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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Oh I know I hate how Coleen had to point out the similarities between Roman and Kim because then it seemd that Rachel only said yes to Tony's date because of what Coleen said. But the date itself was rather cute. Tony bless him almost messed the whole thing up by asking if she wanted a hotel room. Obviously the audience knew what he meant but Rachel and the waiter serving them thought different. Thankgod he corrected them!

Speaking of Roman though I really want to know about his background. What did he do? Did/Does he have any family?

Martha... To be honest until she's completley over Jack I dont want her to be with anyone. Selfish as it sounds but look at the pain she put Micheal through because of her feelings for Jack. She just needs to be over Jack 100% completley until she goes out with anyone else. However I seemed to have missed the moment where Sam offered to show Martha the wedding album... What happened there?

DOM! He's doing my head IN. Why cant he just accept the concept of Belle not being interested? But then again Belle doesnt seem to be helping things by going back on her word and going to see him and stuff. WHY is she doing that?! The guy's a creepy obsessed lunatic and she just seems to be naive about him (not sure if naive is the right word for it?? :S). I dont get why she keeps going back to see him. This is what's making Dom stick to his thoughts in thinking that Belle does love him and that he's going to prove to her that he's the right one for her. Why would she, and Drew come to think of it, believe him when he says he's going to leave them alone? We all know he's not. GAAAHH he's just a weirdo! Lol!

Does anyone else agree that its abit far-fetched that Sally doesnt know ANYTHING about Cassie being pregnant, has HIV and has been in hospital for a few days? I mean she hasnt even mentioned the fact that she hasnt seen or heard from Cassie for a day or two.



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I can't really understand why Belle has this strange fascination with Dom. He's a madman! He kidnapped her, for God's sake. I suppose she must just be getting fed up with Drew, I can't think of any other reason :unsure:

Dom really creeps me out, he is so wired. if i was Bell I'd be giving him a wide birth.

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Well Martha was getting coffee for Henk and was wrapped up in Cassie and everything and Sam was like Martha I thought you'd want to see my wedding pics as you weren't there on the day really sacrastic cos she was and then sam was rubbing it in saying how happy they were and what a beautiful day it was! I really don't like sam at all and also when she was in the diner talking about cassie on her phone to Jack when Mattie overheard, well thats breaking her oath thing that they aren't allowed to speak of patients as she is on the hospital staff!!

Tony and Rachel are so cute together and it was so sweet when he asked her and when they were on the date even though I'm glad she said she liked it because I was worried she'd done it to take her mind of Roman i.e Kim as Colleen so kindly pointed out!

I think that Dom is scary stalking her and when he had that pic of her in his wallet and talking about her its creepy but she must feel something whatever it is or she wouldn't keep going bk to him and now he is out I'd like to see what he does to win her over! Plus when Drew said Dom would hire a hit on him to get him out of the picture well from Dom I wouldn't be surprised!!!

I think its so unbelievable that Sal doesn't know about Cassie seeing as Rachel and everyopne else does and also that as her guardian she'd be contacted! I thought when Sally got that phone call it would be about her but its about Johhny and I so can't wait to see how this plays out!! Cassie' and Henks performances would so believable and just amazing!!!!!

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Hi Sarah8t9, Sally was about to ask Cass and Henk to dinner, Ric covered and told her they'd gone out to a restaurant. Which goes a little way to explaining her absence.

Hi deedee, I think you meant "berth"? - Belle giving birth to Dom is not something I want to even think about! :o

Five quick recent points:

1. There was a wonderful camera shot through the door of the Rev's hospital room which allowed us, and the officer, to see it was, ominously, open.

2. I love how many different camera angles they can find in the tiny caravans.

3. Roman..."debriefing"...S.A.S....an intriguing past...

4. Morag's decided she wants to return to live in the Bay - excellent news.

5. Sally gave a long questioning speech to Miles which he took a whole episode to answer (an odd cut)! I totally love how they've worked out his name to be "Milco". And how they've worked a real life event, the tsunami, into the plot. (I haven't seen the newest Five Life ep. yet. Isn't there a separate topic for Five Life pace?)

It was hilarious when Roman thought he'd seen Miles somewhere before. I forget, but didn't (Will's wife) Kate almost leave him for Adam in Headland?!

I agree that it's hard to tell what Rachel's feeling and, while she had a pleasant time, it spoilt the date somewhat that we're not sure whether she accepted for the right reasons.

So, this Cassie-Henk story is being so well done, about as awful a situation as you could be in, but they're utterly compelling to watch.

The one slight plot weakness is that someone would have blood tests and not go immediately, or even a while later, for the results, though at least it's been addressed a couple of times, if a bit unconvincingly: "I felt better so I didn't go back"/"I moved, they've been trying to track me down."

It's even more harsh for this to get dumped right out of the blue on them just after their shared pregnancy/engagement happiness. First, finding out you're HIV+ yourself, and on top of that, may have passed it to the person you're planning to spend your life with, and who is newly pregnant? It's little wonder Henk was utterly freaking out. The scenes in the caravan where he's planning with Martha, asking for her help, were very moving. Watching him deal with the news, trying to understand, take it in. Amidst his turmoil, his one focus was protecting Cassie any way he possibly could. There was a point where I wondered if the continuity was right, it seemed he had tears on his face which vanished in the next camera angle, but I couldn't be sure.

Then they go to get her results, even the scene in the waiting room was so good, it was funny seeing her swapping the magazines, "Britney" with "lose nine kilos"! The contrast in her playful demeanour there and on rushing out afterwards couldn't have been more marked. I was looking to see if he shut the door when she invited him into her hospital room, glad he did. It was beyond horrible how she shouted all that out as he left, only for half of Summer Bay to overhear. I don't really understand her reaction, "don't tell Sally." Is this because she knows Sal warned her away from him, because she doesn't want to worry her, or simply because she wants to try to control one thing in her life?

It's raising some deep questions which probably can't be answered unless you were in the situation, as Martha said when she couldn't imagine how Cass was feeling. Would it be possible to forgive the love of your life this? And how sorry should one feel for a guy who sexually assaulted someone in the past?

I've always been neutral towards Cassie, but am certainly feeling for her right now. I generally don't comment on acting since I don't claim to know much about it, so I'm not sure how meaningful a compliment is, but it really feels that both Sharni and Damian are doing an outstanding job.

Oooh, so now Henk walks out on her. Classy guy, isn't he?! He had better be back. I'm hopeful, because we've not - yet - seen the content of his letter, or seen Cass read a final goodbye with his voice over reading it out. I soooo hope they don't leave the character at this point forever. Both because I like Damian ("like"? "adore" is closer), and it would be much more interesting to see them trying to face the future together.

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Dont you think they can return there? ^^

Oh yeah, definitely, just not at the moment. I really believe that Ric and Matilda will end up together, as they have enough of a solid fan base to become one of the show's classic couples. Either they'll leave together and go happily into the sunset or they'll be reunited and one of them will die - it really depends on whether Mark and Indiana want to leave at the same time.

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Oooh, so now Henk walks out on her. Classy guy, isn't he?! He had better be back. I'm hopeful, because we've not - yet - seen the content of his letter, or seen Cass read a final goodbye with his voice over reading it out. I soooo hope they don't leave the character at this point forever. Both because I like Damian ("like"? "adore" is closer), and it would be much more interesting to see them trying to face the future together.

I really like him too and hope he returns which one would assume so I can't wait to see what happens and I think that personally they can get through it together if they think positively because its not the end and now they have a baby to think about but I hope Henk stays cos he is gorgeous!!

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