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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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A bit odd that three quarters of the way through the episode Annie suddenly says that Melody wasn't actually raped when prior to that it looked as though she had been.Without meaning to downplay the seriousness of the situation, it kind of undermined the storyline("Something bad happened to her but not as bad as you all thought")and I can't help feeling it's a bit of an awkward compromise because someone got nervous about featuring primetime child abuse.

Nice to see Viv one last time-after her no-show last episode I had a feeling she wasn't going to turn up so it's good she got to complete the storyline.It's astonishing that she seems to have transformed completely from the manipulative trophy wife we first met.

Big thumbs down for Leah though.Her behaviour is becoming so irrational I'm starting to think Miles is too good for her anyway.

That confused me as well Red, It did seem from what Melody originally told Annie and she told Geoff (not sure I agree with her telling him or anyone else) :unsure: it certainly implied Axel HAD raped Melody. Later though when talking to Aden and Belle she said she fought him off before the actual act. Axel has now been found beaten up, but by whom? Did Geoff catch up with him or was it Aden - which be a bit ironic on his part because didn't he have to be pulled off Brad & Rachel's half niece a little while ago?

While we are talking about Belle and Aden is it just me or does anyone think she really does like him, she was taking sneaky photos of him when he was in his trunks after all.

Agree it was nice to see Viv, even though it was a sad occasion, thought Ric would have given her a hug at least though.

And yes he did look good in his uniform.

I agree with Miranda re Leah and her suddenly going cold on Miles, it's only been a couple of months since Dan died and it would be just too soon for her. Miles has only just started thinking about moving on, thanks oddly enough to Jazz.

Mind, having said that, look at Sally and Brad!

And Mrs. Baker shame on you for revealing tonights events!! :angry:

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I think Belle is suffering from L.O.A.M.A. [or Lack Of Available Men Around] :lol: She split up with Drew; Ric is involved with Mattie and Viv; Lucas has left; Geoff is too young; Roman and Miles are too old. Aden's the only one left for her :lol: She's at that stage after leaving school when you suddenly don't have your gang of mates around and you have to go it alone :unsure:

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Yeah the bit when Melody told Annie was very misleading, I actually missed the part when she said she fought him off and we all carried on thinking she'd been raped. That certainly makes it less serious, still horrible but she'd have no chance in a court unless he pleas guilty.

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did anyone esle the scene where Ric and Mattie and Viv was throwing the flower petals in the water to say goodbye to the baby the music in the background sounded like a porn movie and didnt suit the scene at all :lol:

Exactly what me and my brother said! I half expected Ric to turn around with a moustache and a large wrench...

Apart from that though the petals were really moving, I just wish the music hadn't spoilt the moment

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Can't help wondering if Aden actually bothered to ask his supposed friend what had happened or whether he just laid into him, especially given that he was(falsely)accused of a similar offence not so long ago.(And by the very person who's just told him about Axel-how's that for irony?)

Christine's behaviour towards Melody proved once and for all that she just doesn't know how to be a good mother, despite what people keep claiming.She really can't go on living there after this, can she?

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^I think we're probably supposed to have forgotten about that and more be thinking about Aden's own abuse which I thibnk is why he's so upset over it.

I forgot to mention before but I loved the bit when Kirsty went into her old house, it was really moving.

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^I think we're probably supposed to have forgotten about that and more be thinking about Aden's own abuse which I thibnk is why he's so upset over it.

Yeah, I get that that's where they're coming from, I just find it interesting that Aden thinks he has the right to use his best friend as a personal punchbag on the basis of a second hand account from someone with a history of lying about those matters.He obviously doesn't care about Melody-he doesn't even like her and has probably done her case more harm than good by turning her attacker into a victim.The whole thing's a massive case of transference, brutalising Axel as a substitute for his grandfather and assuming no-one will care.Which worryingly they don't seem to;mere minutes after being rightfully disturbed by his behaviour Belle's messing about with him on the beach.

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From what Christine was saying, I would guess that she has had something happen to her like Melody had with Axel. I bet she tried to tell someone but was ignored and made to just cope on her own, so she probably thinks there is no point Melody reporting it. It will be interesting to see if Christine has a secret like that.

Ric with a moustache and a large wrench...! The mind boggles. :lol:

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From what Christine was saying, I would guess that she has had something happen to her like Melody had with Axel. I bet she tried to tell someone but was ignored and made to just cope on her own, so she probably thinks there is no point Melody reporting it. It will be interesting to see if Christine has a secret like that.

Ric with a moustache and a large wrench...! The mind boggles. :lol:

At least the matter has been cleared up, it was assualt not actual rape, which of course doesn't make it any less traumatic for Melody. Even if something like that had happened to Christine she should still back her daughter and besides times have changed since it happened to her and the police (hopefully) would be more sympathetic. Maybe, though, her parents told her not to report it for the same reasons. They may have not wanted to bring 'shame' on the family.

One reason for Aden not bothering asking Axel before laying into him maybe because when Axel came down stairs after everone had gone after the party he said 'Where's Melody?' Plus there could be other reasons why he suspected Axel of doing something like that.

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