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What is Charlie's problem? She made such a thing about Roman not paying her enough attention and now she seems to be the one backing away from him. Seems like she wants what she can't have and then when she has it doesn't want it any more! She was a bit harsh with Morag as well - so I'm glad Morag put her in her place.

Yeah I agree. Charlie was definitely a bit harsh with Morag to be honest. When Ruby was speaking with Charlie in the Den she said the reason why she was backing off was because she didn’t want to frighten Roman off by being too dependent or clingy, which is understandable. If you remember a while back she told him that she thought she was falling in love with him when he was asleep (even though he wasn’t). I still remember his face when she walked into the kitchen after hearing that. He look almost mortified. He did seem to back off slightly after that and I think that’s when he wanted to keep things casual.

Initially, I was in stitches after watching Ross’s display in this episode but then I realised the severity of what’s happening. I’m suspecting the worst.

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I'm not sure where they're going with this thing with Belle.Her new friend does seem like a complete nutter and it's hard to take him seriously.I find it very hard to believe Alf's in on some sort of conspiracy and, fortunately, Belle does too.On the other hand, like Alf said, in Home and Away property developer tends to equal evil and that guy at the meeting was practically holding up a sign saying "I'm dodgy."But at the moment it's just a couple of people running around shouting "There's toxic waste, we're all going to die!" without offering any actual proof

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I'm not sure where they're going with this thing with Belle.Her new friend does seem like a complete nutter and it's hard to take him seriously.I find it very hard to believe Alf's in on some sort of conspiracy and, fortunately, Belle does too.On the other hand, like Alf said, in Home and Away property developer tends to equal evil and that guy at the meeting was practically holding up a sign saying "I'm dodgy."But at the moment it's just a couple of people running around shouting "There's toxic waste, we're all going to die!" without offering any actual proof

I'm sure Murray is genuine in his concerns but he does seem a bit odd. I'm not sure about Alf, although I don't want to believe he was involved in anything dodgy. I thought he seemed very defensive when Belle was asking about the dumping.

We find out tonight what is wrong with Ross, though I think most of us have already worked it out. I think Ross knows as well. It's such a shame just when we thought Morag was going to get some happiness at last. :( I'm so glad Morag decided to confide in Alf about her worries, instead of being tough and keeping it to herself. Charlie was unfair to Morag, having a go about not looking after Ross, what was she supposed to do -lock him in the house - he is an adult after all! He probably went out when Morag went to change. But it was probably worry, so I think I'll excuse her this time.

Also, I read in some TV mags Melody gets a visit from Axel, who according to them doesn't know that he is dead! Excuse me but isn't that why she is in the clinic :huh:

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Yep. My suspicions about Ross were confirmed – Alzheimer’s. The person I actually feel really sorry for the most is Morag. I notice they are trying to explore a softer side to her character. Although I don’t mind that too much I did prefer her when she was more hard-line – “That STUPID woman”. It seems as though she is never going to be happy.

Boy has Belle got it bad. I think it’s pretty obvious that she is still in love with Aden. Stockholm Syndrome revisited.

In regards to Adens recovery, I guess apologising to Belle and Rachel is a start although I’m a bit surprised Rachel didn’t withdraw when she saw him at the hospital to be honest. I remember the look of horror on her face when she saw him in the police station after he got arrested. I would still like to see some remorse for what he did to Larry and Axel but I’m glad people are trying to give him a go. The reason being a happy more settled Aden is a less harmful Aden.

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I think the toxic story line is just to fill in for time as it just dosent seem to be in the nature of Home and Aways storys ans as Alf knowing about it I dont think so just remeber the fuss over project 56.

Ross and Morag it seems a shame that they let her find happiness to take it away from her she has always been one of the back bone of the cast flitting in and out but any one needing help shes been there for them, but now we see a very unhappy morag, its just not on. all so Charlie is suppose to be a police officer is she thick a girl who knows her father dosent see a change in him all beit very slight at the moment and has the gall to go off at Morag, give me strength.

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Can someone answer something for me...a few days ago Belle mentioned that Cassie had had her baby. Was this mentioned at the time? I remember Miles saying something about the baby being HIV negative but didn't realise he/she had actually been born.

Yep he mentioned it to Kirsty a few weeks ago (I think) and it was a girl. I think he got a postcard from Sally or something.

Haven’t seen you here for a little while. Thought you’d maybe decided to keep up with the Aussie episodes. More and more Brits seem to be doing that now.

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Can someone answer something for me...a few days ago Belle mentioned that Cassie had had her baby. Was this mentioned at the time? I remember Miles saying something about the baby being HIV negative but didn't realise he/she had actually been born.

Yep he mentioned it to Kirsty a few weeks ago (I think) and it was a girl. I think he got a postcard from Sally or something.

Haven’t seen you here for a little while. Thought you’d maybe decided to keep up with the Aussie episodes. More and more Brits seem to be doing that now.

It was a text from Sally!

Yes your right it was a girl

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