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Wow.Poor...everyone really:Ross, Morag, Melody.I'd like to see where they're going to go with this, in real life Alzheimer's would take years to play out.I suspect Ross won't be around that longer for whatever reason but it's nice that they're handling it sensitively.I really liked the scenes where Morag told him about his condition and where he insisted on telling Ruby himself.

And...uh-oh, Christine's back.Yeah, that's really gonna help Melody's mental state.

As expected, Aden is back to normal in a ridiculously short space of time and everyone seems to have forgotten about what he did.Even characters who don't know about his abuse seem to have adopted a "He was ill so let's all be nice to him and not mention the locking-two-women-in-a-shed-and-trying-to-kill-his-father thing" attitude.He did at least apologise to Belle and Rachel, which he didn't have to do and which impressed me.But Belle...Oh, dear god, he's only just back and already she's giving him wistful looks.For pity's sake, girl, stay away.

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It was such a sad episode - really moving performances from everyone involved. I was crying buckets when Ross told Ruby - I think they showed really well just what a terrible disease Alzheimers is and how awful it is for the family and the person involved to come to terms with the fact that they are going to change.

Poor Morag - she finally gets a bit of happiness only to have it snatched away after a few weeks. I'd have liked to have seen a few weeks at least of her living happily ever after - oh well. :(

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As expected, Aden is back to normal in a ridiculously short space of time and everyone seems to have forgotten about what he did.

I don't think he's going to go back to normal too quickly :unsure: I have a feeling he's going to do something weird. But maybe that is normal for him.

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What a sad, sad episode, i have to say it had me in tears :( Poor Ross having to come to terms with this awful diagnosis, not to mention Morag, Charlie and Ruby. I thought the touch of Ross telling Ruby himself was very touching, its almost like he was admitting it to himself by saying it out loud.

I feel so sad for Morag as well, after all these years she has found someone to finally make her happy and now its going to be taken away from her :(

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Ok where do I start. Roman had me in hysterics the way he was having a go at Aden and Nicole although I wish they would give him better material. I feel as though his character has a lot of potential but they’ve turned him into a right misery guts. All he seems to do most of the time is sulk. He should try smiling once in a while. He and Nicole are getting on better than ever and things aren’t going to badly with Charlie.

Part of me wishes Aden had assaulted someone today (take that back). The same bully who could have caused Jai’s death a couple of weeks ago started on Melody for no reason whatsoever. Lets face it she wouldn’t harm a fly. Although what was Christine thinking? To enrol her back into the school in her current state is bordering on absolute craziness.

I actually quite enjoyed the scenes with Aden and Nicole. It seems as though they have moved away from the Nicole wanting Aden thing to a more sibling like relationship. I’m glad because before I thought there were times where he was sporadically rude to her to be honest just because he got out of the wrong side of bed.

I felt sorry for Kirsty at the end of the episode. She was only trying to help Melody. But this seems a classic case of sexual harassment. Now that Bartlett is suffering from sour grapes he is moving on to the stage where he will probably try and get rid of her.

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Home and Away have turned Roman into a real grouch I couldnt beleieve when he court Aden and Nicole playing around its just like there not allowed to have any fun.

Rosses diagnosis was terrible not only for Morag but for CHarlie and Ruby it must be a bolt out the blue, But why they have given Morag some happiness and are now going to take it away from her.

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I loved the scenes between Aden and Nicole, they were really sweet, i think Nicole is finally growing up a bit and starting to cement friendships :D

What is it with Bartlett, suddenly Kirsty's work isn't up to scratch and he's issuing warnings :angry: its funny how he didn't complain about her work when he thought he was in with a chance :rolleyes:

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I agree about Roman, he was quite a cheerful character when he first appeared but now, to quote janice514, he has turned into a real grouch.

No idea why though, he has a successful business, his finally getting along with Nicole and is going out with Charlie

I hope he will cheer up soon, or at least crack a smile

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I actually thought Roman was spot on and really liked that scene.Aden and Nicole were clearly in the wrong and it was particularly stupid behaviour on Aden's part when, as Roman said, he should be trying to make a good impression.I was actually looking forward to him getting a hard time at school. Oh well.There's still time.

I did like the Aden/Nicole stuff though.It's odd, just as I was wondering "Why aren't these two together?" they start stressing what a really bad idea it would be.Seems a bit like a case of "If you tell the audience something, they'll believe it."Getting ready to duck again here but...I've always thought they've got a much better chemistry than him and Belle.

Bartlett was way out of line with Kirsty although you get the feeling that it's almost a kind of reverse sexual harrassment.I think he hired her to do a job that she wasn't really up to because he fancied her and, now he's realised he doesn't have a chance, he's going to find it very easy to get rid of her.

Interesting to hear that Christine and Edward have split up.Wonder if we'll ever see him again?I get the impression he was very much against her taking Melody out of the clinic.Will Christine send her back to get help now or keep her locked up at home?I've always found Irene's attitude towards Melody a bit odd.As here, she seems to show a distinct lack of concern for her and keep insisting Christine's a good parent when she quite clearly isn't.Still, at least there's some people in her corner now.

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