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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Sam is feeling right guilty because everyone is calling her a heroine (refuse to be PC and call her a hero) for whacking Johnny when it was down to her that he was there in the first place. It looked like he was coming round at the end of the episode, wonder what state he will be in, knowing Sam's luck he will still remember what happened.

Wonder of wonders Cassie did the grown up thing and let Henk go, even though he was going to go anyway. At least this time he did say goodbye properly.

Jazz looks like she is going to give up on Tony which puts her up a couple of notches in my estimation. Who will she go after this time?

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Jazz looks like she is going to give up on Tony which puts her up a couple of notches in my estimation. Who will she go after this time?

I actually found myself warming to Jazz when she was being genuine, underneath that brash exterior she puts on, she actually seems quite vulnerable and fragile :unsure: Maybe if she acted like that all the time everyone would take to her a lot more.

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I love having Pippa in it too, I keep thinking the new actors in it must be really excited to have a chance to work with a Home and Away legend!

I love Pippa.

It's such a shame that she won't be popping up anymore after Sally leaves


. There was a brilliant scene where she gave Cassie one of her famous pep talks - it was just like being back in the old days!

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I love seeing Pippa back too! Sadly it was Dan's funeral this week which was sad except it was ruined by Aiden. The funeral was so bittersweet but didn't feel right. Never have I really hated a character as much as I do him. I know hes acting and he does it so well and convincingly! I hate him more and more each week! Firstly he ruins Dna's funeral which should've been about Dan not him instead he antagonises and defies everyone and I wish he'd grow up! I just don't like him or people like him and I find myself turning off when he's on because I can't watch his bullying behaviour. Irene went to his house after that newpaper story which was all bull and he treated her apaulingly but too see some emotion at his war grandfather whows he is human. I loved Martin when he was pulling Aidens string but poor Sally for having got sacked as principal over him!

I loved Amanda being compassionate and loving to Leah which shows shes come full circle! I hope she'll stay but its funny everytime her and Jazz are together! Jazz is so annoying and impatient thinking she can do what she wants and have who she wants but I hope she won't get Tony because he is too good for her and he can see that! I loved Sam keping up the facade of not kowing anything about Johnny after hitting him and then everyone praising her even when she let him leave the room to get them! He should have done more to Jazz and still she used her attack as an excuse to get close to Tony!

The only gd thing this week was HENK's back YEY. I was so glad too see him back and its nice he hasn't left Cassie in the lurch with everything she has to handle but will be there for her! Can't wait to see what happens with them now!

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I am gutted that Henk wont be staying for long but it was nice that he returned to show us that he still cares somewhat deeply or not for Cassie and that he does love her and the baby. That makes him quite genuinely different and evidence he has changed.

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(I'm not reading spoilers. Any time I do, I regret it! I'm seeing *Zetti*'s signature above and praying that's not a spoiler for some significant dialogue.)

I was hoping Johnny would kill Jazz :P

I did think during that episode that he might, that this was the reason she's been brought back, but I'm glad she survived. It can't be long until we find out what he has over Sam, "something she used to do on the beach"?! Something illegal? Baffling at the moment.

Okay, it was Dan's memorial, not funeral, in the Bay so p'raps Peter can be excused. It was nice that Leah on returning mentioned him supporting her, and vice versa, at the funeral. It's also been good to see her in various different scenes lately, Amanda making peace with her was a highlight.

As for Cass and Henk, I fear their goodbye may be a final one this time, it certainly looked as though it might be. Though I have thought he's left about five times already, so let's just hope. This was one time I really wanted a character to think with their heart, and then Pippa has to be around (which normally would be welcome) giving her usual wise advice, leading Cassie to actually think with her head (not to mention Rachel pushing Henk to a similar conclusion). I thoroughly enjoyed their three scenes around the beach. I think the word "bittersweet" was invented for their last one, it was beautiful and sad at the same time, in every way. The picturesque distant camera shot at the end, the fact that we may never see Henk again (bitter), the fact they're parting (bitter), on good terms (sweet)! A very memorable scene.

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Okay, it was Dan's memorial, not funeral, in the Bay so p'raps Peter can be excused. It was nice that Leah on returning mentioned him supporting her, and vice versa, at the funeral. It's also been good to see her in various different scenes lately, Amanda making peace with her was a highlight.

It was nice to see Leah mentioning Peter, i can just imagine him being a great support to Leah :) i just wish she had brought him back with her :P

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(I'm not reading spoilers. Any time I do, I regret it! I'm seeing *Zetti*'s signature above and praying that's not a spoiler for some significant dialogue.)

I was hoping Johnny would kill Jazz :P

I did think during that episode that he might, that this was the reason she's been brought back, but I'm glad she survived. It can't be long until we find out what he has over Sam, "something she used to do on the beach"?! Something illegal? Baffling at the moment.

Okay, it was Dan's memorial, not funeral, in the Bay so p'raps Peter can be excused. It was nice that Leah on returning mentioned him supporting her, and vice versa, at the funeral. It's also been good to see her in various different scenes lately, Amanda making peace with her was a highlight.

As for Cass and Henk, I fear their goodbye may be a final one this time, it certainly looked as though it might be. Though I have thought he's left about five times already, so let's just hope. This was one time I really wanted a character to think with their heart, and then Pippa has to be around (which normally would be welcome) giving her usual wise advice, leading Cassie to actually think with her head (not to mention Rachel pushing Henk to a similar conclusion). I thoroughly enjoyed their three scenes around the beach. I think the word "bittersweet" was invented for their last one, it was beautiful and sad at the same time, in every way. The picturesque distant camera shot at the end, the fact that we may never see Henk again (bitter), the fact they're parting (bitter), on good terms (sweet)! A very memorable scene.

I missed it all! :angry: Was staying with my inlaws and they dont watch it :blink:

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They obviously skipped a couple of days in Summer Bay, cos one moment Sally was in hoptial and now she is home, Leah had been to the States for Dan's funeral and is back!

I have a totally off the wall theory about what Johnny has on Sam, Rory isn't her (and Shane's) son :o

We know they had a daughter who died, what if after she died Sam was was grief stricken she snatched a baby, Shane didn't have any choice but to go along with it. I know it is not a hard and fast rule, but he is blond, Shane was dark and Sam is a redhead. It would certainly be something she wouldn't want to get out, Jack would probably be able to forgive most things, but not that and as for the rest of the town - well!!

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