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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I loved this episode! I was in tears by the end.

Some people on the Australian boards said that it would have been better if it had been Flynn that met Sally in the house but I on't think that would have worked at all. If Flynn was there I don't see how Sally could have come back!

I loved Annie in the future! LOL

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What an absolutely amazing episode, it was great to see Tom Fletcher back again. The highlight of the episode for me was the scene where Sally touched the picture of Flynn and she was bathed in glorious light, she looked so truly happy in that moment and as usual, she had me in tears :( Although its no surprise that she chose to go back, it must have been one of the hardest decisions she has ever had to make.

I agree it was totally brilliant! The saddest part for me was one of the glimpses of life without Sally when Ric and Cassie were at Leah's and had decided that they couldn't keep little Pippa - so sad! I'm glad she decided to go back - she could never have left Pippa, Ric and Cassie on their own.

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It was a brilliant episode. It was kind of a different slant on It's A Wonderful Life, except it showed Sally what life would be like if she died rather than if she had never been born. I'm guessing Tom couldn't tell Sally what is wrong with Cassie because it would break some rule or other. Now she has guessed Cassie is pregnant how is she going to tell her she knows without Cassie thinking someone told her? Was it my imagination or did Leah have grey hair when Sally was comforting her? Your right Mrs. Baker, I've read who takes Sally's place, but my lips are sealed.

Annie certainly looked a real wild child in the Sallyless future, amazing what different make up and clothes can do.

I felt so sorry for Coleen and poor Miles ending up back on the road if she had chosen to go to Flynn. What she said was right though, he would have been very disapponted in her if she had chosen to 'go upstairs'.

Sally does seem to always be at the end of everyones anger, Rocco, Eve/Zoe. She's been stabbed twice now, had a couple of head injuries, isn't is someone else's turn?

Who would have looked after Pippa as Cassie and Ric weren't able to? I could be wrong, but could they be getting back together?

Reckon Jack managed to hit Johnny at all? Where is he going to go now?

So Roman used to be in the SAS, explains a lot of things, like when he said about someone being debriefed (can't remember who) and the way he can handle himself in a fight. Is there more to his story do you think?

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Yeah, I laughed out loud at Annie's "bad girl" look.Pretty good episode, might have been even better if they hadn't kept cutting back to the "Meanwhile in the real world" scenes(even if it was implied Sally was seeing them with us).Why are the dead always so damn cryptic though?

Paranoid sidebar:Anyone else remember that when Alf was given a glimpse of a possible future Flynn and Noah were still alive in it?(And Josh West but that's much of a muchness.)Given that he's still alive and Seb's still alive(mostly), I wonder if they took their places...

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So who was Johnny on the phone to? My first thought was Roman, but how would Johnny know his mobile number (or any phone number in the Bay for that matter). :huh: The same goes for Miles (though I don't think he has a mobile). I think the answer may be in an episode next week, but I'm saying nuffin. How come the police haven't put a guard on Sally when Johnny is still in the area?

Good that Sally was able to talk to Alf about her experience because as he said when it happened to him he had no-one he could talk to.

The specialist that Cassie saw was a lot more sympathic then the one Henk saw. It certainly made her feel a lot more postitive about her future. Good idea of Ric's not to tell her about Sally just yet.

Sallyannj, you could be right about Aden being gay himself, I thought the same thing when he made the jibe to Geoff.

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First of all, about the Sally/Tom episode, does the person who has to take Sally's 'place' get given the same choice as her- with being able to chose whether to live or die? Because if not then it's hardly fair is it?

Now on to todays episode, what was with Martha's bitching at the end about Sam? She was talking as if Sam had been a completely moody cow t her, which IMO she hadn't. She simply pointed out that the only reason Martha wanted to make peace with her was so that she could get closer to Jack again, which I think was completely the case. So why should Sam play along with that, I mean Martha is the woman who repeatedly told Jack not to marry Sam and who turned up on their wedding day with every intention of stopping it going ahead- not exactly best friend material. :lol: at Sam and Jck, Sam just got a whole lot interesting, wonder what link she has to Johnny. Although how is she going to manage to hide him in Tony's house (which is what I'm presuming she's thinking of doing), wouldn't it have been easier to pay rent on another place, seeing as she wants to pay rent anyway. But I've just had the best idea- maybe she and Johnny can work together and get rid of Martha and Jack for good :) .

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It was weird to see Annie all dressed up like a wildchild, i never thought i would hear the words "get" and "stuffed" coming out of her mouth in the same sentence :lol:

It was as lame as Alf's vision where Noah was a rasta homeless. :P

I laughed out loud.

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Martha was bitching about Sam but she hasnt exactly done anything to her since the wedding and Jack is trying. I think people need to look at Sam before judging.

I loved Sam's look in Tony's house. Life is about to get a lot more interesting.

She deserves it IMO. :ph34r: :ph34r:

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