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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I do actually like Martha(sometimes)but I thought that episode painted her as a bit too saintly.The way she comes across Bridget, who she's never met before, crying on the beach, randomly decides to stop for a chat and offers to help her get a job was frankly ridiculous.The stuff between her and Rachel was better.

I’m not so sure. One of the things I like about H & A is the fact they try and change characters with flaws for the better. Martha’s been through a lot recently and I’m guessing because she almost died she’s seeing things in a different light now and she’s adopting the life’s too short attitude. I think it was plausible for her to go up and talk to Bridget on the beech as she probably felt that talking about someone else’s problems would momentarily help her forget about hers. She simply got Bridget a new job was because she had already been acquainted with Alf. Again the whole process allowed her to concentrate on something other than the cancer.

So what your saying is just cause she was away for awile thats it's okey for him to cheat on her so quickly , hey if there was love involved he would'nt reacted that fast.

None of this is Bridgets fault she did'nt know!

Tony has become a character thats unrealistic to whom he was at the start, i could understand his sleeping around after Beth died , grieive does that to people.

Theve turned Tony into a guy who has no morals.

Nope I’m saying I don’t care. I did say previously that Bridget didn’t know Tony was engaged when she slept with him. Rachel should just get over herself. If she’s forgiven Tony and they give things another chance then fine, she should put this behind her. If she’s not prepared to do that the I guess it’s relationship over. Better that, than subjecting the rest of us to her sanctimonious drivel.

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I do actually like Martha(sometimes)but I thought that episode painted her as a bit too saintly.The way she comes across Bridget, who she's never met before, crying on the beach, randomly decides to stop for a chat and offers to help her get a job was frankly ridiculous.The stuff between her and Rachel was better.

I’m not so sure. One of the things I like about H & A is the fact they try and change characters with flaws for the better. Martha’s been through a lot recently and I’m guessing because she almost died she’s seeing things in a different light now and she’s adopting the life’s too short attitude. I think it was plausible for her to go up and talk to Bridget on the beech as she probably felt that talking about someone else’s problems would momentarily help her forget about hers. She simply got Bridget a new job was because she had already been acquainted with Alf. Again the whole process allowed her to concentrate on something other than the cancer.

So what your saying is just cause she was away for awile thats it's okey for him to cheat on her so quickly , hey if there was love involved he would'nt reacted that fast.

None of this is Bridgets fault she did'nt know!

Tony has become a character thats unrealistic to whom he was at the start, i could understand his sleeping around after Beth died , grieive does that to people.

Theve turned Tony into a guy who has no morals.

Nope I’m saying I don’t care. I did say previously that Bridget didn’t know Tony was engaged when she slept with him. Rachel should just get over herself. If she’s forgiven Tony and they give things another chance then fine, she should put this behind her. If she’s not prepared to do that the I guess it’s relationship over. Better that, than subjecting the rest of us to her sanctimonious drivel.

True Bridget didn't know Tony was enaged when she meet him, even so it is strange that she followed him home after knowing him for such a short time. It does look like she is moving on though to Alf, did you see that look on her face when Coleen told her about Alf and his various business interests. PFA coming. At least Rachel seems to have got through it and is going to get back with Tony after her talk with Martha. I know this may sound awful, but I'm not sure Bridget has had cancer.

Lovely scene between Coleen and Martha when Coleen gave her the shawl to keep warm. See Coleen can be tactful and she has been through what Martha has.

I think there is something more serious going on with Ross and Morag - mainly with Ross. ( I do know, having read next week TV mags, but my lips are sealed). The clues are there though. How long was he out walking around by the way? When Morag got back from the diner it was still daylight, but when we saw him it was night time.

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One thing that seems to have slipped everyone's attention:Bridget knew as much as Tony.After she'd seen him with Rachel, she asked "Did she really not turn up for your wedding?"(or words to that effect).In other words, she found this guy drunk, found out he was supposed to be getting married but his bride had disappeared/apparently left him, took him home and spent the next few days in what one could loosely term a relationship with him, then, when he disappeared on her, followed him home and moved into a house near to him and his newly-reunited fiance.That's strange behaviour by anyone's standards.

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One thing that seems to have slipped everyone's attention:Bridget knew as much as Tony.After she'd seen him with Rachel, she asked "Did she really not turn up for your wedding?"(or words to that effect).In other words, she found this guy drunk, found out he was supposed to be getting married but his bride had disappeared/apparently left him, took him home and spent the next few days in what one could loosely term a relationship with him, then, when he disappeared on her, followed him home and moved into a house near to him and his newly-reunited fiance.That's strange behaviour by anyone's standards.

I agree, also about her not neccessarily having cancer.

I also enjoyed the scene between Colleen and Martha, as much as I enjoy her comedy it's nice to see her being softer and caring too.

I was glad too see Belle focusing on herself more although it seems strange that this bloke popped up out of nowehere, I thought that she only took photos for the paper but he said she wrote too?. It was nice to see Irene back too I've missed her!

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This is probably me being paranoid and/or reading too much into things as usual but Belle seems to be taking an awful lot on trust.That guy's story sounded plausible but he didn't have any proof of the accusations he was throwing about.I can't help thinking there's more to him than there seems.And what exactly is he expecting her to do anyway?No-one's going to print an unsolicited story denouncing the local council and a major corporation without proof.

It was nice to see Irene again but I found her scenes with Belle didn't quite gell, possibly because it feels as though we've missed so much.That's the first time they've had a scene together since Aden took her hostage so we don't really know how she feels about it.Even in that episode stuff seemed to be missing;when Irene comes to her room, Belle talks as though they've just had an argument even though we didn't see one.Angelo seemed a bit pushy when he was trying to talk Belle into inviting him in, although he redeemed himself with his cute act in the Diner and his breezy "Hi, Irene" on noticing her staring at them.

And I've got to say it:Just how short was Ruby's skirt in the first half of the episode?!She's definitely starting to remind me of Cassie.It'll be the bra top next.

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This is probably me being paranoid and/or reading too much into things as usual but Belle seems to be taking an awful lot on trust.That guy's story sounded plausible but he didn't have any proof of the accusations he was throwing about.I can't help thinking there's more to him than there seems.And what exactly is he expecting her to do anyway?No-one's going to print an unsolicited story denouncing the local council and a major corporation without proof.

To be honest I think Belle can be quite unusual the way she reacts to male attention in certain situations. She doesn’t act how most girls would. Let’s take Dom for instance. When he kidnapped her as you said the other day she didn’t even report it. Then when he came back on parole (from the stolen parts job), she actual seemed to feel sorry for him. It was almost like some form of Stockholm syndrome. When she was kidnapped by Kelli Vale, she willing went into a car with a guy she’d know for about 15 minutes. Then before her and Aden got together he kept climbing through her window into her bed (even though they weren't even going out) and she seemed perfectly ok with that.

Something I always wondered in regards to your posts. Do you watch each episode twice? The only reason why I ask is because you say you read to much into things but you always seem to notice things that most people (myself included) wouldn’t spot a mile off. I get the impression you are almost looking for continuity errors.

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This is probably me being paranoid and/or reading too much into things as usual but Belle seems to be taking an awful lot on trust.That guy's story sounded plausible but he didn't have any proof of the accusations he was throwing about.I can't help thinking there's more to him than there seems.And what exactly is he expecting her to do anyway?No-one's going to print an unsolicited story denouncing the local council and a major corporation without proof.

To be honest I think Belle can be quite unusual the way she reacts to male attention in certain situations. She doesn’t act how most girls would. Let’s take Dom for instance. When he kidnapped her as you said the other day she didn’t even report it. Then when he came back on parole (from the stolen parts job), she actual seemed to feel sorry for him. It was almost like some form of Stockholm syndrome. When she was kidnapped by Kelli Vale, she willing went into a car with a guy she’d know for about 15 minutes. Then before her and Aden got together he kept climbing through her window into her bed (even though they weren't even going out) and she seemed perfectly ok with that.

Something I always wondered in regards to your posts. Do you watch each episode twice? The only reason why I ask is because you say you read to much into things but you always seem to notice things that most people (myself included) wouldn’t spot a mile off. I get the impression you are almost looking for continuity errors.

Sad as it is, I usually only watch episodes once.I think it's a combination of carrying an awful lot of trivia around in my head and spending far too much time thinking about episodes afterwards and suddenly going "Hang on..."My brain's just strange like that.

Regarding your other comment...yes, Belle's weird.Not reporting Dom for kidnapping her probably had something to do with the fact she and Drew knocked him down with a car and left him there, but her attitude towards him when they next met was downright weird, visiting him in hospital and telling him she loved him so he'd have an operation.And Aden...I think most girls, if a guy they hardly knew climbed into their room drunk and kept trying to get into bed with them and cuddle up, would have screamed the house down.Instead she lets him stay in there.Same with him kidnapping her, you'd expect her to give him a wide berth, whether she considered him responsible for his actions or not, but instead she keeps visiting him and acting disappointed when he won't see her.I can only draw the conclusion that she actually likes being stalked.

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I can only draw the conclusion that she actually likes being stalked.

I actually think that subconsciously she just likes (or even craves) for the attention. Remember during her early days when she was trying to seek out her mother. When her foster dad came to see her they didn’t seem that close even though he and his wife brought Belle up. Perhaps due to the circumstances which they acquired Belle there was something preventing them from bonding with her emotionally. Subsequently Belle was missing something from her childhood. This would explain why she’s so close with Irene now and why she always seems prepared to forgive those that have crossed the line, as in spite of everything they have given her attention.

Just a theory!

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I can only draw the conclusion that she actually likes being stalked.

I actually think that subconsciously she just likes (or even craves) for the attention. Remember during her early days when she was trying to seek out her mother. When her foster dad came to see her they didn’t seem that close even though he and his wife brought Belle up. Perhaps due to the circumstances which they acquired Belle there was something preventing them from bonding with her emotionally. Subsequently Belle was missing something from her childhood. This would explain why she’s so close with Irene now and why she always seems prepared to forgive those that have crossed the line, as in spite of everything they have given her attention.

Just a theory!

You may well be right, it would nice if she learnt from her mistakes though! I hope Angelo treats her well, he was a bit full on which was a bit worrying.I was disappointed with the scenes with her and Irene too the Aden stuff was a perfect opportunity to have Irene back in motherly role.

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What is Charlie's problem? She made such a thing about Roman not paying her enough attention and now she seems to be the one backing away from him. Seems like she wants what she can't have and then when she has it doesn't want it any more! She was a bit harsh with Morag as well - so I'm glad Morag put her in her place.

I agree that Murray probably isn't who he says he is - if he really did work for the council surely (like Belle said) he would be scared to lose his job! It's all a bit strange - particularly that the council meeting to vote on the development was held in the surf club and attended by about 5 people :lol:

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