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Can't help noticing the similarity between Aden playing judge, jury and executioner with Larry and him doing the same with Axel.Maybe if someone had done something then instead of brushing it under the carpet(yes, Belle and especially Tony, I'm thinking of you)this could have been avoided.

Yeah, I even remember a scene where Aden was talking with his dad and he said something like “What about Axel and his family?” and I was thinking it’s a shame you didn’t think like that when you beat him senseless.

I guess this stuff about the abuse is all going to come out now. It will be interesting to see how Roman and Nicole react to hearing this (although I think Roman suspected a long time ago that something was amiss) and to his attempted murder/holding Rachel against her will. You’d have thought that after what Roman just went through with Elliot he will almost certainly chuck him out but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Also did Nicole and Geoff actually sleep together? Do we know this for certain?

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Can't help noticing the similarity between Aden playing judge, jury and executioner with Larry and him doing the same with Axel.Maybe if someone had done something then instead of brushing it under the carpet(yes, Belle and especially Tony, I'm thinking of you)this could have been avoided.

Yeah, I even remember a scene where Aden was talking with his dad and he said something like “What about Axel and his family?” and I was thinking it’s a shame you didn’t think like that when you beat him senseless.

The line that had me shaking my head at the hypocrisy was when he said "You injured Axel and then just left him there."Yes, Aden, and you deliberately injured Axel and then just left him there.I always did wonder exactly how Axel's family felt about their son/brother being brutally assaulted and not telling anyone who did it.

Another point about the "Rachel's missing and no-one cares" thing.Leah says there was nothing more they could do.Well, here's a thought, Leah.You think she's run off with Hugh.You've got Hugh's e-mail address.You might even have Hugh's phone number.(Rachel said she rang him and she didn't know how to contact him when he left so it may well have been in one of the e-mails.)Why not try getting in touch with him to see if she's actually there?

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Can't help noticing the similarity between Aden playing judge, jury and executioner with Larry and him doing the same with Axel.Maybe if someone had done something then instead of brushing it under the carpet(yes, Belle and especially Tony, I'm thinking of you)this could have been avoided.

Yeah, I even remember a scene where Aden was talking with his dad and he said something like “What about Axel and his family?” and I was thinking it’s a shame you didn’t think like that when you beat him senseless.

The line that had me shaking my head at the hypocrisy was when he said "You injured Axel and then just left him there."Yes, Aden, and you deliberately injured Axel and then just left him there.I always did wonder exactly how Axel's family felt about their son/brother being brutally assaulted and not telling anyone who did it.

Another point about the "Rachel's missing and no-one cares" thing.Leah says there was nothing more they could do.Well, here's a thought, Leah.You think she's run off with Hugh.You've got Hugh's e-mail address.You might even have Hugh's phone number.(Rachel said she rang him and she didn't know how to contact him when he left so it may well have been in one of the e-mails.)Why not try getting in touch with him to see if she's actually there?

Aden had a valid reason (in his mind anyway)for beating up Axel because of what he (Axel) had done to Melody. Considering what he had been through himself it's probably what he would have liked to have done to his grandfather.

Quite rightly Rachel was angry with Leah, even more so with Tony for being so willing to believe she had run off to be with Hugh. If Tony didn't take his mobile with him how is anyone going to be able to tell him Rachel has been found?

It was a excellent episode last night though, Aden really is at the end of his rope, to his reasoning whatever the police do to Larry could never make up for what he allowed his grandfather did to him.

Was Angelo getting a bit too close to Belle, surely that is not in the police manual for treating victims of a hostage situation. :unsure:

I see Martin is being over helpful again as regards Kirsty and I think she is beginning to realise his motives may not be just friendly.

I can understand Jai getting upset and dashing out, but no way should Annie have followed him and left Oliver alone.

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Can't help noticing the similarity between Aden playing judge, jury and executioner with Larry and him doing the same with Axel.Maybe if someone had done something then instead of brushing it under the carpet(yes, Belle and especially Tony, I'm thinking of you)this could have been avoided.

Yeah, I even remember a scene where Aden was talking with his dad and he said something like “What about Axel and his family?” and I was thinking it’s a shame you didn’t think like that when you beat him senseless.

The line that had me shaking my head at the hypocrisy was when he said "You injured Axel and then just left him there."Yes, Aden, and you deliberately injured Axel and then just left him there.I always did wonder exactly how Axel's family felt about their son/brother being brutally assaulted and not telling anyone who did it.

Aden had a valid reason (in his mind anyway)for beating up Axel because of what he (Axel) had done to Melody. Considering what he had been through himself it's probably what he would have liked to have done to his grandfather.

Yes, Aden felt he had a valid reason for beating up Axel.And he felt he had a valid reason for trying to kill Larry.And he felt he had a valid reason for taking Rachel and Belle captive.Always be wary of people who feel they have a valid reason for thinking they're above the law.And it doesn't make him any less of a hypocrite for going all righteous at his father for basically finishing the job he started. Really not sure what to make of this.Rachel must be a saint for agreeing to help someone who, as she pointed out, wilfully attempted to take a man's life.Okay, he needs psychiatric help but that doesn't change what he did and there seemed to be a bit too much sympathy for him when he'd probably go out and have another go if he could.

Not sure what to make of Angelo.I don't have a problem with him comforting Belle but he does seem to be overstepping a few boundaries by hanging around her so much.There's a vague suggestion that she's fixating on him as the one who rescued her in the same way Aden's fixated on her.She should probably try and keep away from both of them.

And yay, Melody's back!Wondered what had happened to her, she seemed to still be living in the Bay but no-one ever seemed to see her around.Didn't think it would be because she was in a padded cell with a would-be killer as her new neighbour.

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I can't help thinking Rachel became involved in the Aden storyline purely to throw a spanner in the works of her and Tony's relationship. Maybe the writers realised that their relationship had moved too quickly (or just that, shock horror, they haven't broken up and got back together even once yet). But the whole thing was so badly done. No way would Tony or Leah have behaved like that.

Can anyone fill me in on when we last saw Melody? I can remember her changing schools and the whole thing with Axel, but I'm at a loss to remember what happened to her after that. Fantastic twist at the end of tonight's ep though!

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I guess I was wrong about Roman. I admire him for standing by Aden but was a bit surprised that he at least didn’t point out to him the seriousness of what happened.

I don’t know if it’s just me but I felt REALLY sorry for Larry. In spite of everything you can see that he’s not a bad person and even though he knows he’s going to jail for a long time and that Aden is unlikely to visit him and his own son tried to kill him, begged Rachel to take pity on him. This was what probably swayed her.

I’m glad Melody’s back as I felt she left with an anti-climax and believe there is stuff between her and Geoff that is unresolved. And with Nicole in the picture makes things a tad more interesting.

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I don’t know if it’s just me but I felt REALLY sorry for Larry. In spite of everything you can see that he’s not a bad person and even though he knows he’s going to jail for a long time and that Aden is unlikely to visit him and his own son tried to kill him, begged Rachel to take pity on him. This was what probably swayed her.

I agree, Larry came out of that episode very well, much better than Aden in fact.Roman tells Aden there'll probably be consequences for his actions.Let's hope he's right and it doesn't just get forgotten about.

For anyone who lost track of Melody, after she'd told the police about Axel and guilted him into admitting what he'd done, she felt uncomfortable in a relationship with Geoff and broke things off with him.There was never any mention of her going back to Summer Bay High so presumably she was still at that Catholic school in Yabbee Creek.The very last time we saw her she was standing on the hillside watching Geoff and Nicole chatting on the beach and looking regretful.

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