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This week's the last one for a while I'm afraid.It's cos they're taking a break in Australia at the same time apparently.

Sorry folks, I know it sounds selfish but I'm relieved they are having a break, because I'm off on holiday abroad and was dreading missing 10 days of H&A.

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:lol: That was so funny when Ric caught Jai going through Matilda’s stuff. If that had been anyone else he would’ve knocked the stuffing out of them.

It’s early days but I’m not sure if the writers have done much with Jai’s character so far.

I’ve only seen her in a few episodes but already Charlie is becoming a pain in the backside (I'm sure she'll calm down).

Can’t wait for the summer break episodes.

It was rather sad as well in a way for Jai, wonder if Miles will mention to Matty why Jai has a thing for her (that she wears the same perfume as his mum). Ric behaved pretty well under the circumstances.

When Charlie was being so abrasive not only to Colleen but others she immediately reminded me of the way Morag used to be many years ago, perhaps that it why they don't get on, too alike!

Jack may be a 'bent' cop, but he does know the locals which is what he was trying (and failing) to explain to Charlie.

What brought on that kiss between her and Roman, not that he didn't enjoy it :blush:

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did anyone notice yesterday when Jai was in Matildas room, it showed downstairs and Miles was laying on the couch with bare feet reading a book then when they all rushed upstairs and were in Matildas room 5 seconds later he had shoes on hahaha! i'm sad for noticing........:-/

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did anyone notice yesterday when Jai was in Matildas room, it showed downstairs and Miles was laying on the couch with bare feet reading a book then when they all rushed upstairs and were in Matildas room 5 seconds later he had shoes on hahaha! i'm sad for noticing........:-/

I didnt notice that but I did laugh at how down in the lounge u could hear everything that Ric and Jai were saying up in the bedroom as if they were in the room with you, and usually on h&a u have two people in the same room as someone else talking about the someone else and you're meant to believe that the someone else can't hear when they're saying!! Like today when Roman & Martha were talking about the baby as loud as anything in the hospital room with Jack just outside!

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Where exactly is Kirsty sleeping?Last I checked that house only had four bedrooms which were given to Irene, Belle, Geoff and Annie.Is she sharing with someone, is she on the sofa or have they kicked Geoff out of his room?(They could probably squeeze Ollie in without too many problems.He's only little.)

Belle has her own room, Geoff is in the other downstairs bedroom, Irene must have one of the upstairs bedrooms and I'm guessing Annie is in what used to be Tash's. Perhaps Kirtsy and Olly are both in with Irene.

Isn't Belle in the one that used to be Tash's?Mind you, who hasn't slept in that room at one time or another?(Chloe, Kit and...no, aside from Geoff and Annie, that's it.)

I think originally Tash did have a room upstairs then when she and Robbie got together they moved downstairs - don't ask me why.

I'll swear Tash was in that room when she was first living there-that was the room she was hiding Kane in and I remember her talking to Kit in there.It's kind of like the penthouse suite of the beach house-every time someone moves out the others all fight over who gets it.I think Tasha must have given it up when Kirsty and Kane moved in.Don't forget she and Robbie were living in that flat for a while.

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I’ve only seen her in a few episodes but already Charlie is becoming a pain in the backside (I'm sure she'll calm down).

I hope she does - she seems to have a split personality at the moment - one minute she's nice as pie and the next she's a right nasty piece of work. I don't get her at all.

Ruby seems like an interesting character, quite feisty and she certainly brought Nicole down a peg or two which has been badly needed!

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I’ve only seen her in a few episodes but already Charlie is becoming a pain in the backside (I'm sure she'll calm down).

I hope she does - she seems to have a split personality at the moment - one minute she's nice as pie and the next she's a right nasty piece of work. I don't get her at all.

Ruby seems like an interesting character, quite feisty and she certainly brought Nicole down a peg or two which has been badly needed!

Didn't you just know that when Ross was describing Ruby as a quite girl, well behaved etc that he was going to have a big shock coming!

Why was Charlie having a go at Ross about how he didn't know about Ruby and Pat when she's been banging on that Ruby tells her everything - well obviously not!

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Ruby seems like an interesting addition, although she looks so like a younger version of Cassie it's scary.I actually really like her boyfriend-he seems a nice lad who genuinely likes her and is willing to face down her family when they're in full-on rant mode.Although the only reason for him referring to Ross as "Rosso" must be that he's deliberately winding him up.And didn't you just love Alf's reaction when he saw Ruby hug Morag?

Anyone else feeling sorry for Nicole?(Oh.Just me then.)The fact she didn't even have the energy to smirk when she saw Charlie sneaking out shows how lonely she's become.

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Ruby seems like an interesting addition, although she looks so like a younger version of Cassie it's scary.I actually really like her boyfriend-he seems a nice lad who genuinely likes her and is willing to face down her family when they're in full-on rant mode.Although the only reason for him referring to Ross as "Rosso" must be that he's deliberately winding him up.And didn't you just love Alf's reaction when he saw Ruby hug Morag?

Anyone else feeling sorry for Nicole?(Oh.Just me then.)The fact she didn't even have the energy to smirk when she saw Charlie sneaking out shows how lonely she's become.

Agree there about Ruby's boyfriend Pat, as Ross said he may not be the sharpest knife in the shed, but he does seem to genuinely care for Ruby.

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