and suddenly she says yes and then is hardly enthusiastic worrying about it but when they were there it was so awkward and that hotel room comment made me laugh!! I was so glad when she was reluctant to leave and said she enjoyed it :D Things may be looking up and I think that maybe Martha and Roman might get together because they've been flirting almost recently! Plus why does Sally think obs Martha is up to no good with Henk? Martha has matured so much I think since Sam and Jack got married!

SAM!! I seriously hope that something happens to her because she is soo annoying like flaunting her wedding photos to martha and seeing Cas is HIV+ on the charts so I wouldn't be surprised if she told people!!

<3 Morag! I was so hyper when she said she was moving back and when she said to colleen she never liked her so slickly I couldn't help but laugh! Hopefully she'll have a big storyline soon!!!

I like that Mattie and Ric seem to be getting closer and hope they get back together if they sort through their problems! I still have to say i HATE Aden!! He is such a bully and picking on people all time is getting really tired! I'll be kinda sad to see Lucas too even though the departures always suck like Dan just was in the living room and sayounara he's gone!!

The whole Belle, Drew and Dom thing is so intriguing! I don't knw whats goin on there at all! Drew is definetly threatened by Dom and thats why he's keeping Belle away but he is kinda stalkerish and when he pulled out the pic of her and was telling Sam how he's gonna make her see he's rite for her was really weird! Belle seems mixed up and doesn't know what she wants but maybe Dom and Belle would be gd together because Belle and Drew have drifted apart a bit!

Cassie and Henk!!! The whole thing was so upsetting! Why did they have to pick on them when they were so happy! It was intriguing that Martha was his confidante though! I was so upset when she found and Henk was crying and then she got hit I was like OMG did that just happen! I double taked a lot with Cassie saying she didn't want anyone to know and then shouting for evryone to know she was pregnant, 18 and HIV+!! Why are all the people with such potential leaving like Henk and Michael! I don't think it was a gd idea him leaving at such an important time but hopefully he'll come back! Its nice that Cas has so many friends around her to help her through and love her so much!!

OMG lol I seriously cried with the whole Sally and Miles thing!! It was so emotional and breathtaking! It was will he won't he tell her and then finally he does and she was confused and din't believe it but when she did and started crying that started me and then when she nuzzled into his arm it was just so amazing they'd found each other! The whole storyline is perfection and can't wait to see what happens next! Even thought I died when they said Johny broke out of prison and is coming for her!! I mean it seems anyone can just walk out i.e Zoe! I hope nothing happens to her now that shes found miles cos that would be so horrible!!

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