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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think it marked the emergence of the infamous summer bay stalker. I can also recall Sally and Flynn having problems with their marriage at the time, as Flynn seemed to be working long hours and believe he was prescribing himself stimulants to cope with the shifts. To be honest I actually stopped watching it myself around this time.

Thanks H&A lover and Slade for the info about Kirsty and Kane :) One more question: what else happened around the same time? If it was the death of a major character, maybe that was why I wasn't watchin g the show :unsure:

And the eternal question pops up about the sizes of houses... I think we should just accept that all the houses in Summer Bay are Tardises with infinite rooms! :lol:

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Good for Melody having a go at Axel in front of his mates and well done Martin for sticking up for her. It certainly did the trick as we know because he then went and fessed up.

I'm assuming Christine must have dropped the charges against Geoff (though nothing as been said) as Melody was around Irene's alone with him.

Yes, she did good! More women need to do that to that kind of guy! And yeah I guess Christine is okay with him now, they didn't really say anything!

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Thanks H&A lover and Slade for the info about Kirsty and Kane :) One more question: what else happened around the same time? If it was the death of a major character, maybe that was why I wasn't watchin g the show :unsure:

The only major character death from around that time that I can recall was Noah.

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If you recall, that was the whole point.Kane and Colleen had been close but then when he was arrested she automatically assumed he was guilty and she had been wrong.I remember Irene saying that if even Colleen didn't believe him he wouldn't have much chance with a jury.

Ross isn't on the opening credits...or did I misunderstand you there?The last addition was Jai and Ross is still listed as a guest star.

Red, obviously didn't make myself clear, Ross only appears on the cast list on this site.

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Yay!Wayne Paygram as the police prosecutor!That's one for Farscape fans.Or possibly Star Wars fans. Or, for Home and Away fans with long memories, he was Woody's dad back in 2001.

Where exactly is Kirsty sleeping?Last I checked that house only had four bedrooms which were given to Irene, Belle, Geoff and Annie.Is she sharing with someone, is she on the sofa or have they kicked Geoff out of his room?(They could probably squeeze Ollie in without too many problems.He's only little.)

Gosh, I certainly didn't reconize him! I suppose though I wouldn't as he was human looking and not Scorpy.

Belle has her own room, Geoff is in the other downstairs bedroom, Irene must have one of the upstairs bedrooms and I'm guessing Annie is in what used to be Tash's. Perhaps Kirtsy and Olly are both in with Irene.

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Oh Kane. :(

Just think if he had stayed around for his original trial he could have been out on parole by now!

I had to agree with the voice over guy on Friday - just when did Kane make the call to the prosecuter!!! Did he leave the room between the scene when we saw him and Morag talking and the next scene?

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Funny, I was thinking the same thing myself.

I would imagine he would have got something like 6 years - out in 3 or 4. However, going on the run meant that he got to spend the first three years with his son. So he witnessed his first steps, first words and he will never lose that.

Although most hardcore KK’ers (I believe that’s the term that is used) like myself were very pleased with their original exit, in retrospect it was the wrong decision, a bad decision and one that has ultimately cost Kane his marriage, his child and meant the end for Kirsty and Kane :(

Oh Kane. :(

Just think if he had stayed around for his original trial he could have been out on parole by now!

I had to agree with the voice over guy on Friday - just when did Kane make the call to the prosecuter!!! Did he leave the room between the scene when we saw him and Morag talking and the next scene?

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NOOOO!They can't split up Geoff and Melody, it's against the law!I know she needs time to get over things but please can they get back together?Please?

Interesting that just before he leaves, for the first time since he came back, Kane actually seems like Kane rather than this little ball of anger and aggression, being properly noble and compassionate and actually trying to do what's best for his family.Although call me a cynic but wasn't Kirsty's speech in the court a teeny bit over the top?"He's a great guy!He'd stop and help if your car broke down!He'd dive in the water if you were drowning!He'd run into a burning building to save you!He'd give you both his kidneys if you needed them!"(Okay, I made that last one up.)

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I’ve always thought Kane’s character had a combination of both anger and compassion - Compassion towards people such as his wife and Irene but anger towards others that got on the wrong side of him (think back to all the confrontations he had with Rhys in the past who knew exactly which buttons to push to get him riled up). This was one of the reasons I always liked him - Such a complex personality. Nothing was ever black and white with Kane.

Yes Kirsty’s speech was over the top but she was desperate and to be fair he did save Max and Noah from the fire that time. Judging from the expression on the Judge and Prosecutor’s faces I believe it had some effect.

What bothered me most about Kane’s robbery (even though I still think it was out of character) is that until he mentioned it in jail to Kirsty, I felt that he didn’t show sufficient remorse for injuring Aidan’s dad. Yes it was an accident but it took place during a criminal act. And I didn’t hear him mention Larry once up until that point. Perhaps this would have helped his case if he said how sorry he was about this in court.

This storyline bears similarities to the 2002 season in several counts. When Kane told Kirsty he didn’t want to see her again it firstly reminded me when he kicked her out of the car i.e. the cruel to be kind factor because he felt she deserved better than what he could give her. Before he gave her his wedding ring he practically had to force her hands of his. Again it was similar to when she hugged him in the car and he had to prise her off. It was also reminiscent of when Leah went to see Vinnie in prison and he couldn’t bear to see her putting herself through emotional turmoil with each visit so he decided it would be best if she didn't see him anymore.

NOOOO!They can't split up Geoff and Melody, it's against the law!I know she needs time to get over things but please can they get back together?Please?

Interesting that just before he leaves, for the first time since he came back, Kane actually seems like Kane rather than this little ball of anger and aggression, being properly noble and compassionate and actually trying to do what's best for his family.Although call me a cynic but wasn't Kirsty's speech in the court a teeny bit over the top?"He's a great guy!He'd stop and help if your car broke down!He'd dive in the water if you were drowning!He'd run into a burning building to save you!He'd give you both his kidneys if you needed them!"(Okay, I made that last one up.)

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Where exactly is Kirsty sleeping?Last I checked that house only had four bedrooms which were given to Irene, Belle, Geoff and Annie.Is she sharing with someone, is she on the sofa or have they kicked Geoff out of his room?(They could probably squeeze Ollie in without too many problems.He's only little.)

Belle has her own room, Geoff is in the other downstairs bedroom, Irene must have one of the upstairs bedrooms and I'm guessing Annie is in what used to be Tash's. Perhaps Kirtsy and Olly are both in with Irene.

Isn't Belle in the one that used to be Tash's?Mind you, who hasn't slept in that room at one time or another?(Chloe, Kit and...no, aside from Geoff and Annie, that's it.)

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