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I can't believe Tony - his wife to be has gone missing - yet he decides to run off in a strop without so much as waiting to find out what has definitely happened to her and without even taking his mobile phone!

Ok so there was one email from Hugh - but no evidence Rachel ever replied to it - and surely the fact that she was being practically stalked by a mentally ill patient (even if he denied involvement) should have been more of a concern!!

It's completely ridiculous - he's not the sort of person to go off without finding out for sure if she is ok and surely if he knew her at all he would know that she wouldn't leave him at the altar after the fuss she made about Sally standing up her brother! :angry:

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Red Ranger - Martha is away with Jack, are they going to be back in time for the wedding, which is supposed to be today?

Actually, Jack was at Tony's bucks night so they obviously came back beforehand.Which does raise the question of whether she was in bed when they were all drinking and watching footy in the front room.

I can't believe Tony - his wife to be has gone missing - yet he decides to run off in a strop without so much as waiting to find out what has definitely happened to her and without even taking his mobile phone!

Ok so there was one email from Hugh - but no evidence Rachel ever replied to it - and surely the fact that she was being practically stalked by a mentally ill patient (even if he denied involvement) should have been more of a concern!!

It's completely ridiculous - he's not the sort of person to go off without finding out for sure if she is ok and surely if he knew her at all he would know that she wouldn't leave him at the altar after the fuss she made about Sally standing up her brother! :angry:

I agree entirely, Tony's reaction just didn't ring true.Both he and Leah seemed to be jumping to the worst possible conclusion about Rachel based on zero evidence.If she did have cold feet about the wedding, she would have spoken to them about it, not just gone off.She has disappeared, no note, no trace nothing, and Jack seems to be the only one who's actually worried about her.His explanation about her packing for her honeymoon seems entirely plausible and it's pretty obvious something has happened to her.

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Tony just annoys me and I cant warm to Tony and Rachel together as well. If I had been in his shoes I would have done everything possible to find my fiance not just swan out of town. He doesnt come across to me as someone who truly cares about Rachel and I think that will be the downfal of Tachel.

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I can't believe Tony - his wife to be has gone missing - yet he decides to run off in a strop without so much as waiting to find out what has definitely happened to her and without even taking his mobile phone!

Yes, it's not Tony's finest hour. Okay, so he's heartbroken because Rachel is missing and he thinks she's left him for Hugh, but what if she turned up and no one could get in contact with him? I'm a huge HotDad fan, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he does and leaving as soon as he did was not a smart move.

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Red Ranger - Martha is away with Jack, are they going to be back in time for the wedding, which is supposed to be today?

Actually, Jack was at Tony's bucks night so they obviously came back beforehand.Which does raise the question of whether she was in bed when they were all drinking and watching footy in the front room.

I can't believe Tony - his wife to be has gone missing - yet he decides to run off in a strop without so much as waiting to find out what has definitely happened to her and without even taking his mobile phone!

Ok so there was one email from Hugh - but no evidence Rachel ever replied to it - and surely the fact that she was being practically stalked by a mentally ill patient (even if he denied involvement) should have been more of a concern!!

It's completely ridiculous - he's not the sort of person to go off without finding out for sure if she is ok and surely if he knew her at all he would know that she wouldn't leave him at the altar after the fuss she made about Sally standing up her brother! :angry:

I agree entirely, Tony's reaction just didn't ring true.Both he and Leah seemed to be jumping to the worst possible conclusion about Rachel based on zero evidence.If she did have cold feet about the wedding, she would have spoken to them about it, not just gone off.She has disappeared, no note, no trace nothing, and Jack seems to be the only one who's actually worried about her.His explanation about her packing for her honeymoon seems entirely plausible and it's pretty obvious something has happened to her.

I remembered Jack was back when I saw last nights episode. Blame the memory loss on my age! :blush:

I thought I heard Leah say there were other emails from Hugh but she hadn't replied to them, could be my meory playing tricks again though. But even so it seems out of character for Rachel not to leave a note.

Is what Roman told Elliott the whole truth and nothing but the truth? I wasn't far off on my theory on what happened. Understandable he wouldn't want to believe his brother lost his nerve. BTW Elliott just opened the door to Roman's place, yet when Roman came home he used his key to get in :rolleyes:

It looked like Geoff and Nicole were having a 'date'. I think he'll be good for her, though she seems to have got over Elliott very quickly.

Nothing at all about Aden and Larry, hope they are not going to keep us dangling too long as to what exactly happened.

It does look like Miles and Kirsty are going to be an item, even if a secret one for now, though he has told Roman and she has told Irene.

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At last…Roman and Nicole finally bonded as father and daughter and for the first time (I think) she actually told him that she loved him and called him dad. I would like to see more of that.

Poor Geoff. He got shot in the leg. What a shame Elliot didn’t aim a little higher. He could have done us all favour. :D

Am I mistaken or is this the Olympic cliff-hanger episode? If so, although I enjoyed it I didn’t think it was as gripping and compelling as the one four years ago.

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Yes, that was the Olympic cliffhanger.I quite enjoyed it and although it wasn't totally special it had some good bits.I liked the relationship between Roman and Nicole, they were both so brave, risking themselves for each other.Even Geoff was brave and I quite like the thing with him and Nicole.The show could probably do with a scene of him apologising to Jai for the way he's treated him lately but I don't suppose we'll get one.

The Jack and Martha stuff was okay but a bit "Haven't we been here before?"The only thing that really annoyed me was the continued lack of concern about poor old Rachel, with Alf and Martha sitting there chatting about how terrible it was that she skipped town like that when we still know nothing.

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Yes, that was the Olympic cliffhanger.I quite enjoyed it and although it wasn't totally special it had some good bits.I liked the relationship between Roman and Nicole, they were both so brave, risking themselves for each other.Even Geoff was brave and I quite like the thing with him and Nicole.The show could probably do with a scene of him apologising to Jai for the way he's treated him lately but I don't suppose we'll get one.

The Jack and Martha stuff was okay but a bit "Haven't we been here before?"The only thing that really annoyed me was the continued lack of concern about poor old Rachel, with Alf and Martha sitting there chatting about how terrible it was that she skipped town like that when we still know nothing.

I totally agree about Rachel why would they all think the worst of her?It's just bad writing, maybe if they'd been building up for weeks about her talking to Hugh and being stressed about the wedding it would make a little more sense but like someone else said she was so happy and then a couple of days ago she became v stressed. I thought she was pregnant, having mood swings I was really hoping there would be a happy wedding! The Jack Martha one was so predictable.

I don't get why Geoff would be interested in Nicole she 's been so mean to everyone, I hope they do start making her nicer but I think they should have done that first and then had geoff fall for her as it makes him seem really shallow.

I wish they'd hired someone more threatening to play Elliot its as if a cute little Puppy's after them!

I thought the Aden stuff(is it Aden or Aiden?) was v.well played I just hope he doesn't go to jail!

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