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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well they seem to have had Easter since Monday, though none of the gang Belle, Matty or Ric have mentioned how they felt about the service? When Jazz told Sam her bruises were looking better I thought hang on it was only yesterday she was in bed, then it was mentioned about Easter having been and gone, then it made sense.

It was a lovely farewell between Belle & Drew especially after the way they parted before.

At last the letter (as that it what is was) has been found! But how could they leave us (who don't have fiver) until tonight to find out what it says. I bet when Johnny mentioned it was his insurance against Sam shafting him he didn't imagine her killing him. He probably meant her turning him in. I'm guessing maybe it mentions what she has done that he had over her.

Annie was at it again trying to get Geoff and Melody together, bet she doesn't know she is Catholic, time to put Geoff's new open-mindedness to the test.

Going off the subject, yes ezaz traditionalist is a word.

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As much as I hate that they've turned Sam into a villain, tonight's ep was really good. Jessica Chapnik must have been thrilled to have such a great storyline - particularly one that didn't involve J and M! But as I said, I still hate the way things have turned out. It's as if the writers and JM fans feel that Sam has to be punished simply because Jack married her instead of going back to Martha. Jack is a grown man (if a little stupid), it isn't her fault that he married her! Up until now she's been a lovely, likeable and interesting character, and I'm really sad that they've ruined her. :(

I have to say I really liked all the Roman/Martha-ness, especially when Jack realised that she's happy without him and won't necessarily be waiting in the wings for him whenever he needs her (although I'm still not convinced that she won't be...). I'm still not a Martha fan by any means but she's much more likeable when she's not with Jack, who seems to bring out her whiney, self-obsessed side. Maybe she just needed a real man all along. :P

Also, off topic, what's with all this Fiver business? What a ridiculous name! :blink:

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Hmm...so Sam's Big Secret turns out to be just about the first thing that sprang to my mind all those posts ago.And her Evil Drug Dealer Husband was actually just her fall guy henchman?Ho-hum.Even if I'm buying that, are even Soap Police corrupt enough to let a criminal mastermind off scot free in order to nab a middle man?

And is anyone else wondering if Sam was lying about being pregnant?Cos if not it's awfully convenient.

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Hmm...so Sam's Big Secret turns out to be just about the first thing that sprang to my mind all those posts ago.And her Evil Drug Dealer Husband was actually just her fall guy henchman?Ho-hum.Even if I'm buying that, are even Soap Police corrupt enough to let a criminal mastermind off scot free in order to nab a middle man?

And is anyone else wondering if Sam was lying about being pregnant?Cos if not it's awfully convenient.

OK my theory about Rory was wrong, but I also had the same thought as you - HONEST - way back. I wouldn't say corrupt but if they were desperate enough to get all of the gang they probably would 'let her off' to get all the info they could. They used to do it with supergrasses didn't they? And yes, I wondered about the pregnancy, why wait until then to tell Jack :huh:

Is he seriously going to risk his job by letting her stay and get away with murder, having said that though, how many other times has his job been on the line? Let's not also forget Julie has been suspended for supposedly leaving the syringe unattended. It mentions in one of the TV mags that in tonights episode Jack has a hard decision to make. Excuse me what decision???

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Hmm...so Sam's Big Secret turns out to be just about the first thing that sprang to my mind all those posts ago.And her Evil Drug Dealer Husband was actually just her fall guy henchman?Ho-hum.Even if I'm buying that, are even Soap Police corrupt enough to let a criminal mastermind off scot free in order to nab a middle man?

And is anyone else wondering if Sam was lying about being pregnant?Cos if not it's awfully convenient.

OK my theory about Rory was wrong, but I also had the same thought as you - HONEST - way back. I wouldn't say corrupt but if they were desperate enough to get all of the gang they probably would 'let her off' to get all the info they could. They used to do it with supergrasses didn't they? And yes, I wondered about the pregnancy, why wait until then to tell Jack :huh:

Oh, hope that didn't sound like me bragging(much).I was simply saying it was a bit of an anti-climax that it was something so obvious.

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Is he seriously going to risk his job by letting her stay and get away with murder, having said that though, how many other times has his job been on the line? Let's not also forget Julie has been suspended for supposedly leaving the syringe unattended. It mentions in one of the TV mags that in tonights episode Jack has a hard decision to make. Excuse me what decision???

To be honest, if I was Jack I'd seriously consider covering for her. The decision is between his wife and his career, and I wouldn't call that an easy choice by any means. Even though he's disgusted by what she's done you can't just stop loving someone, it's not like flicking a light switch. And obviously the baby (real? fake? I'm still not sure) makes things ten times harder.

H&A really is fab at the moment. Cassie is still brilliant and the baby bump is really cute! Loving Rachel and Tony, and even Jazz now she's seen the light. :P Miles is adorable, Leah is amazing, Roman is great and even Martha is bearable. :o

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I have to say I am liking Sam! The actual lengths she has gone to too stop Jack from finding out and then for him too sucks but I wonder if he'll report her now he knows she is pregnant?! Also when Jazz was at the reunion and didn't sleep with him even though she tried too showed a somewhat nicer side to her!

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