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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think Drew was a bit unfair on Belle after her article was published, it wasn't her fault that her boss had changed the story. Although i think she was pretty naive in thinking that he would print her story exactly as she'd written it.

Lol at Geoffs dream sequence :lol: and earlier on the beach when he didn't realise the girls were actually watching him, his naivety is so sweet sometimes :P

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Did I miss something? How did Sam explain the bruising that Jack commented on in yesterdays episode as healing nicely?

I spotted that as well, wonder how she explained it away? Knocking into something at work maybe?

Nearly typed something that could be construed as a spoiler, so will wait until it happens before giving my opinion. Actually thinking about it it isn't, as we know what happened when he was injected with the needle Sam swapped, is she really going to let someone else take the blame?

When it mentioned in the TV mags that Johnny manages to mutter 'under the bed' I knew he meant under the bed at Tony's and sure enough when Jazz was during her yoga (since when had she been into that) we saw 'it' tucked into the slats.

I wonder if it shows proof of what Sam has done?

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That dinner was so funny with Morag, Roman and Martha, Morag chatting away and Martha and Roman both wanting her to be gone :D . I thought surely she hasn't bedded him on the first date (though she is an adult and can do what she wants) but it doesn't give a very good mesage to young girls. But of course she hadn't, he certainly looked happy enough walking home though. How nice to see Morag and Irene getting on so well.

Loved the scenes when Geoff was dreaming about those girls rubbing sun screen over him, just becuause he is going into the church doesn't mean he can't enjoy himself and have girlfriends.

Poor Belle, how could Gavin do that to her (sorry I know he could and has) at least Drew, Sally and Leah know what she did write! It probably wasn't controversial enough for him or the paper.

Miranda, I was wondering that as well about why Dan was buried in the States, could there be more to it than we have been told? Surely they wouldn't put Leah through another 'death' would they?

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Miranda, I was wondering that as well about why Dan was buried in the States, could there be more to it than we have been told? Surely they wouldn't put Leah through another 'death' would they?

Yes, it is mysterious. Do you think Dan will turn up again played by another actor? That would be awful!

I think its very bad the way poor Dan/ Tim wotsit has been done away with offscreen and kind of swept under the carpet :angry:

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Drew was way harsh on Belle :(

Yeah I agree. I'm not sure how Belle's been putting up with his lack of support so I hope last night's episode was a final break up! I'm confused though - has Drew left - was that scene with Leah the last we are going to see of him? Also what happened to Dom - the last we heard of him he was getting his act together to show Belle how he was reformed and then nothing :huh: Is he going to reappear at some point?

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