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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I like Aden, I think he’s a good character but I have to say he’s not doing himself any favours at the moment.

Firstly there was attitude when he was being assed by the psychiatrist. He came across as though he was better than everybody in that place and he was acting like he had no right to question him. He’s the luckiest person around at the moment as by rights he should have been remanded in custody.

Yeah he seemed to get his bad attitute back very quickly didn't he - last episode he was looking completely shell-shocked but now he is back to being arrogant! I did like him and Belle together - but surely he must realise she's certainly not his girlfriend anymore and can't be expected to be the one to help him after what he did. I'm looking forward to seeing some interaction between him and Melody though.

I'd forgotten that Melody had a Dad - he's just like how you would imagine him to be though - a bit weak and completely under Christine's thumb.

Loved Rachel and Tony's reunion - although I'd have liked to have seen his face the exact moment he found out what happened to Rachel.

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Aden was even more irritatingly smug than usual.Like his therapist said, he actually seems proud of what he's done.Edward was absolutely right to be concerned-why exactly has an attempted murderer been stuck in a clinic full of vulnerable teenagers with little or no supervision?I was looking forward to Melody's return and it's nice that they've finally, if extremely belatedly, shown her reaction to Axel's death but it's being spoiled for me because all her scenes have got Aden in them, annoying the hell out of me.

Geoff and Nicole...Could go either way here.Nicole might either laugh at his proposal or she might actually accept it because she's so desperate for someone to want her.I quite like them as a couple although if they do split up it might leave the way clear for him and Melody...

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Aww poor Melody! It'll be interesting to see how she and Aden interact and how Geoff'll react to her being in there. It's about time Geoff gave us some comedy, I can't really see her saying yes Ihope they break up as I like him and Melody together more. Is it just me or does it seem like Tony cheated on poor Rachel?

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What happened was that Ric accidentally injured Aden during rugby training and put him in hospital.

I thought it was Geoff that accidently injured Aden puttin an end to his career and that was why Aden hated Geoff.

Poor Melody thinking she was to blame for Axel's death. What ever Aden says about his own father being the one to blame she won't believe because of what her mother told her. No wonder Christine has been banned from seing her. Strange Melody picked Aden to finally talk to. Would Aden be under the same restrictions about telling people she is there In answer to whoever asked how many times has Rachel been kidnapped it's now three times according to her character biog, first by a young lad called Charlie, then Rev. Hall. She must have 'kidnap me' tattoed on her forehead.

You are not wrong Oipoodle, just wait and see later this week.

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So once again Geoff proves how annoying he really is. Aside from the fact that I felt he was harsh with Nicole, he sleeps with her then uses religion and trust issues as some lame excuse to dump her just because he feels he’s back in with a shot with Melody. He’s the biggest hypocrite around as he makes out how he’s a devout Christian who follows the word of God yet is one of the most judgmental people you’ll likely to meet (even though it says in the bible not to judge).

On the subject of Belle and Aden judging by the way she was with him it’s clear she still has a soft spot. Objectively speaking, if he plays his cards right she might (just might) take him back.

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I think this whole issue with Geoff and his religion has gone too far now I think most people have there own views on how they feel about sex befor marrage there is no need to shove it down our throats, espcially when you have had Cassie with child having slep with Henk.also Martha falling prednant to Roman before going back to jack done they prectice safe sex in Summer Bay?.

There thats my bit of a speeil for the day.

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What happened was that Ric accidentally injured Aden during rugby training and put him in hospital.

I thought it was Geoff that accidently injured Aden puttin an end to his career and that was why Aden hated Geoff.

Poor Melody thinking she was to blame for Axel's death. What ever Aden says about his own father being the one to blame she won't believe because of what her mother told her. No wonder Christine has been banned from seing her. Strange Melody picked Aden to finally talk to. Would Aden be under the same restrictions about telling people she is there In answer to whoever asked how many times has Rachel been kidnapped it's now three times according to her character biog, first by a young lad called Charlie, then Rev. Hall. She must have 'kidnap me' tattoed on her forehead.

You are not wrong Oipoodle, just wait and see later this week.

Geoff wasn't even in the show when Aden was injured.Tony had Aden thrown off the team for bullying Geoff which is probably what you're thinking of.And I was the one who, semi-rhetorically, asked how many times Rachel has been kidnapped:I make it at least five, since she was also held hostage by a debt collector named Jimmy Knox(along with Leah)pretty much straight after arriving in the Bay, then by the Believers when they tried to force her to deliver Tasha's baby.(As an aside, as someone pointed out elsewhere, Belle's now on three, having been kidnapped by Kelli and Dom.She's catching up...)

Geoff...Yes, he's judgemental.But he's also entitled to his beliefs, however unfashionable they are.I don't think the show's saying that's what everyone should believe but those that do believe in not having sex all the time should be respected.I don't think he broke up with Nicole because Melody turned up, they'd already fallen out before then.The problem is, in the one scene where they weren't arguing, they were so sweet together...And I always like it when Geoff and Belle have scenes together and that's two in as many episodes.They're a lot like him and Nicole in that in many ways they're exact opposites but they're clearly very fond of each other.

I will go on record as saying I found Aden less irritating in that episode.The way they were writing him in his scenes with Melody was how they were handling him earlier in the year, as someone who's not the nicest person in the world but is trying to do the right thing.But that scene with Belle...They really need to stay away from each other.She says he needs to concentrate on getting well but then offers to keep visiting him.I'm sure she means well and she probably does still like him but she's a distraction that he doesn't need.He practically seems to be sitting around waiting for her which isn't very healthy for either of them.

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I absolutely detest the way H&A deal was with Christianity! They always make people look crazy, illogical and their beliefs stupid and unfounded. I can't believe Geoff slept with Nicole for a start, a girl he's known 5 minutes (I hope she doesn't get pregnant, I can't imagine condoms aren't in ready supply on a deserted island) then he proposes! Waiting until marriage is a respectable and sane thing to do. They need to get someone on the writing team who knows somehting about it! Grrr! Anyway that's me done :P

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I think the scripwriters are making far roo much of Geoff and his bible bashing I think people want to watch a soap but with out all the oh I cant have sex until I get married thing and its about time they dropped it. I think if Ihad been in Nicoles postion I would have told Geoff where to go as well.

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I actually like the fact that Geoff has these views, I usually don't agree with him but it's a change to have a character in a soap with them. I also don't think that they're trying to preach otherwise the rest of the characters wouldn't be sleeping with each other all the time. I also like the scenes with him and Belle I don't suppose they'll get together but I think there's a sweetness there. I think she should have been clearer with Aden she's giving him false hope.

Nicole did my head in again uurrgh! and why do they keep dressing her like a 40yr old rich divorcee? She's s'possed to be young and fashion obssessed. I really hope she's not pregnant too that would be very very bad. Isn't she supposed to have pneomonia, shouldn't she have some symptoms or look even romotely ill?

Stupid Tony! I didn't realise Rachel had been kidnapped that many times they really need to come up with some new storylines for her, preferrably some happy ones!

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