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^^Yeah, I agree entirely with all that.Angelo continually stuck his neck out for Belle and she gave him nothing but aggro.I'm glad he pulled her up on that but it almost seems like a reversal of her usual relationships, in that he's the one that always seems to forgive her when she gives him a hard time.

And Rachel proves that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.She might think she's only got Joe's welfare at heart but she didn't really have the right to go around telling Dane what to do and effectively take Joe away from his family.

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^^Yeah, I agree entirely with all that.Angelo continually stuck his neck out for Belle and she gave him nothing but aggro.I'm glad he pulled her up on that but it almost seems like a reversal of her usual relationships, in that he's the one that always seems to forgive her when she gives him a hard time.

And Rachel proves that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.She might think she's only got Joe's welfare at heart but she didn't really have the right to go around telling Dane what to do and effectively take Joe away from his family.

I've completely blanked on Lee I can't picture her at all can anyone refresh my memory? I don't know how Rachel could've not got involved, after everything she went through with Joe before, seeing him so ill and uncared for I think she had to look out for him. And if she hadn't offered to look after him Dane may very well not have continued with Joe's treatment at least not until it was convenient for him. I was surprised that Tony wasn't more supportive.

I agree that Belle and Angelo aren't going to last as she's clearly still hung up on Aden I just think it's a shame as she's finally found someone who treats her well. And your right she's been pretty mean too him.

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^^Yeah, I agree entirely with all that.Angelo continually stuck his neck out for Belle and she gave him nothing but aggro.I'm glad he pulled her up on that but it almost seems like a reversal of her usual relationships, in that he's the one that always seems to forgive her when she gives him a hard time.

And Rachel proves that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.She might think she's only got Joe's welfare at heart but she didn't really have the right to go around telling Dane what to do and effectively take Joe away from his family.

I've completely blanked on Lee I can't picture her at all can anyone refresh my memory? I don't know how Rachel could've not got involved, after everything she went through with Joe before, seeing him so ill and uncared for I think she had to look out for him. And if she hadn't offered to look after him Dane may very well not have continued with Joe's treatment at least not until it was convenient for him. I was surprised that Tony wasn't more supportive.

I agree that Belle and Angelo aren't going to last as she's clearly still hung up on Aden I just think it's a shame as she's finally found someone who treats her well. And your right she's been pretty mean too him.

Do you get the feeling that Dane may not come back either with or without Lee? I'm still not sure about Angelo (Rissotto according to Coleen). Sure he gave her Murray's address, but we only have his word for it that someone deposited $20,000 in his account. BTW did I really hear Jack give Angelo a lecture about helping out his girl friend (Belle). Is this the same Jack that as Angelo pointed out got Martha off several charges not at least the possession of drugs charge :rolleyes:

Methinks Murray had already moved his stuff out when Belle first visited him, that is why he didn't open the door very wide. I don't remember Belle saying anything about him being fired by the council, but he said he wasn't fired he resigned. That is if he did actually live there. He couldn't possibly have moved that quick by the time she went back. The door was open did you notice?

It is possible that what he said about toxic waste may have been untrue BUT there have been six cases of cancer in the bay. There was Vinny, Sally, Kane, Coleen, Martha and now Joe. I'm not including Flynn as his was skin cancer due to too much sun and not enough protection. You could even add Alf to the list. That does seem a big proprtion of people in a small town. :o

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^^Yeah, I agree entirely with all that.Angelo continually stuck his neck out for Belle and she gave him nothing but aggro.I'm glad he pulled her up on that but it almost seems like a reversal of her usual relationships, in that he's the one that always seems to forgive her when she gives him a hard time.

And Rachel proves that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.She might think she's only got Joe's welfare at heart but she didn't really have the right to go around telling Dane what to do and effectively take Joe away from his family.

I've completely blanked on Lee I can't picture her at all can anyone refresh my memory? I don't know how Rachel could've not got involved, after everything she went through with Joe before, seeing him so ill and uncared for I think she had to look out for him. And if she hadn't offered to look after him Dane may very well not have continued with Joe's treatment at least not until it was convenient for him. I was surprised that Tony wasn't more supportive.

I agree that Belle and Angelo aren't going to last as she's clearly still hung up on Aden I just think it's a shame as she's finally found someone who treats her well. And your right she's been pretty mean too him.

Do you get the feeling that Dane may not come back either with or without Lee? I'm still not sure about Angelo (Rissotto according to Coleen). Sure he gave her Murray's address, but we only have his word for it that someone deposited $20,000 in his account. BTW did I really hear Jack give Angelo a lecture about helping out his girl friend (Belle). Is this the same Jack that as Angelo pointed out got Martha off several charges not at least the possession of drugs charge :rolleyes:

Methinks Murray had already moved his stuff out when Belle first visited him, that is why he didn't open the door very wide. I don't remember Belle saying anything about him being fired by the council, but he said he wasn't fired he resigned. That is if he did actually live there. He couldn't possibly have moved that quick by the time she went back. The door was open did you notice?

It is possible that what he said about toxic waste may have been untrue BUT there have been six cases of cancer in the bay. There was Vinny, Sally, Kane, Coleen, Martha and now Joe. I'm not including Flynn as his was skin cancer due to too much sun and not enough protection. You could even add Alf to the list. That does seem a big proprtion of people in a small town. :o

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I've completely blanked on Lee I can't picture her at all can anyone refresh my memory?

Okay, the brief history of Lee Morton:She was a girl with a reputation from school who Lucas briefly dated while self-destructing in 2006.Some months later, she went to him(and later Ric)for help while she was pregnant, after having an affair with one of their teachers, and in a panic, when her pregnancy was found out, she claimed Lucas was the father.(In fact, they'd never slept together, although she did spend a night in his bed while he took the floor.)Sally and Tony eventually found out the truth, the teacher in question was sacked and Lee was persuaded to tell her parents.She disappeared again for a while before going to Lucas and Belle for help just before she went into labour; her parents hadn't taken the news very well and she'd hooked up with Dane.She was planning to give Joe up for adoption and, although she had second thoughts after talking to Lucas and Rachel, she ended up leaving with Dane and abandoning Joe.Kim and Rachel made moves to adopt Joe but then Lee turned up, having broken up with Dane and been taken in by another family, and asked for him back.Rachel in particular wanted to fight for custody and probably would have won but Kim convinced her Joe belonged with his mother.Lee left town with Joe immediately after.

Was that brief enough?

I'm still not sure about Angelo (Rissotto according to Coleen). Sure he gave her Murray's address, but we only have his word for it that someone deposited $20,000 in his account. BTW did I really hear Jack give Angelo a lecture about helping out his girl friend (Belle). Is this the same Jack that as Angelo pointed out got Martha off several charges not at least the possession of drugs charge :rolleyes:

Methinks Murray had already moved his stuff out when Belle first visited him, that is why he didn't open the door very wide. I don't remember Belle saying anything about him being fired by the council, but he said he wasn't fired he resigned. That is if he did actually live there. He couldn't possibly have moved that quick by the time she went back. The door was open did you notice?

It is possible that what he said about toxic waste may have been untrue BUT there have been six cases of cancer in the bay. There was Vinny, Sally, Kane, Coleen, Martha and now Joe. I'm not including Flynn as his was skin cancer due to too much sun and not enough protection. You could even add Alf to the list. That does seem a big proprtion of people in a small town. :o

Yeah but turning that into a conspiracy theory is about as sane as the writer who suggested Albert Square was built on an Indian graveyard and everyone that lived there was cursed.I'm not really sure where they can go with this:If there's toxic waste there then there's toxic waste there, it would take years to clear it.Either Belle's wrong or they're all going to have to leave town(which would mean the end of the show)or there's going to be some pat solution or they're all going to shrug their shoulders and go "Hey, what's a few carcinogenics between friends."

If Murray and Angelo are involved in some sort of conspiracy, then...I'm very confused.There'd have been no protest in the first place without Murray, Belle would have given up if Angelo hadn't told her about the pay off...What's the point of it all?I think Murray was probably in the process of packing when Belle turned up but does that mean he was telling the truth and he's been paid off or the whole thing was a set-up in the first place?Belle rang up the council and they said Murray didn't work there but does that mean he never worked there or he resigned like he said?If he was a fake, that would surely be easy to find out.Think I'm going to have to reserve judgement until we learn more.

(Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb.I'm starting to wonder if maybe the whole toxic waste thing is a show and they're actually up to something else and set up Murray so everyone would be looking the wrong way.Guess we'll have to see if I'm right.)

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I have to agree that all is a bit suss abot this toxic waist cropping up, but when you think of all the people who have been sick in the bay tere could be some underlying factor, but trust Belle to go and wade in with her size nines and Murray didnt show I thought he was a bit suss when I first sore him and he never turned up to the council meeting.

I felt so sorry for Morag in tonights ep with Charlie haveing a go at her I think if that had been me I would have given her a clip round the lug hole, any way poor ruby as well and she seems to be taking it on the chin in front of every one but on her own shes lost and know one is thinking of her except Roman.

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Okay, he may have trouble keeping it in at times, but that continuity announcer was right:I wanna be Tony Holden when I grow up.I loved how sweet and supportive he was with Rachel and Joe, even though he'd been landed in it.

Oh dear, Belle's gone back to taking near-naked photos of Aden.Maybe it's a kind of mutual stalking.As ever, not sure what to make of Aden.Mentions of his court appearance aside, his behaviour seems to be less that of someone filled with remorse and more that of someone who's pretending it never happened.Mind you, everyone else seems to have forgotten as well.You really would expect them to be a bit more wary of him.Looks like he's been miraculously cured again.

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Oh dear, Belle's gone back to taking near-naked photos of Aden.Maybe it's a kind of mutual stalking.As ever, not sure what to make of Aden.Mentions of his court appearance aside, his behaviour seems to be less that of someone filled with remorse and more that of someone who's pretending it never happened.Mind you, everyone else seems to have forgotten as well.You really would expect them to be a bit more wary of him.Looks like he's been miraculously cured again.

Mutual stalking is a bit harsh, she only took 1 picture. Mind you, she might have taken more if Aden didnt see her ?

I also think your being a bit harsh on Aden. He has put the incident behind him and from the looks of it, so has everyone else. Would you rather he be sad all the time, lock himself away and not speak to anyone

I think he regrets what he did, but he is now moving on with his life. He made a mistake

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Trying to kill your father is a pretty big mistake.My problem is that the way people are reacting to him just doesn't come across as a normal human reaction.You would expect them to at least be wary of someone who'd acted like that, but instead everyone, including his victims and people who didn't like him in the first place, is just welcoming him back with open arms.It was good that he apologised to Belle and Rachel but, to my mind at least, he seemed to do it in a kind of disconnected way, as if he knew it was the right thing to do but there wasn't any real feeling behind it.And then he seemed to expect Rachel to just like him again, which suggests to me that he genuinely doesn't understand what he put her through.

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I never actually thought Aden was “stalking” Belle. Granted, he quite frequently turned up unannounced in her bedroom or even her bed for that matter but it’s not exactly as if he was following her around or giving her silent phone calls. And let’s face it she didn’t exactly tell him to get lost. Furthermore Belle was the one who started taking the pictures of him first, so if anything you could argue that the stalking was one way. BOY has she got it bad!

If she doesn’t like Angelo that’s fine obviously you can’t choose who your fall in love with but I think it would be better for him is she ends it now because he’s only going to get hurt. I can just see him telling her at some point that he loves her and then he’ll probably have his heart broken. And now Charlie is going to be watching him like a hawk. Nice one Belle. For someone who I thought was reasonable smart and perceptive you sure know how to keep your trap shut.

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