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Martin Bartlett on a motorbike.I think we're in "extraordinary mental image" mode here.

Did Ruby's relationship guru status take a knock here?I don't really blame here for trying to split up Roman and Charlie, she was just looking out for her sister, but it seems a bad call and not really hers to make.She's quickly becoming the character who knows everything about relationships but isn't in one, hence her left playing gooseberry with Annie and Jai and making eyes at Miles.Angelo is fast becoming a sweet character.I don't have a problem with him apparently liking both Belle and Charlie, as the saying goes "Have you met a man?"It's not as if he's two-timing them, he's just putting feelers out and seeing who's interested.

We saw VJ!Okay, he had no lines and no credit but still, it's been months, I was getting worried.And Annie owns a bikini top?She really is getting down with it.I see that boy that put Jai in hospital is still around.What exactly was the "very severe punishment" Bartlett was giving him and his friends?Making them write out "I must not try to send my classmates to a watery grave" a hundred times?

And the-tramp-who-might-be-Vinnie's-father-but-probably-isn't made another appearance.I really don't think it's him.If Miles took him back to the caravan park, Alf and Colleen(and possibly Kirsty) would recognise him instantly.Mind you, maybe he didn't want to go to the Diner with Ruby because he didn't want to see Leah...(No.Stop it.It's not him.)

I don’t blame Ruby either but she still annoyed me only because I like Roman and Charlie together.

Angelo did go up in my estimation after that date with Charlie and he seemed so gracious when she decided to get back with Roman. He’s been given another chance so let’s hope he doesn’t blow it this time. And I see that Angelo and Belle are getting closer so it didn’t work out all bad.

I agree about Jai. I thought that kid who was picking on him and his mates were going to be excluded but at least he doesn’t appear to be hassling Jai anymore.

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Bartlett is really creeping me out I couldn't believe Kirsty let him give her a neck rub ick! As much as he's creeping me out I still feel sorry for him I think the actors doing a really good job.

I hope belle and angelo do go out it would be nice to see her with someone who treats her well.

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I have to admit Martin Bartlet is over stepping the mark with giving Kirsty a neck Massage and then inviting her to have a drink knowing she has to pick the shild up from the baby sitters, but not only that its the creepy way he goes about it I would have to resign.

On that point on them both having a drink, Kirsty then said she had her car, so she was driving to pick up Ollie after having a drink (and not a small one)! Martin also was going to drive home. I don't know what the rules are in Aus re drinking and driving but even so it was a silly thing for both of them to do.

I don't know how long ago that photo of Martin's late wife was taken but she looked a lot younger than him. When Kirsty was talking to Leah she said that she didn't know Martin had been married, but I'm sure he mentioned to her when she first started at the school that she died when their daughter was very young.

I had a feeling Melody was mistaken about her mum. I'm not saying she was deliberately lying, just that she obviously believed her mum was visiting her. Good to see Nicole was being nice again and no Geoff she wasn't jealous! To be realistic how was Geoff supposed to hid her from Irene and Belle.

Annie is going to get the wrong end of the stick after seeing Miles kissing Kirsty, cos she obviously thinks it's Ruby and who could blame her. Mind you, Ruby is quite a bit shorter than Kirsty, but she only had a quick glimpse of them.

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*sighs* - They’ve made Nicole good. I actually enjoyed watching her be a bitch to people. Don’t get me wrong I like her being good now but I just wanted to see her stir things up a little while longer. For the last couple of episodes she seems to have had a very sweet permanently concerned expression stuck on her face. And I liked the way she was with Melody when she found her at the school. For the first time she was able to relate with her and seemed genuinely worried. Just a shame it had to be ruined but that was unavoidable.

For someone who is supposed to be as messed up as Aden I’m not sure if I buy that he was able to make such progress after only two sessions of counselling (yes I know he’s had counselling before but none of that was to deal with the attempted murder). And considering that Belle and Roman told him that she did not want to continue their relationship I don’t think it was a good idea him waiting in her bedroom like that. He seemed quite devastated when he saw her with Angelo, which only reaffirms the point that she is a definite out-of-bounds in regards to his treatment.

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So, less than two weeks after trying to kill someone and less than a day after not seeming particularly bothered about it, Aden's considered safe to be allowed out on his own.Those are really good therapists they've got in Summer Bay.Or possibly not, since his first action is to break into his ex-girlfriend's house.(Irene really needs to put a lock on that window.)He still hasn't shown any real remorse in my opinion although accepting Larry doesn't deserve to die is a step in the right direction. And Belle and Angelo?She definitely moved into that kiss.That was mutual.

Not so sure what I make of Melody.Is she lying or delusional?I don't think Christine was watching Geoff's place but it's just possible she is obsessive enough to claim she's left the country and then sneak into Melody's room.Guess we'll see.(Oh-and nice to hear she's officially been replaced by Ruby as Annie's best friend.)

Not sure what to make of Nicole either.Her comments to Geoff about not wanting to be moulded are interesting but when you stop and think about it for a moment what she's actually saying is that she's incapable of having a relationship with a guy that won't sleep with her.Still, at least they're friends again now which should make for an interesting dynamic.

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I think Melody is delusional I hope they carry on with the character and follow her therapy, that we see her finally stand up to Christine.

The whole Goeff Nicole thing was stupid she's s'posed to have wanted somebody decent who generally cares about her now she's got him but won't date him 'cause he won't sleep with her, dumb.

They did a similar thing with Mattie to Aden, she had a breakthrough and was home pretty much the next day at least he was only out for a day but it is daft. Maybe they could've had someone tell him that Belle and Angelo went out instead.

I like Angelo and Belle together but its too soon, she was supposed to have loved Aden not to mention she'd have to get over what he did before she could trust someone again. I would've liked to have seen her figuring her life out and been single for at least a month or so!

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Well, Rachel was only contacting Hugh to tell him not to contact her but, yes, hers and Tony's reaction to Bridget is pretty extreme, if understandable.So Tony's now part owner of the bar?That clears up something I've been wondering about for over a year.It would be nice if someone would sit down and try to work out exactly who does own it these days.

I like Belle and Angelo and think he's a much better match for her than Aden.Except she's acting as though she's not really over Aden, which means it's not really the best time to be starting a new relationship.Aargh, I can't stand the confusion in my mind!

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