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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Oh yes, I forgot to say-since when did Colleen become Kane's chief cheerleader?When he was first accused, she was the first one to start seeing "Ooh, I knew we shouldn't have trusted him."

You know Coleen, changes her mind about people like other people change their socks.

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I think it's mostly right but there were just a couple of things.

1. He didn't actually get Kane to go on the job with him. He did the job, it went wrong then he called Kane to pick him up. He only told Kane about the job when they were driving back in the car shortly before they were pulled over by the cops for speeding.

2. The person who lied about Kane's involvement was actually someone Gus owed money to which is why I think he did the job in the first place. I'm not quite sure what Greg Harvey stood to gain by lying about Kane in court.

I laughed today when I saw Geoff's face when he saw Belle and Aden in bed together- I thought he was going to explode/ start shouting or something :lol:

I am starting to wonder if Irene and Alf are going to get together- they have been close lately :unsure:

Can anyone remind me what happened before Kane and Kirsty ran off together? The last thing I remember is them getting married [despite the fact that he raped her sister], but I think I must have stopped watching H&A after that for a while. And also, what else happened around that time? If it was a major character's death, that was probably why I stopped watching it :(

Kane's dad had come back to the Bay after being in prison. At first Kane didn't want to see him because of the way he used to treat him, but Kirsty persuaded him to give his Dad another chance. At first all went well but then his dad reverted to type and got Kane to go on a job with him. Later his Dad planted a gun on him and fled, Kane was arrested and then one of his dad's cronies lied about Kane's involvement. As best as I can remember Morag was his lawyer and it did look possible that Kane may avoid prison but he didn't want to take the chance, especially as Kirsty was pregnant so that is why they went on the run. I think I have got that right, but I am sure someone will correct any mistakes.

I know what you mean about Geoff, Aden didn't exactly look embarrassed did he :wink: All that protesting Belle was doing didn't work either. That kiss later though was rather lovely :wub: He made the first move, but then she made the second!

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Oh yes, I forgot to say-since when did Colleen become Kane's chief cheerleader?When he was first accused, she was the first one to start seeing "Ooh, I knew we shouldn't have trusted him."

You know Coleen, changes her mind about people like other people change their socks.

I might be wrong but I think I remember Colleen being there for Kane during his cancer storyline a few years back. Although I remember her slagging him off a while after that.

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Yes they did as Coleen had been through the same thing.

As I said before Jai has a crush on Matty :wub:

Roman certainly hit a nerve with Charlie, she went very quiet when he finished.

Thanks Slade I knew my memory was a bit foggy with the Kane and his dad storyline. :unsure:

Good for Melody having a go at Axel in front of his mates and well done Martin for sticking up for her. It certainly did the trick as we know because he then went and fessed up.

I'm assuming Christine must have dropped the charges against Geoff (though nothing as been said) as Melody was around Irene's alone with him.

Did anybody else notice that after Geoff had told her about Axel's confession and then went and hugged her she went a bit tense? Although they have only kissed a couple of times I have a feeling she won't feel as relaxed with him as she did before.

I see Morag STILL isn't on the opening credits, or for that matter on the cast list of this site yet Ross is and he is a new comer :angry2: ! What is going on people come on get Morag (Cornelia Francis) where she belongs.

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If you recall, that was the whole point.Kane and Colleen had been close but then when he was arrested she automatically assumed he was guilty and she had been wrong.I remember Irene saying that if even Colleen didn't believe him he wouldn't have much chance with a jury.

Ross isn't on the opening credits...or did I misunderstand you there?The last addition was Jai and Ross is still listed as a guest star.

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Yay!Wayne Paygram as the police prosecutor!That's one for Farscape fans.Or possibly Star Wars fans. Or, for Home and Away fans with long memories, he was Woody's dad back in 2001.

Where exactly is Kirsty sleeping?Last I checked that house only had four bedrooms which were given to Irene, Belle, Geoff and Annie.Is she sharing with someone, is she on the sofa or have they kicked Geoff out of his room?(They could probably squeeze Ollie in without too many problems.He's only little.)

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Thanks H&A lover and Slade for the info about Kirsty and Kane :) One more question: what else happened around the same time? If it was the death of a major character, maybe that was why I wasn't watchin g the show :unsure:

And the eternal question pops up about the sizes of houses... I think we should just accept that all the houses in Summer Bay are Tardises with infinite rooms! :lol:

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