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I suspect I'm a lone voice here but I really don't like the Aden and Belle relationship.It feels a bit too much like an attempt to replicate the relationship she had with Drew and I really don't think I could handle another couple that are arguing and breaking up every five minutes.

When was it established Tony had had a vasectomy?More to the point, when did he have it-right after Lucas was born?His wife died only a few months later and the implication's always been he was single for about fifteen years until he met Beth.

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I suspect I'm a lone voice here but I really don't like the Aden and Belle relationship.It feels a bit too much like an attempt to replicate the relationship she had with Drew and I really don't think I could handle another couple that are arguing and breaking up every five minutes.

When was it established Tony had had a vasectomy?More to the point, when did he have it-right after Lucas was born?His wife died only a few months later and the implication's always been he was single for about fifteen years until he met Beth.

I dont really like the aden and belle relationship either, but i'm not complaining abt the sight of his body in the bed yesterday, nearly fell off my chair!!!

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I think Aden and Belle look good together: they will certainly argue a lot and not be a boring couple :lol: I don't think Aden's unbelievably good looking though. I think he's weird looking: not meaning to be rude to him but I'm genuinely puzzled why people think he's good looking :unsure: Maybe its because I like dark swarthy types :lol:

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Like everything else with Rachel and Tony's relationship, the reverse vasectomy and having children idea seems to have come from nowhere! The way it was brought up today made it seem like them having children had been discussed in depth before - why didn't we see any of that? As for the timing of his first procedure I have no idea when that's meant to have happened - I don't remember him having it when he was with Beth and don't see any reason for him to have it before then :huh:

I don't think that Belle's relationship with Aden would be anything like the one she had with Drew - I never really liked Drew and Belle together and I never thought that they had any on screen chemistry. I think Aden's extreme personality (vulnerable and aggressive) makes him a very different character to Drew, who was never really particularly anything. Aden also seems to have a bit of a sense of humour which I don't think Drew ever had - and there's no question that Aden is completely gorgeous :blush:

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Funny, I was thinking that Belle was going for the same type of boyfriend again- Drew was vulnerable cos he was more or less deserted by both his parents and dumped at boarding school, and he was also pretty aggressive. Didn't he start fighting with Ric the first time he met him? And he was always getting into arguments [probably not as much as Ric and Aden though]. I think that's why Belle didn't stick with the gentle, sensitive Lucas- she prefers the troubled, volatile ones :rolleyes:

I don't remember hearing about Tony's vasectomy either. I thought Rachel was very presumptuous- she just announced they should start trying for children. She could at least have taken him out for dinner and asked how he felt about it.

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I laughed today when I saw Geoff's face when he saw Belle and Aden in bed together- I thought he was going to explode/ start shouting or something :lol:

I am starting to wonder if Irene and Alf are going to get together- they have been close lately :unsure:

Can anyone remind me what happened before Kane and Kirsty ran off together? The last thing I remember is them getting married [despite the fact that he raped her sister], but I think I must have stopped watching H&A after that for a while. And also, what else happened around that time? If it was a major character's death, that was probably why I stopped watching it :(

Kane's dad had come back to the Bay after being in prison. At first Kane didn't want to see him because of the way he used to treat him, but Kirsty persuaded him to give his Dad another chance. At first all went well but then his dad reverted to type and got Kane to go on a job with him. Later his Dad planted a gun on him and fled, Kane was arrested and then one of his dad's cronies lied about Kane's involvement. As best as I can remember Morag was his lawyer and it did look possible that Kane may avoid prison but he didn't want to take the chance, especially as Kirsty was pregnant so that is why they went on the run. I think I have got that right, but I am sure someone will correct any mistakes.

I know what you mean about Geoff, Aden didn't exactly look embarrassed did he :wink: All that protesting Belle was doing didn't work either. That kiss later though was rather lovely :wub: He made the first move, but then she made the second!

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Like everything else with Rachel and Tony's relationship, the reverse vasectomy and having children idea seems to have come from nowhere! The way it was brought up today made it seem like them having children had been discussed in depth before - why didn't we see any of that? As for the timing of his first procedure I have no idea when that's meant to have happened - I don't remember him having it when he was with Beth and don't see any reason for him to have it before then :huh:

The vasectomy does seem to have sprung out of nowhere, though I suppose he must have mentioned to Rachel at sometime as she suggested the reversal. I suppose he could have had it after losing his wife, he probably thought he wouldn't get married again and if he did it would be to someone who already had children (like Beth) and didn't want any more themselves. He would have no idea he would be marrying someone like Rachel who would like children.

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How dare Jack act morally superior with Irene about withholding information from the police? This is the same Jack who tried to set Cam up with drugs, stole a police file to cover up for Martha, kept quiet about his partner being part of an illegal gambling ring and taking bribes, helping drug dealers (pretty sure this is right don't remember exactly) to save his own skin, then waiting days before revealing his wife was a murderer. And he's supposed to be a cop :angry: .

I thought that and when Charlie appeared she mentioned the fact that he avoided the corruption charges, how did he manage that? When he 'resigned' McGraw said it was lucky he was because of the aforementioned troubles. He stole the drugs taken from Cam's place and gave them to the other villian to keep him quiet (I think).

Talking of Charlie I see she was being all I know it all again with Ross and Morag, though I can see her point about Ross selling her home. She may have not lived there for a while, but it was still her home. Wonder what Ross' younger daughter is going to be like? All sweet and loving on top, but a right little schemer underneath? At least Charlie is up front about her feelings.

Rather sweet when Ross just happened to mention in passing that he loved Morag, then after Charlie had gone she said 'and I love you' :wub:

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