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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Sell themselves! :lol: No, not really.

Yes, Red Ranger, I always feel surprised when Australians and Americans don't really know much about our history, but then I say to myself: what do I know about their history? Nothing! So its unfair of me to be dismissive of them.

It was funny once on another website where I was discussing history with an American internet friend. She said that Independence Day is a really big deal to Americans and they think that the English are still upset because we lost control of America. After laughing to myself, I told her that actually, most English people don't know that America used to belong to England [if you ask the general public], and care even less. The war of independence was just yet another war in the long history of wars fought by England and its long forgotten.

I'll get off my soapbox now :rolleyes:

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Thinking about it slightly more objectively, Melody probably wasn't being very careful with her language and meant the Anglican Church.Either that or she thinks they're the same thing.And yes, I had to explain to some English friends what Independence Day was.

I'm slightly confused by Cassie and Matilda "suddenly" deciding to go on a road trip.Didn't Cassie already say they were going to do that several episodes ago?

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Originally Cassie and sally said they were going to go on holiday asnd now they're leaving forever! What are they planning to do for money?

I don't think they're intending to be away forever (although we know they probably will be), I think they see it a bit like a gap year. Sally never got the chance to travel so she's seizing the opportunity now it's arisen. No idea about the money issue...maybe Sally has money saved from Flynn's life insurance, and Cassie from her grandmother's inheritance? I'm clutching at straws here! To be honest it's a bit of a lame exit for Sally IMO. Like I said, the viewers all know she isn't going to be back, so who are they kidding?

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I made this post in the Australian Episodes section on the day Sally left,when the show originally went to air,well I said I'd post this today and here goes.....fair play to the continuity guy too,he said some great words there-I hope they play that again tonight.

I'm sat here and I'm breaking my heart.

I know these words by now,have been said so much they're paper thin - but,I've watched this incredible,beautiful woman call Kate Ritchie and Sally Fletcher grow up for the past twenty years. I've made an emotional attachment to someone so strongly,I forget as I am now,that they are a character in a television drama.

Except,Kate has made Sally more than that. She's made her so real. So important.I've watched this 8 year old little girl,come to a new exciting home in a small town with a loving,new family. I've been able to see her grow from an adorable child,to a teenager,experiencing the worries and joys that come with what's a difficult time in anyones life. I've watched her gain the most incredible,precious insight into life and learn and gain more and more confidence.

I've then seen her fall in love and marry Flynn. I will always hold a place in my heart for that couple. I know I will never love a couple in a drama more. When he died,it was a devasting time in my life personally,and Joel,Kate,Sally and Flynn allowed and encouraged me to find some light in the most dreadful time of my life so far.

I've then,as my journey continued,taken the greatest strength both from my family of course,but,from Sally too. Because,she was another constant,that I had.

Sally and Kate have always been there. I know it sounds blindingly obvious but they have. And just like Sally and no doubt Kate will too,have to find another path in life,find excitment and happiness in a new future and allow a new and fresh constant in to thier lives. It won't be easy,but,because I know they will,given some time,I will too.

I feel unexplainably honoured and privileged to have been blessed with the most important 20 years of my life. I have watched her become the graceful,articulate,confident and beautiful woman millions of people have come to love and adore.

I will always love and miss you Sally Fletcher.

Kate Ritchie,please let the industry in which you have blessed with your skill,be blessed with it again,soon.


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^Yeah but then in that case why is she taking down the photos on the wall and packing up everything? It's like they are moving out not just going on a trip.

I thought the original idea was Sally and Casie were going travelling until it was time for Cassie to have her baby then they were coming back. But as we know Kate Ritchie is leaving so she won't be, will Cassie? Let's hope they don't do what they usually do in soaps and it is never mentioned why they don't come back.

Lovely send off for Sally by the students, even Martin was nice to her. Beautiful song by Annie and the other girls, loved her earrings! Did get weepy then, even the song was called Goodbye for now, so they are still implying she is coming back. Felt so sorry for Alf, he looked so sad. :(

Pippa is certainly doing a lot of to-ing and fro-ing lately. Nice to see Stephen and Carly again, was it just me or did Carly look too thin? Surprised Don wasn't there, after all it was him that inspired Sally to become a teacher.

Who would be so callous to break into Sally's and steal all the furniture? I am assuming the back door was locked.

To counter that we had the drama of Sam and Jack, she certainly showed her true colours. Once again she accused him of being glad that it was over because he could now get back with Martha, when (for once) he she was the last thing on his mind.

It's a shame she has lost the baby, but that was an accident when they were fighting over the letter, as if even he would have left it lying about in the house.

Sam must have guessed when he wouldn't see her in the hospital that he had reported her and that is why she has done a runner. He has covered up for her for long enough. Mind you she was right about one thing he had covered up for Martha in the past, but at least she hadn't killed anyone.

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