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Ooooh what happened in yesterday's episode?? I can't believe I missed it.

Though I must say the scene where Tony and Rachel say 'I love you' was so sweet. They were like teenagers and I couldn't help but have a huge grin on my face. They are the best couple at the moment. :wub:

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They were lovely weren't they? :wub: It's a wonder Coleen didn't twig what was happening.

I think Alf reacted as Ric said he would, he is from a different generation, but he came round in the end, Coleen was at least honest about her feelings. I know she is a terrible gossip, but if she is told not to say anything she won't.

At least it has made Cassie think twice about who to tell.

Mrs. Baker yes it did happen very quickly, it is not such a big surprise as The Diner is so close to the ocean, but it would have happened gradually, perhaps there is more to it.

Did I miss the epsiode where Roman moved into Brad's old place?

Well Noel is finally getting his revenge for what happened between Val and Ric, getting his boss to fire him then making sure no-one else takes him on. I can just see what is going to happen - Ric is going to have to fight, his opponent will get badly hurt or the place will get raided, Noel of course will be nowhere around, so Ric will get nicked for bare knuckle fighting and end up inside.

I thought Matty was very mature about Ric thinking about his unborn child. In fact I would have been more upset if he didn't care about him/her at all.

I'll ask again, does the mysterious piece of paper (or whatever it was) that is now in the box of Lucas' old things remind anybody of anything? That also revolved around something that we knew existed but noone else did.

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I'll ask again, does the mysterious piece of paper (or whatever it was) that is now in the box of Lucas' old things remind anybody of anything? That also revolved around something that we knew existed but noone else did.

The real father of Hayley's baby! Yes it reminded me of that!

So are we gonna have Noah's Bar and Dan's Diner? :lol:

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Dan's Diner! Makes me think of Desperate Dan and his cow pies :lol:

I've decided I like the Roman and Martha relationship. At the moment they seem to be bringing out the best in each other, whereas Jack and Martha bring out the worst in each other :rolleyes:

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I've decided I like the Roman and Martha relationship. At the moment they seem to be bringing out the best in each other, whereas Jack and Martha bring out the worst in each other :rolleyes:

They do seem quite good together, but the question is will they last :unsure:

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The developing friendship between Miles and Roman is great. It reminds me a bit of Flynn and Dan's relationship, but better because I actually like both characters (I never liked Flynn #2).

Cassie's stuff has been fantastic and I think more people will warm to her as a result of this storyline.

With that in mind, it's a real shame she's not going to be around for much longer

. Tony and Rachel are lovely, although I did think it was a bit soon for the L word. And Jessica Chapnik is playing a blinder as Sam, even though I still wish they hadn't chosen this storyline for her.

Things I don't like so much: this Noel/Ric business. It just seems unnecessary and unrealistic. Also I thought the explanation of Dan's death was a bit weak - I was all intrigued to find out what really happened, but I could have seen something like that coming a mile off. Leah's reaction was lovely though, and the new diner thing is a good idea.

That's about it, lol.

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Good old Home and Away, no sooner have they killed off one pointless villain than another one comes out of the woodwork.I'm hoping Ric's too smart to fall for Noel's games but I wouldn't be too sure.

Cassie, like Martha, has been given the "fall for obviously unsuitable guy, ignore the advice of all her family and friends and then act all surprised when it blows up in her face" storyline far too many times-it feels like one step forward two steps back with her and I've really stopped caring, which is a shame since when she first appeared I really liked her.

And since she's leaving the whole storyline seems a bit pointless.

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They do seem quite good together, but the question is will they last :unsure:

Nah... just watch it all crumble around Roman's ears [like the diner]. I bet Martha will be unable to resist her Unending Lust For Jack, and she will somehow End Up In His Arms Again :lol: While all this happens, Jack will wear his usual bemused and vacant look and just go along with everything she does :rolleyes:

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