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What did we think of Charlie then! Quite a dramatic entrance, though very stupid of Morag to be looking at her mobile while driving, think she would know better. :huh: Did anybody else notice though, that when it rang it was kind of tucked under the corner of her bag, she picked it up, looked at it, nearly had the crash, then when Charlie looked though the window the phone was back in exactly the same place as it started, which is nearly impossible isn't it?

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Even if something like that had happened to Christine she should still back her daughter and besides times have changed since it happened to her and the police (hopefully) would be more sympathetic.

I wasn't defending Christine,I was just making an observation. Of course she should defend her daughter. I was also hoping that she is not just a stereotyped 'too strict parent' character but someone with more depth to her character and a reason for acting like she does. We'll see, I suppose. :unsure:

I felt a bit sorry for Charlie- her mum's just died and her dad's gallivanting around town with another woman. However I'm sure Morag can look after herself if Charlie starts targetting her in some way!

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I can't believe how much Tony stuck his nose in, they're such meddlers on this show!

Yeah I thought Tony getting involved was a bit random - might have been more sensitive if Irene had gone around to tell Melody's Mum - I mean how awful for them both to have someone they don't know turn up on the doorstep with that revelation.

Not sure what I think of Charlie yet - not good first impressions - she was extremely rude to Morag and Ross and was acting more like a spoilt teenager than a grown up 'Senior Constable' or whatever she is.

I'm glad Kirsty is thinking of sticking around though - I'm really enjoying having her back - I thought the scene with her and VJ (he's so cute) today was a really nice touch - it made her realise how much she has missed out on in the Bay.

On a different note again - do security guards in Australia really carry guns? I couldn't believe that Ric and Larry were carrying them today.

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Plus there could be other reasons why he suspected Axel of doing something like that.

Well remember what Axel was like with Belle, and Aden made him leave her alone and told him to go sleep it off upstairs.

I can't believe how much Tony stuck his nose in, they're such meddlers on this show!

Yeah I thought Tony getting involved was a bit random.

On a different note again - do security guards in Australia really carry guns? I couldn't believe that Ric and Larry were carrying them today.

Hmm maybe, but he is the closest thing Geoff has to a Father figure in the bay and the obvious choice for who he would go and talk with about it.

Ye i was a big shocked when they had guns! Would it be thattt easy to get that job as seen as there are guns used, wouldn't he need gun training or something, rather than just one day training and a gun licence? And perhaps the fact that he has been in prison would stop them from hiring him to do a job with a gun.

Every time i see Larry, he reminds me of Sam Marshall who use to be in H&A (the one related to Donald Fisher) who use to surf all the time.

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@EmyKate68 The thought of Charlie being a high ranking police officer is ridiculous :lol: as is Morag anwsering her mobile while driving since she probably presided in cases of driving without due care and attention, oh well, the bay is a strange place. I like the idea of Rick as a security guard, lots of potential for good storylines, wonder how much gun training he's had?

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It was nice to see Tony and Geoff working together again, they haven't had enough scenes together since Geoff moved in with Irene.Tony blurting out the whole story in front of Christine was a bit awkward, it might have been better to have talked to Melody alone.(Which, of course, is what Geoff then did, with better results.)Mind you, Geoff and Annie have been telling everyone they meet so maybe there's a disease going around.

So...it is standard practise for security guards to just blunder into a robbery without bothering to inform the police or their superiors?Or was that just because Larry was drunk?

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I can't believe how much Tony stuck his nose in, they're such meddlers on this show!

Yeah I thought Tony getting involved was a bit random - might have been more sensitive if Irene had gone around to tell Melody's Mum - I mean how awful for them both to have someone they don't know turn up on the doorstep with that revelation.

Not sure what I think of Charlie yet - not good first impressions - she was extremely rude to Morag and Ross and was acting more like a spoilt teenager than a grown up 'Senior Constable' or whatever she is.

I'm glad Kirsty is thinking of sticking around though - I'm really enjoying having her back - I thought the scene with her and VJ (he's so cute) today was a really nice touch - it made her realise how much she has missed out on in the Bay.

On a different note again - do security guards in Australia really carry guns? I couldn't believe that Ric and Larry were carrying them today.

Charlie obviously doesn't know Ross was going to leave her mum, so as far as she is concerned he is getting involved with another woman two months after her mum died. She could also be worried (though she's keeping it well hidden) that he is the rebound.

How old is VJ? I'm only asking because Kirsty said he was only a baby when she left. She was pregnant with Oliver then and he is now three so how old would VJ have been?

Niggle point time. When Matty met Ric outside The Den for 'lunch', it looked like late afternoon going by the length of the shadows, yet when Ric and Larry where at the jewellers it looked like mid afternnon. I suppose it proves they don't film the scenes in sequence.

I didn't remember Ric knowing Kane when he was last in the Bay and how come Coleen hasn't stumbled across them yet!

P.S. anyone else agree that Jai has a crush on Matty? :wub: He talks to her and he then got that info she wanted printed out for her. Let's hope it doesn't turn creepy.

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VJ was born in the 2001 finale so when Kirsty left in 2005 he would have been three.(Not exactly a baby but you take her point.)

I can't remember Ric ever having any scenes with Kane(he may have done, I just don't remember)but he was definitely around for several months before Kane left so yeah, he would have seen him about the place.

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VJ was born in the 2001 finale so when Kirsty left in 2005 he would have been three.(Not exactly a baby but you take her point.)

I can't remember Ric ever having any scenes with Kane(he may have done, I just don't remember)but he was definitely around for several months before Kane left so yeah, he would have seen him about the place.

Thanks for that Red, I had a feeling VJ couldn't have been a baby baby, maybe a toddler. It could be Ric was just on the fringes when Kane was last in it.

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