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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I thought it was a very sad episode, from the moment Sally walked into the hall and was guided by all the candles, i had tears running freely down my face, i had just got myself together again when she made her speech which set me off again. i think the thing that got me the most was knowing that there was no acting going on, everybody was genuinely upset. You only had to look at Kate's eyes to see that :(

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I remember when I first heard Sally was leaving it sent me into depression for the rest of the day.Now she's actually gone, I've had a lump in my throat almost continuously for the last two episodes. Goodbye for now?Maybe, maybe not.If this is the last we ever see of her, at least we've had that.As someone who's pretty much the same age as her, we seem to have grown old(er) together and to misquote one of the most painful song lyrics in the history of television, it's going to be hard to spend another minute/living my life without her in it.

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Such a sad episode, i can't believe that Sally has actually gone :( the scene with Alf really choked me. I thought the scene at the end with Miles setting up his own pictures was a really nice touch, it makes the viewers feel like they will always have a connection with Sally.

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Does anyone else get the feeling that the powers that be are hoping Kate will come back? The leaving storyline was a lot more low-key than I expected, and not very 'final'. I mean, an extended holiday? How are they going to explain it if/when she never comes back? Saying that it was a lovely episode, if a little confusing. The final scene with Alf was particularly well thought out and both Kate and Ray did a great job with it. It hasn't really registered with me that she won't be around any more, but I know I'm going to miss her loads. It just won't be the same show ever again.

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What a very cloak and dagger episode, Jack has mysteriously dissappeared, Martha gets a visit from Sam then appears with a scratch on her face, looking very cagey i might add, even Morag seemed to be acting suspiciously, then what do we find but Sam's body on the beach. The question is, who killed her :unsure: you can just tell who's going to get the blame though.

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I missed it on Monday, channel 5 wasn't working! Saw it today though, a whoddunit! I reckon it was Rory, he's probably fed up of having her as a mother.

Nice one Daisyap, though there several others in the frame, Martha obviously had a scrap with her and Roman is involved somehow. Morag's mysterious call to the police, Jack has vanished and was Jazz sitting on the beach looking upset. Then again it may be someone from outside the Bay, perhaps an old friend of Johnny's. How did Jazz get that key to Jack's place? Why did Sam have that secret stash of money anyway? She certainly wanted to cover her tracks by writing that letter, as McGraw said if she decided to reveal all in exchange for immunity for Johnny's death Jack's career would be finished. It's what she has done before after all.

Why was I not surprised that Noel was behind the burglary at Sally's, he is a nasty piece of work. You just know if Ric does agree it won't be just the one fight.

Lovely goodbye between Sally and Alf, liked her line 'you'll always be Mr. Stewart to me Alf'.

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What I dont get is why isnt McGraw or McGrath (What is his name?) taking any action or even an inquiry against Jack because of Sam's letter.

Like he said, he has covered for Jack before and did think that he stole the evidence against Martha. Surely its worth a inquiry, even without Sam to verbally accusing him or making a deal.

Worse cop ever, surely he has to lose his job.

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What I dont get is why isnt McGraw or McGrath (What is his name?) taking any action or even an inquiry against Jack because of Sam's letter.

Like he said, he has covered for Jack before and did think that he stole the evidence against Martha. Surely its worth a inquiry, even without Sam to verbally accusing him or making a deal.

Worse cop ever, surely he has to lose his job.

You'd think so wouldn't you, but this being Summerbay and Jack I wouldn't bank on it :wink: . How can he get on his high horse about Sam after all the lies he's told? Ok so what he did wasn't murder but it's the principal of the thing, it's like there's one rule for him and Martha and another for everyone else. The worst thing is he and Martha will probably be back together soon and Sam will be remembered as the bad guy with J/M as Summerbay's perfect golden couple :angry: .

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All the things he has done as a cop and at least 3 times in a coma.. I think there might of been a forth.

Its crazy, Im not a fan of Sam, but I am even less of a fan of Martha and Jack.

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