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Actually, it was even weirder than that.When Geoff was washed up on the beach, he still had his T-shirt on but the next time we saw him, when he was wandering about looking for Nicole, it had mysteriously vanished.Okay, it was probably wet but it didn't seem like the best time to discard it.

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That's more like it! That was brilliant Todds such an amazing actor the look in his eyes was so intense! I don't want Aden to go to jail he's my fav character right now. I knew Rachel wouldn't have left Tony but I didn't suspect Aden for a second. I hope they show her being mad at Tony for thinking the worst of her. I can't wait ill the next ep, it's a while since I've felt that.

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That's more like it! That was brilliant Todds such an amazing actor the look in his eyes was so intense! I don't want Aden to go to jail he's my fav character right now. I knew Rachel wouldn't have left Tony but I didn't suspect Aden for a second. I hope they show her being mad at Tony for thinking the worst of her. I can't wait ill the next ep, it's a while since I've felt that.

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Poor Rachel, another day, another psycho.How many's that now?Although she did seem a tad "naive": She pushes past Aden, finds Larry bound and gagged and instead of thinking "Uh-oh" she just stands there saying "What's going on?"Doesn't say much for Summer Bay's finest either:Not only have they failed to locate a wanted fugitive in his own house but there's a missing woman they're presumably supposed to be keeping an eye out for in there as well.(And, Jimmy, it would have helped if when they questioned you you'd said "She was looking for some pills.I told her Aden might have them.")

It's worth pointing out the timescale of recent events:We last saw Aden last Wednesday and learn here he took Rachel captive that night.Thursday to Tuesday's episodes all cover the following day and this episode opens the following morning.Given that he was apparently expecting Larry to be dead within hours, you wonder firstly when Aden rang Belle to tell her he'd left town and secondly why he bothered-there doesn't seem to have been enough time for anyone to notice he's missing.

Another "punch me" moment from Jack-really didn't like the way he basically told Roman to get lost and leave them alone.Regarding my earlier comments, I wasn't just commenting on the recycling of storylines but on the way that both Martha and Kirsty were given a dilemma with no easy solution then nature took its course and saved them the bother.Anyone remember the Emmerdale storyline where the woman with cancer refused to have any treatment that would harm her child and, much to everyone's shock, died as a result?It's difficult to see Home and Away ever being that brave.

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Poor Rachel, another day, another psycho.How many's that now?Although she did seem a tad "naive": She pushes past Aden, finds Larry bound and gagged and instead of thinking "Uh-oh" she just stands there saying "What's going on?"Doesn't say much for Summer Bay's finest either:Not only have they failed to locate a wanted fugitive in his own house but there's a missing woman they're presumably supposed to be keeping an eye out for in there as well.(And, Jimmy, it would have helped if when they questioned you you'd said "She was looking for some pills.I told her Aden might have them.")

It's worth pointing out the timescale of recent events:We last saw Aden last Wednesday and learn here he took Rachel captive that night.Thursday to Tuesday's episodes all cover the following day and this episode opens the following morning.Given that he was apparently expecting Larry to be dead within hours, you wonder firstly when Aden rang Belle to tell her he'd left town and secondly why he bothered-there doesn't seem to have been enough time for anyone to notice he's missing.

Another "punch me" moment from Jack-really didn't like the way he basically told Roman to get lost and leave them alone.Regarding my earlier comments, I wasn't just commenting on the recycling of storylines but on the way that both Martha and Kirsty were given a dilemma with no easy solution then nature took its course and saved them the bother.Anyone remember the Emmerdale storyline where the woman with cancer refused to have any treatment that would harm her child and, much to everyone's shock, died as a result?It's difficult to see Home and Away ever being that brave.

O.K. I got it wrong about Roman killing Mark. I was close though.

When did Aden go on 'holiday' to his aunt? Belle never said anything to anyone. I know there was a lot going on with Roman, Elliott and Geoff and Nicole but it could have been mentioned in passing. Also when did Belle realise he wasn't away - was it because the storm seemed to be in two places at once?

Geoff's leg seemed to have healed up quickly, I don't remember him getting any treatment for it in hospital.

When Roman was thanking Geoff for saving Nicole and looking after her I was thinking would you still be saying that if you knew just how well he was looking after her :wink: On that subject I thought Geoff was saving himself until he got married seeing as he wants to be a minister!

I thought Jack was cruel to Roman as well considering what he had been through. Mind, Roman wasn't that nice to Charlie considering what she had done to help find Geoff and Nicole.

Rachel has always been too trusting and wanting to believe the best of people hence her problem with Jimmy. As for him not saying anything about Aden the police only asked him what he had been up to.

The woman you referring to was Alice (Sam's wife). H&A have deaths before, perhaps the script writers thought Jack and Martha had been through enough, she has lost the baby after all.

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Okay, I'd say the last thing Belle needs to do right now is to be with Aden.If they follow through on this properly, I really can't see how he can stay in the Bay.But as there's been no mention of him leaving the show it'll probably all be forgotten about in a few weeks.Can't help noticing the similarity between Aden playing judge, jury and executioner with Larry and him doing the same with Axel.Maybe if someone had done something then instead of brushing it under the carpet(yes, Belle and especially Tony, I'm thinking of you)this could have been avoided.

Nice to see Rachel rightly angry about everyone giving up on her.At least Leah had the decency to apologise.Tony had better be up for some major grovelling when he gets back.

Yes, H&A Lover, I was thinking that about Geoff's leg too;the injury just seemed to vanish as soon as he found Nicole.If they were doing what they looked like they were doing at the end of Tuesday's episode, that's even more out of character for him than it was for Aden.I could actually have believed it if it wasn't so abrupt;one kiss and, ooh, they're doing it.As for Jimmy, we don't really know what the police asked him but you'd expect a few questions along the lines of "What was Rachel doing when you last saw her?" or "Do you have any idea where she might have gone?"Then again, this is the soap police we're talking about.

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Okay, not for the first time recently I'm left wondering what the point was of the whole "who's the father?" storyline if they were just going to have Martha lose the baby anyway.

Maybe the point was just to give Roman one more thing on his huge list of things to worry about! Other than that I can see no point at all!

Aden's breakdown, hopefully won't be another pointless storyline to be forgotten in a few weeks. It's been great to watch so far, so I just hope they keep developing it in a realistic way (is that possible? :lol: )

Does anyone else cringe when they see Annie and Jai together on screen? I just find them really awkward to watch and I'd like them to have been friends for a bit longer before they became a "couple". One minute they don't speak and the next they're together.

Looking forward to seeing Tony and Rachel reunited though. Tony has some major grovelling to do!

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One other thing that's been bothering me about Aden's whole "pretend to leave town" plan.Roman and Nicole were missing.Now, I buy that Aden was more interested in watching his father die than helping to find them but why wasn't Belle just the teeniest bit suspicious about his apparent lack of interest? Maybe she was too worried about Geoff to notice.

And another thing:Why exactly did Aden take those pills?He never used them and never gave any indication he was going to do so.When he eventually agreed to let Rachel give Larry pain relief, he handed her her bag.Was he going to give them to Larry then decided he didn't deserve it?Because it comes across as a rather clumsy plot device to get Rachel involved.

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