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Yeah weird organ music v.strange. I also think its mean they should alow J+M to be happy at least for a little while and it must've been so hard for the actress.

I don't get why Mattie wouldn't want a long distance relationship it seemed totally out of character after her sticking by him through the Viv thing. I spose it was just an easy thing for the writers to do but it seemed like a cop out, I hope it isn't the end of the Ric and Mattie romance they belong together! Maybe she'll come back for a few eps :wub:

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I don't get why Mattie wouldn't want a long distance relationship it seemed totally out of character after her sticking by him through the Viv thing. I spose it was just an easy thing for the writers to do but it seemed like a cop out, I hope it isn't the end of the Ric and Mattie romance they belong together! Maybe she'll come back for a few eps :wub:

I think the point is that Matilda has already put up with so much to be with Ric that she just can't take any more problems. I think she does desperately want to be with him but she realises that long distance relationships just don't work. I still have hope for these two though - funny how Ric's interest in the bait shop has suddenly disappeared now he's realised what he's lost!

I've been pleasantly surprised by Jodi's performance in the cancer storyline so far. The whole thing is being very well handled, but I still hate the idea in principle. Not only is it a step too far for JM in terms of melodrama (anyone would think there were only two characters in the show), but it's just too similar to both Steph's storyline in Neighbours and other H&A storylines of recent years. It's a shame really, as it could have worked brilliantly had the timing been better.

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I don't have a problem with the cancer storyline in general, and I agree that it's been really sensitively done so far, but alongside the paternity drama it's just too much. In my opinion they should have left the paternity stuff well alone - I haven't heard anyone (so far! :unsure: ) who is remotely interested in it - it wasn't popular last time round and even less so now. To really do a cancer storyline justice I think it should have been the only focus.

It's a real shame about Ric and Mattie - she was up for trying a long distance relationship a few days ago - so I'm not sure why she's changed her mind now?

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Although I sympathise with Martha (something I never thought would happen) by deciding not to have the termination (against the advice of the doctor) not only is she putting her life at risk but she also hasn’t considered how this will affect her nearest and dearest if something does happen to her. What good is having the baby if she’s not going to be around to bring it up? Even Jack said they could have other children. She said she was worried about the risks the chemo would have on her fertility but you would have thought the chances of her surviving treatment would far outweigh any possibility of not being able to have children again.

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Although I sympathise with Martha (something I never thought would happen) by deciding not to have the termination (against the advice of the doctor) not only is she putting her life at risk but she also hasn’t considered how this will affect her nearest and dearest if something does happen to her. What good is having the baby if she’s not going to be around to bring it up? Even Jack said they could have other children. She said she was worried about the risks the chemo would have on her fertility but you would have thought the chances of her surviving treatment would far outweigh any possibility of not being able to have children again.

Perhaps in the back of her mind she thinks this a punishment for having Ash's baby aborted and that is why she doesn't want one this time. Ultimately it her decision in the end, I'm Jack will stand by her if she says she is going ahead with the pregnancy.

Why did Jack have to tell Charlie the real reason why he was off, no wonder Martha got miffed. Then of course she unwittingly told Roman thinking he already knew then he tells Nicole :huh:

Methinks there is more to Elliott's brothers death than Roman is telling (isn't there always in soaps). Maybe Mark lost his nerve, putting the rest of them in danger and they had to shoot him. Obviously he and the others decided to keep quite to honour his memory and spare the family any shame.

I may be weird but whenever Nicole is on screen I can't really concentrate on what she or anyone else is saying because I can't take my eyes off her mouth, it seems to have a life of its own.

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So, exit Axel.I dunno, one Jefferies puts him in hospital, the other one puts him in the morgue.If he wasn't dead, he'd have a complex.

It's a pity in a way(and reminiscent of the equally arbitrary death of Lisa last year)since he and Jai were starting to remind me of Shane and Damian:the bad boy teams up with the quiet one and even though they keep getting into trouble there's a sense of genuine friendship there.(And just to rub it in, Shane also died partly because he was knocked off a bike by a drunk driver in a hit and run incident...)

Another one for old timers:Apparently Axel's mum was the second actress to play Terri Garner a decade or so ago.Didn't recognise her at all...

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They killed Axel. I was actually looking forward to seeing them develop his character and seeing if he could actually gain people’s trust back after being ostracised.

Oh well, I guess Jai’s got to deal with another death now. We’ll see how well the actor portrays him in this scenario.

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Sorry, but I have to say it:Just how stupid are Aden and Belle?Let's leave aside the number of opportunities they have to involve the police before it's too late(Don't stand there bleating, Belle, do it!) and move on to the bit where they find Larry about to do a runner...and just drive off and leave him there, expecting him to stick around for them to come back.Given that Belle was driving and there didn't seem to be any reason for him to go, why didn't Aden stay with him?

Another word on Geoff's dubious morality:He wants to help Axel's family(which seems well-intentioned if a bit naive)but then tells Annie to stay away from Jai, even though he's clearly hurting and needs a friend?And then Irene tells her the same?Good on her for ignoring them both.

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Sorry, but I have to say it:Just how stupid are Aden and Belle?Let's leave aside the number of opportunities they have to involve the police before it's too late(Don't stand there bleating, Belle, do it!) and move on to the bit where they find Larry about to do a runner...and just drive off and leave him there, expecting him to stick around for them to come back.Given that Belle was driving and there didn't seem to be any reason for him to go, why didn't Aden stay with him?

Another word on Geoff's dubious morality:He wants to help Axel's family(which seems well-intentioned if a bit naive)but then tells Annie to stay away from Jai, even though he's clearly hurting and needs a friend?And then Irene tells her the same?Good on her for ignoring them both.

I have to agree with you on both accounts

First point, why did they leave him in the first place. I mean, If Larry wanted a bottle of whiskey, fine, but why did they both have to leave to get it ?

Surely Belle is a big girl who could go on her own whilst Aden watched Larry

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Sorry, but I have to say it:Just how stupid are Aden and Belle?Let's leave aside the number of opportunities they have to involve the police before it's too late(Don't stand there bleating, Belle, do it!) and move on to the bit where they find Larry about to do a runner...and just drive off and leave him there, expecting him to stick around for them to come back.Given that Belle was driving and there didn't seem to be any reason for him to go, why didn't Aden stay with him?

Another word on Geoff's dubious morality:He wants to help Axel's family(which seems well-intentioned if a bit naive)but then tells Annie to stay away from Jai, even though he's clearly hurting and needs a friend?And then Irene tells her the same?Good on her for ignoring them both.

The reason they delayed telling the police was as Aden said to Belle he wanted to be sure it was Larry that was the hit and run driver before telling the police. But I do agree leaving him there on his own was stupid, even though he (Larry) said where would he go :huh: The way he tried to lay a guilt trip on Aden was typical of an alcoholic. Don't think it will be long before he is caught.

As for Geoff wanting to help Axel's family Annie was being more honest than him - Geoff was hardly a fan of his considering waht Axel had done to Melody. Even so he didn't deserve to die. BTW did he ever go to court for his assualt at all? The reason Irene wanted to stop Annie going to see Jai was because she was going to tell him who had done it when it wasn't really down to her to tell him, that should be down to Miles.

Morag and Ross get married this week which is rather quick, we haven't heard anything about any arrangements for it. Let's hope all goes well and they have a happy marriage. :D

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