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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I have just got back from holiday and will blend my comments together from the episodes i have seen first off I talk about Kristy i get she's been on the run but how could she not have a clue about email and computers she's acting like their alien to her surely she did them when just was at school

I did think that actually. Obviously it's one of those times where we just have to suspend disbelief because it's necessary for the storyline. Let's face it, in the grand scheme of things Kirsty's computer illiteracy is a lot more believable than most of what goes on in the show. :P

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The more I see Kirsty, the more I pine for some of the other characters. I would love to see Rhys return because on second viewing I quite liked him. He was realistic in his reactions to everything that was thrown at him but I hated the way he was written out.

Ditto. To be honest I never thought Michael was a very good actor but the character of Rhys was written very well, except of course for his exit. On reflection I do think Rhys and Shelley belonged together but for him to cheat on Beth and break her heart so badly was totally out of character. Surely it could have been done some other way?

I'd really, really love to see Rhys and Shelley return to see Kirsty and Ollie. Tammin I can live without - I love her to bits but I've long since accepted that she's unlikely to return. Jade always annoyed me but it would still be brilliant to see the interaction between her and Kirsty and how their relationship has changed after all this time.

Ooh ooh! What about Dylan?! Now him I'd pay to see. :wink:

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Okay, hang on, last episode Roman and Charlie left Ross and Morag alone at the Diner(implictly going back to his place)and told them to pull the door closed when they'd finished.And at the start of this episode...they're suddenly back in the Diner?

Interesting she takes relationship advice from her fifteen-year-old sister though...

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Okay, hang on, last episode Roman and Charlie left Ross and Morag alone at the Diner(implictly going back to his place)and told them to pull the door closed when they'd finished.And at the start of this episode...they're suddenly back in the Diner?

Interesting she takes relationship advice from her fifteen-year-old sister though...

Must admit, didn't notice that but your'e right! So Morag did say yes :D, even though we never actually heard her. Let's hope nothing happens to spoil it, about time Morag had some happy times. Will Alf give her away do you suppose?

Ruby wasn't wrong though, was she?

Lovely scenes between Martha and Jack on the beach and then going back to have Rachel tell them the news they dodn't want to hear. I agree with Martha (not often I do that) Roman should be told, it could be his baby after all.

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Seriously, how much misery are they going to heap on Jack and Martha?!First she's pregnant with a child that might not be his, then she's got cancer and now she's effectively having to choose between her own life and her child's!The only good thing about it is that they do seem to be working well as a unit now instead of crumbling at the first sign of pressure.

I did, however, get momentarily excited at the mention of Doctor Wilson, thinking it was going to be the other Doctor Wilson.Sigh.It wasn't...

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My opinion of the JM cancer saga is not bad but I do think that they should have more scenes of Martha finding it hard to contemplate losing her baby before showing her breakdown.

And did anyone else notice the strange music in todays ep?

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