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I liked Bridget initially and thought she was really nice but now I’m starting to think her behaviour is slightly dubious. It almost seems as though she’s too nice to be honest. Possibly quite fake if you ask me. And of course there was her reaction the other day when she heard from Colleen that Alf owned a couple of businesses and the fact that she’s been blatantly trying it on with him even though she barely knows him. Hmmm!

And what was Belle playing at? To be honest I’m not even sure if her heart was really in that protest. Towards the end she seemed to be carrying on with it just to make a point to Angelo.

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I liked Bridget initially and thought she was really nice but now I’m starting to think her behaviour is slightly dubious. It almost seems as though she’s too nice to be honest. Possibly quite fake if you ask me. And of course there was her reaction the other day when she heard from Colleen that Alf owned a couple of businesses and the fact that she’s been blatantly trying it on with him even though she barely knows him. Hmmm!

And what was Belle playing at? To be honest I’m not even sure if her heart was really in that protest. Towards the end she seemed to be carrying on with it just to make a point to Angelo.

I'm really enjoying the stuff with Belle and Angelo I think I actually prefer them to her and Aden.

I think Bridget's fake too I think she may have some issues, although I didn't like her to start with it's been nice to have some light relief. It seems a shame for Alf though he needs some happiness so I hope she doesn't hurt him.

I though they were going to do wrongful dismissal with Kirsty as he sexually harrassed her but it was fair enough him firing her. I'm glad shes not considering going back to work and realises she wasn't any good at the job.

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Yeah, I like Belle and Angelo too.He was really nice to her at the protest and gave her every opportunity to get out.And loved his sarcastic comment about Aden.

Kirsty did probably deserved to get sacked although she seemed to have an odd change of heart;when she gets back to the house, she seems really cut up about it but then she says she didn't want the job anyway.Although if she was having trouble making ends meet when she had a job, how's she going to cope now?

Not sure what I make of this return of Joe.It feels like they wanted to bring him back but couldn't get hold of the actress who played Lee so instead they've brought back Dane, given him a personality transplant and just left us to fill in the blanks.I wonder if Lucas and Belle kept their promise to stay in touch with Lee or just forgot about her again.

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I really don't like the way Belle and Angelo have been pushed together so quickly. I can understand that she's looking for a shoulder to cry on over Aden, but I don't buy that she's ready to move on to a new relationship five minutes after losing someone she loved so deeply, and in such a traumatic way. Actually I'm not sure about Angelo as a character at all. I do like him and I think he has potential, but he seems a bit suspicious. Where did he come from, and why don't we know anything about him? I could be wrong, but something about him screams 'deep dark secret'.

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Yes, obviously Belle is on the rebound and there is no doubt in my mind that she loves him (you could see it in her eyes when she first saw him after his was released from the clinic). Although I could never understand how this happened so quickly. They were going out all of five minutes and it is not as if they bonded over anything major. This is reminiscent of the Drew/Lisa situation where Drew was still into Belle when he started going out with Lisa. It’s all going to end in tears. I can just see it.

I actually think Angelo’s ok as a character. I wasn’t sure about him at first but then I enjoyed the teasing and flirting with Charlie and the date on the beach. He’s a lot better than some characters I can think of *cough* – Jack.

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I agree that the Belle/Angelo relationship probably wont work out. We know it, Belle knows it, hell probably Angelo knows it lol

It will all end in tears like Slade said.

Regarding Angelo, I dont really have a problem with him. He is not my fave character but he is not the worst. I just dont think him and Belle should be together IMO.

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I really don't like the way Belle and Angelo have been pushed together so quickly. I can understand that she's looking for a shoulder to cry on over Aden, but I don't buy that she's ready to move on to a new relationship five minutes after losing someone she loved so deeply, and in such a traumatic way. Actually I'm not sure about Angelo as a character at all. I do like him and I think he has potential, but he seems a bit suspicious. Where did he come from, and why don't we know anything about him? I could be wrong, but something about him screams 'deep dark secret'.

I also agree with you claire_louise that how Belle and Angelo have been pushed together so quickly... its really so surprising ....

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Yeah, I agree the relationship probably won't work out because of the way Belle's still hung up on Aden, which is a shame because I think if he wasn't around they'd actually make a good couple.

I do agree with you, and Im an Adelle fan LOL

But seriously, I think it will only be a matter of time before Belle and Aden get back together :)

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Belle irritated me today. I didn’t like the way she was treating Angelo at all. She was basically acting like he was a subordinate and not really treating him like someone she was going out with. Taking into account the fact that he risked his job just to please her, you can probably infer from that, that he likes her a lot more than she likes him.

Once again Rachel never fails to prove just how annoying she can be. Constantly sticking her nose into other people’s business. Yes granted that she was concerned for Joe’s welfare, let’s not pretend that her motives were entirely unselfish. She is no doubt trying to compensate for her desperation to have kids. Has she fought how she’ll cope if she loses him again?

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