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Jack is such an IDIOT. Just because he can’t deal with his own insecurities in regards to his relationship with Martha he has to take it out on someone else.

Jack is an idiot, Martha is an idiot, and the worst thing is that even Roman is becoming an idiot thanks to his involvement with them. I always said it was a terrible idea for Martha and Roman to get together. A great character like Roman who has so much unrealised potential was always going to be dragged down by being forced to play second fiddle to Jack. His relationship with Charlie isn't looking much better either - someone remind me again why they're together? <_<

Yeah, again, the problem is that everyone's wrong and yet their actions are perfectly understandable. They're all stuck in a no-win situation.Martha obviously finds it easier to talk to Roman because he's not as close to her as Jack is, which Jack doesn't seem to realise but then you can understand why he's not thinking rationally.And Roman is right to try and support her when she's coming through a difficult time yet, as she seems to realise, she's wrong to turn her back on Jack when he's trying to help.Mind you, there's no excuse for what Jack did.It was practically an abuse of his position.

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Its hard to argue with what has been written so far

Geoff is judgemental I agree, and considering he believes in god and the bible, really he is a bit of a hypocrite (whatever happened to turn the other cheek ?)

Annie and Jai should have told the truth, but it was obviously a mistake to stop them seeing each other. As soon as Irene banned Annie from seeing him, you knew that they would just want to see each other more

Jack was out of order by what he did to Roman, but it was understandable why he did it. I mean, what was Roman thinking. It was obvious that Jack would not like someone else hugging Martha (let alone the father of her unborn baby) whilst she is pushing him away. Charlie wasnt exaclty impressed with him either

I am eager to see what happens tommorow, Im expecting fireworks between the 4 of them

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Another thing that's been puzzling me:Exactly how far away is the hospital?Usually characters drive there yet Annie seemingly manages to walk the journey with a busted leg.

Not sure, but on the subject of hospitals, is Rachel the only doctor in Summer Bay ?

Whenever someone goes to the Hospital (most recently Martha) Rachel is always the docter, you hardly ever see any other doctors or nurses <_<

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Jack is such an IDIOT. Just because he can’t deal with his own insecurities in regards to his relationship with Martha he has to take it out on someone else.

Jack is an idiot, Martha is an idiot, and the worst thing is that even Roman is becoming an idiot thanks to his involvement with them. I always said it was a terrible idea for Martha and Roman to get together. A great character like Roman who has so much unrealised potential was always going to be dragged down by being forced to play second fiddle to Jack. His relationship with Charlie isn't looking much better either - someone remind me again why they're together? <_<

I agree I'm actually starting to warm to Charlie and don't get how she could be falling for Roman who yes is a good bloke but has been tied up in J+M's mess or angst with his daughter since she's known him. I would've preferred it if they'd just flirted for a while and got together later on

I agree Red ranger1 I'm so happy that M+R got a happy ending although i was v.sad to see them go!

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Today’s episode seemed more positive overall. There was some light-hearted humour between Kirsty and Miles (although I’m not sure what she’s playing at). Jack and Roman patched things up. It was good to see Miles and Roman have a man-to-man chat. I can’t remember when they last spoke like that. Charlie and Roman, hell even Martha and Jack seemed to be getting on a lot better. I liked Roman’s reaction at the end after he heard Charlie say she thought that she was falling in love with him whilst pretending to be asleep. Considering how Charlie was when she first arrived in the bay, the way Roman’s been neglecting her lately and the fact that they haven’t been going out for very long it’s hard to imagine her falling in love with him so quickly. It’s almost like a schoolgirl thing.

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Today’s episode seemed more positive overall. There was some light-hearted humour between Kirsty and Miles (although I’m not sure what she’s playing at).

I think Kirsty was just trying to wind Miles up, but it was a bit confusing as she obviously does have feelings for him. She ended up coming across as being quite provocative, which has never been in her character so it was bad writing IMO.

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I agree, I thought today's episode was the best for a long time.(And not a teenager in sight:See, writers, it does work if you focus on the adults.)I actually liked Charlie for the first time in ages, she did a very good job of getting Jack, Martha and Roman to see each other's point of view and sort things out.That last Jack/Martha scene was actually quite touching.The only thing I didn't like was those last few seconds...Charlie's declaration of love seemed a bit too soon and did anyone actually think Roman hadn't heard?

And...I love Miles and Kirsty!I didn't think I would, I didn't think it would work, but their interaction in that episode was hilarious, with lots of teasing and flirting, and if they can keep it up that would work very well.(Although I have to ask:Ollie spills something on Kirsty upstairs and she has to go downstairs, in her underwear no less, to get clean clothes?Doesn't she have a wardrobe in her room?) And yes, nice to see a Miles/Roman scene again.We need more of those.

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^^ It was a great episode, the Miles and Kirsty scenes really made me laugh. Although, why it's ok for her to flirt with Miles, when she played the 'I'm a married woman card - how could you?' moral high ground so strongly with Ric when he kissed her, I don't quite understand?

The Jack and Martha scenes were nice too - glad they sorted things out so quickly - in their past relationship those kind of misunderstandings would have played out for days/weeks.

Nice to see Coleen back too - straight back into her meddling ways with Miles and Kirsty!

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