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After that last episode, I just thought "Er...what?"The writers make a big deal about Aden panicking in intimate situations.Then Belle gives him that big speech about how there's more to their relationship than that and they shouldn't force it.And then, less than a week later, they sleep together anyway! What was the point?!

If he only started getting counselling after he and Belle got back together and there obviously hasn't been that big a time jump because Charlie said Angelo's date with Belle was last week, then that's one hell of a therapist...

I agree. I didn't like that at all. I think it would have been better if they dragged the whole issue of him not being ready to sleep with her out a little while longer. I don’t know how many sessions he had but I don’t think it was plausible how he was suddenly ready. I also think the writers were doing a good job of highlighting the effects this sort of thing has on people. And now I guess the emphasis will be more on Aden and Belle having fun (after all this stuff with Larry is finished of course).

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After that last episode, I just thought "Er...what?"The writers make a big deal about Aden panicking in intimate situations.Then Belle gives him that big speech about how there's more to their relationship than that and they shouldn't force it.And then, less than a week later, they sleep together anyway! What was the point?!

If he only started getting counselling after he and Belle got back together and there obviously hasn't been that big a time jump because Charlie said Angelo's date with Belle was last week, then that's one hell of a therapist...

I agree. I didn't like that at all. I think it would have been better if they dragged the whole issue of him not being ready to sleep with her out a little while longer. I don’t know how many sessions he had but I don’t think it was plausible how he was suddenly ready. I also think the writers were doing a good job of highlighting the effects this sort of thing has on people. And now I guess the emphasis will be more on Aden and Belle having fun (after all this stuff with Larry is finished of course).

I couldn't agree more, they've handled the abuse storyline so well until now why couldn't they have left it at least a few weeks?

I also think Geoff and Ruby would be a good couple she's bubbly and unjudgemental I' think she'd do him good whereas Nicole is everything he's supposed to be against, it doesn't make any sense, he's going to make a rubbish priest!

I forgot to say how moving I thought it was when Martha showed Jack her chest it bought a tear to my eye!

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I dont think the issue with Aden is far from over I think he still has issues from witch he has to sort his life out not only with being abused by his grandfather but with Larrry aswell I still think there is a lot more to come.

I suspect the intention was to show Aden and Belle all nice and happy before Larry turned up and threw a spanner in the work.I don't see why it had to involve them sleeping together though or Aden taking the crash course in How To Stop Being Scared of Sex.Especially since he then said he did it for Belle, implying he wasn't that keen himself, which kind of undermines her speech about there being more to their relationship than that.

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I thought todays episode was a bit silly

Take Belle for example. $4000 dollars in her bag and she just leaves it there. If I had that sort of money I am pretty sure I wouldnt let it out of my sight

Then Kirsty and Miles, what is going on between them. can Kirsty not see how Miles feels, it is so obvious

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Hmm, yes, How Stupid Are Aden and Belle Round Two.Firstly, why leave $4000 in cash just lying around in good old does-no-one-lock-their-door-in-this-town Summer Bay?Secondly, what exactly are they doing in the first place?Who cares if Larry's house gets repossessed?Aden's got no interest in living there and he can't sell the house as Belle suggests because he doesn't own it.Mind you, if they hadn't rushed the whole sex thing, then they wouldn't have left the money unattended...

Oh-and now Geoff's taking relationship advice from Ruby(or, to be precise, not taking it).Remind me how old she is again?!

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Hmm, yes, How Stupid Are Aden and Belle Round Two.Firstly, why leave $4000 in cash just lying around in good old does-no-one-lock-their-door-in-this-town Summer Bay?Secondly, what exactly are they doing in the first place?Who cares if Larry's house gets repossessed?Aden's got no interest in living there and he can't sell the house as Belle suggests because he doesn't own it.Mind you, if they hadn't rushed the whole sex thing, then they wouldn't have left the money unattended...

Oh-and now Geoff's taking relationship advice from Ruby(or, to be precise, not taking it).Remind me how old she is again?!

They do that a lot in the Bay (leaving their door open that is). I'm still not sure Aden and Belle have gone the distance yet.

As we now know it was Larry that took the money it does raise another question. How did he know she had that much money on her. Was he hiding at his house and heard her say she was going to get it? Also it is usual pratice in Oz to hand over $4000 in cash to a young girl - Belle is what 17 or 18?

It seems Nicole is showing signs of growing up by telling Elliott she doesn't want to see him.

So it is only two weeks since Alf asked Elliott to work in the bait shop, but why him, he's only been in the Bay five minutes.

Did anybody else hear the goof the voice over guy made. He said 'Alf Stewart isn't the type to have the wool pulled over his eyes, but Jai manages to'.

Ruby may be young but she seems pretty sharp when it comes to relationships.

BTW wasn't Nicole supposed to have a punishment imposed on her because of what she got up to at camp? The board even got involved, but she is back at school as if nothing had happened.

This week Larry reveals a dark family secret to Aden. Any guesses as to what it could be - terrible disease, His mum was murdered, he isn't his Dad.

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Yeah, I don't know many banks that would hand over that much money to anyone, no matter what age they are.I'm assuming Belle's either eighteen or nineteen given she left school at the end of last year.

Ruby really is setting herself up as the relationship guru of Summer Bay, despite only being fifteen. Which makes sense where Geoff and Annie are concerned, since neither of them are particularly experienced, although the fact she appears to know more than Charlie means either she's a really smart fifteen year old or Charlie hasn't had a lot to do with men.(I'm betting the latter...)

What the hell is Aden playing at?He finds his dad collapsed at the house but seems to take an age before even considering calling the police or an ambulance.As with the way he completely failed to stop him running away in the first place, both his moral compass and his sense of sanity seem to have gone on a long trip.(And it's pretty obvious he and Belle have gone "all the way", probably at least twice.His last comment before they cut away was that he wasn't going to need to stop this time, while clearly starting to undress her, and her first comment when they cut back is "So what was different this time?")Doesn't really say much for the police either, that they're supposedly out searching for Larry and haven't bothered to check his house.

And did anyone else feel like throttling Irene?She really does seem to be channelling Christine Jones at the moment, going on about Annie being secretive and not talking to her.Yes, Irene, that's because she's a teenager.At least Miles is starting to think about what's in Jai's interests at last.That accident at the end could be the wake up call he needs to get off his invincible kick.

And regarding Nicole and the school camp, I seem to remember Roman reminding her she'd been allowed back at school on condition she behaved herself.

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