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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Might be reading too much into it but when Christine was going on about teens and alcohol and one mistake ruining your life, did it sound to anyone else like she was talking from experience?If she's got some deep dark secret in her past, that would explain a lot.

Hmmm never thought of that... you could be right though. It would definitely explain why she is going so far to 'protect' Melody. I'm hoping she'll eventually see the error of her ways - I mean Geoff is not exactly every parent's worst nightmare - he's almost too good to be true - getting him arrested was just ridiculous! It's kind of ironic that by keeping them apart she put Melody into harms way with Axel - when it all comes out about Axel she'll wish that she had let Geoff and Melody be together.

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Today was unbelievably cute with Ollie, the way he dived for Kane the minute he saw him.

The security at the hospital is rubbish, the security guard didn't even blink when Kane emerged from the closet looking shifty!

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I don't get it, what exactly is Miles's relationship with Jai? If he was with his family in Phuket what was he doing making friends with young boys?! Very strange...

Ahem...They made friends after their families died.They were stuck next to each other in some sort of refugee centre and bonded then.

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Squeeeeeee! Loving this week. :D

Although, KK-ness aside, the Martha thing is not impressing me. Not only is it predictable that she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is (you know things are bad when even the five announcer admits to seeing it coming a mile off), but the selfishness of the girl amazes me. Ok, so she understandably doesn't want to risk her relationship with Jack, but is that a good enough reason to deny Roman his (possible) child? Surely if Jack was as madly in love with her as he says he'd stick around whatever the outcome? It just goes to show that for all their talk of growing up and taking responsibility they're still just as selfish and immature as they always were - and Jack wanting a baby because he misses Rory is yet another example. Please!

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Ok i am officially in love with little Oliver, he is the cutest little boy ever :wub: I must same i'm looking forward to the KK storyline, i think it will be great, and another plus is that we get to se more of Irene, which is a fantastic bonus :D

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Squeeeeeee! Loving this week. :D

Although, KK-ness aside, the Martha thing is not impressing me. Not only is it predictable that she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is (you know things are bad when even the five announcer admits to seeing it coming a mile off), but the selfishness of the girl amazes me. Ok, so she understandably doesn't want to risk her relationship with Jack, but is that a good enough reason to deny Roman his (possible) child? Surely if Jack was as madly in love with her as he says he'd stick around whatever the outcome? It just goes to show that for all their talk of growing up and taking responsibility they're still just as selfish and immature as they always were - and Jack wanting a baby because he misses Rory is yet another example. Please!

I completely agree with everything you've said there. I'm loving the return of K/K but it completely amazes me how quickly Jack's moved on. I was hoping for some character driven stuff after Sam died but all we got was a murder mystery and the continuation of the bore fest that is J/M. It just doesn't seem realistic that Jack has completely forgotten about Sam without grieving for her and the baby. It's almost like one day he's upset and angry over her betrayal and death and the next he's madly in love with Martha and it's like they've never been apart, like the stuff in between never happened, like Samnever happened. I mean we're supposed to believe that in someway Jack loved Sam, or atleast who he thought she was. Then her, Rory, their whole future was taken from him in an instant. You'd think that would leave some kind of impact on him, at least something that would affect him enough to have to work through in a way other than jumping into bed with his ex.

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