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Irene saying Dan was like a son to her would be quite sweet if it wasn't for the fact that I can't really remember them ever...speaking to each other.

Nice that someone finally noticed Leah's a bigamist though...

lol I never really thought about that!! I'm glad they mentioned Vinnie. She can go off and be with him now, or his dad can admit it was all him and Vinnie can be free to come back into it. :wub: I wish.

Actually Daisyap, he can't because he went into WPP after he informed on someone while he was in prison. Couldn't Leah have divorced Vinnie on the quite though?

Blinding performance from Ada, from the dead (sorry) silence when she was in shock to the heart rending screams when she came out of it. :( Then thank God she was able to cry. Coleen was brilliant, the way she she looked after everybody, lucky she was there. Poor Drew as well, after all the trouble he caused Dan at first they were close when Dan left. At least he thought to ring Peter. Ditto there Red Ranger, I never thought they were that close, but they did speak to each other. This will be yet another reason for Annie to think she is right about there being no God.

How creepy was Johnny looking through the window at Matty. Typical of him to ignore Sam when she said don't go into the house, as if he'd listen to her anyway. How did he get in, I thought Tony had shut the door after he and Rachel left, thereby locking it? Matty had to use her key to get in.

Pretty brave of Sally telling Leah it was because of her Dan died, she couldn't have been sure of Leah's reaction.

Sam mentioned a police guard at the hospital, I haven't seen one, has anyone else?

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Does this mean that Leah will never marry again? I hope that she doesnt, because she did say that. Now they cant change her character around in the future just for a wedding storyline. Hopefully it also means that they wont put her into a relationship just months later.

But it was a great episode, Irene and Colleen were the perfect people to be with her. And I agree about Irene's storyline about Dan being like a son to her.. They didnt really share too many storylines or scenes.

And I have to say, I really hate the writers selective memory. Did anyone else notice that Aden and his friend were laughing in amusement to Annie taking the bottle. So why hasnt this friend been mentioned again. I know, we would then have a scene or two where people would accuse this friend of lying for Aden. But its better than just forgetting it happened.

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I nver thought of Leah being a bigamist :unsure: I assume it was ok for her to marry Dan, after all she was told Vinnie was dead and she's not really supposed to know any different. Didn't Peter know about it as well, surely he would have told her if she was breaking the law, what with him being a policeman :unsure:

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So Annie has had a selective memory recall, I think the reason why she is not very happy is because although she has stopped believing in God, at heart she is still a Christian girl and she will tell the police what really happened. It's probably like Morag said to her, she is wanting to get back at Aden because of what he did to Geoff.

What a good body Ric has got :blush: The other guy who was chatting up Cassie wasn't bad either! I did feel sorry for her, as she said a few months ago she would have loved it, but now it couldn't go anywhere. Certainly proves Matty still has feelings for Ric when she saw him with Cassie and that girl.

I know this is kind of off the thread, but in The Bill last night one of the cops, Stuart, had been stabbed with a needle which he had been told was infected with HIV. He was going to have to wait at least three months to get the result, yet Cassie was told after a week :huh:

So there was a cop on guard at the Hospital after all!

That's another thing, someone (I think it was Sam) said to someone else Sally was going to the city with her foster mum, surely even she must know Pippa is Sally's adoptive mum? Then Sally said to Pippa she was looking forward to going home and sleeping in her own bed!?

So Amanda is back with Ryan. You always know when someone is has been trouble turns up, their car stops, and you just see a pair of feet when they get out of the car.

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I have a feeling that Johnny raped Sam when he was threatening her in annex after she refused to let him get to Sally. He said he was going to show her who was boss, or something like that, and she was terribly bruised in the next scene. I hope he didn't, but I wouldn't be surprised :(

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Couldn't Leah have divorced Vinnie on the quite though?

She couldnt have because of one reason. If she did then people would know he was alive and that is the main purpose of placing someone in witness protection, Hope that helps

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Yeah, I was always open to the possibility Peter had sorted out the necessary paperwork offscreen but Leah's comments this week imply he didn't!

I know it's Sal but does anyone else think she was being reasonable beyond belief when Cassie told her she was HIV positive?After all, Cassie did show complete contempt for Sally's advice concerning Henk and paid the price.Regarding HIV tests, I think it takes up to three months for it to show up in the system, not to get the results, and it's probably longer than that since Cassie first slept with Henk.

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Couldn't Leah have divorced Vinnie on the quite though?

She couldnt have because of one reason. If she did then people would know he was alive and that is the main purpose of placing someone in witness protection, Hope that helps

Vinnie is technically dead, so according to all legal records he doesn't exist anymore. There will be a death ceritificate with his name on it and all the documents that prove his real identity will have been destroyed. Obviously it isn't possible to divorce a dead person!

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I have a feeling that Johnny raped Sam when he was threatening her in annex after she refused to let him get to Sally. He said he was going to show her who was boss, or something like that, and she was terribly bruised in the next scene. I hope he didn't, but I wouldn't be surprised :(

I wondered that, I thought that's what he'd done when she flinched when Jack touched her but then it showed the bruises so I wasn't sure.

I know it's Sal but does anyone else think she was being reasonable beyond belief when Cassie told her she was HIV positive?After all, Cassie did show complete contempt for Sally's advice concerning Henk and paid the price.Regarding HIV tests, I think it takes up to three months for it to show up in the system, not to get the results, and it's probably longer than that since Cassie first slept with Henk.

Yeah I thought she seemed amazingly calm! She got used to the idea very quickly!

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I know it's Sal but does anyone else think she was being reasonable beyond belief when Cassie told her she was HIV positive?After all, Cassie did show complete contempt for Sally's advice concerning Henk and paid the price.

Yeah I thought she seemed amazingly calm! She got used to the idea very quickly!

To some extent I agree. Sally did the take the news well and very calmly, which is the opposite of how I thought she'd react. But on the other hand, Tom did tell her that there was something else going on with Cassie (apart from her being pregnant), so Sally must have been expecting her to say something quite shocking. I think she would have handled the news in a different way had she not of 'met' Tom.

How funny was Jazz and Amanda's fight?! :lol: That was the highlight of that episode for me. It's easy when something dreadful happens, e.g a death, for an episode to be centred around that, but, in my opinion, it is important to have some light-hearted stuff mixed in there aswell. However, it does have a time and a place, and even though Leah's living room wasn't the best place (:P), it was highly amusing and I didn't think it was 'bad' to have that in there shortly after Dan died.

I've never been a huge fan of Sam, but this storyline with Johnny is really intriguing, and I really am feeling sorry for what's happening to her. Yes, it was her choice to hide him in Lucas's room, but you've got to feel sorry for how the situation is panning out. At first, she probably just thought that he needed somewhere to stay for a couple of days and then he'd be out, but it's turning out to be so much more complicated than that.

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