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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yeah, today's episode was great. Loved the whole Sally/Miles storyline unfolding. It was lovely to watch. And wow at Jonny escaping from prison & coming 'to get' Sal & Ric :unsure: The whole Rocco storyline was my fave last year, so I'm really excited!

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Well that was one eppisode worth coming back to watch.

The intereaction between Miles/Sally has been intriging at best but the emotion was well played and not over the top defentaly brought the real emotions of each character made it real, so brought a happy tear, but as per there is a downside with Jonny returning buts thats soap.

Racheal was good with Cassie, I've not had a lot to say about Sharnni but her performance when she found out has been so realistic and heartwrecnching it makes you feel sorry for her.

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I missed it! I didn't get back from work in time. :( I'll have to remember to catch the repeat tomorrow morning, but that's about as likely as a pig sprouting wings.

If you don't get to watch the repeat, there's always the omnibus, if you can wait that long :lol:, or you could download it from here.

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Just a reminder that Five are going to be completely cocking up the episode numbers again by not showing H&A on Good Friday and Easter Monday.

So that means that rather than being exactly 5 weeks behind Oz, they will be 5 weeks and 2 episodes behind....with a Friday episode showing on a Tuesday

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Strewth how emotional was last nights episode :excl: I was in tears when Sally finally remembered Miles was her TWIN brother :crying: . When he first started telling her and she was denying it you could see there was part of her deep down that did believe it. He did answer all my questions about what had happened to who and when. Except perhaps for one, how did he know Sally's surname was Fletcher when the last he knew way back when she had only been fostered by Pippa and Michael? It was certainly interesting to find out the whole story. I suppose somewhere in old newspaper reports there are stories about their dad snatching Miles. I'm guessing that Sally and Mile's mum divorced their dad in his absence. Coleen's face when she walked in and saw them them both hugging and crying. As she said to Ric at least Coleen knowing it would save her the trouble of telling everyone. Do you think that when Morag finds out she may suggest a DNA test? Which might not be a bad idea. Going back a couple of weeks, Sally seemed to have forgotten what she was dreaming about. The dream was actually about whether Bobby should move in or not, but when she woke up and was telling Ric(?) she said it was about moving back to the city.

Re the ongoing story about Sally not knowing anything about Cassie, it's because Ric keeps covering for her. Could it be that she is now 18 that Sally doesn't actually have to be told? Cassie does seem to be more in acceptance about the HIV and Rachel talking to her and explaining that it doesn't have to be a death sentance any more seemed to have helped as well. She did scoff when Rachel said she could lead a nearly normal life, not wanting to be flippant but people who have diabeties and asthma can also lead near normal lives.

Certainly a bit of a shock at the end when Jack rang with the news that Jonny had escaped, that puts both Sally and Ric in danger. Won't give anything away but reading next weeks TV Times (other TV lisitng magazines are available) there is bad news.

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Do you think that when Morag finds out she may suggest a DNA test? Which might not be a bad idea.

That's the only fault I can pick with the whole revelation episode. Ok, so Sally could remember things that tallied with Miles' version of events, but surely she'd get it checked out properly? You don't just automatically believe some stranger when he tells you he's your long lost twin brother, no matter how much it makes sense.

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So a violent criminal who is a possible threat to certain people's lives and capable of murder escapes from prison and who is given the task of going round to explain things to the possible targets? Jack :lol: . Seriously it's just not believable at all, surely someone more senior would have been given that duty? Also Jack's whole 'we'll protect you' thing to Sally was pretty funny, if I was her I'd be pretty scared- I mean come on Summer Bay's police force weren't exactly effective when Sarah escaped and held half the town hostage and killed Noah or when Zoe kindnapped and almost killed Sally, or when she and Tracy tried to blow everyone up were they? On that note how do so many prisoners manage to escape in the first place?

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