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I've completely blanked on Lee I can't picture her at all can anyone refresh my memory?

Okay, the brief history of Lee Morton:She was a girl with a reputation from school who Lucas briefly dated while self-destructing in 2006.Some months later, she went to him(and later Ric)for help while she was pregnant, after having an affair with one of their teachers, and in a panic, when her pregnancy was found out, she claimed Lucas was the father.(In fact, they'd never slept together, although she did spend a night in his bed while he took the floor.)Sally and Tony eventually found out the truth, the teacher in question was sacked and Lee was persuaded to tell her parents.She disappeared again for a while before going to Lucas and Belle for help just before she went into labour; her parents hadn't taken the news very well and she'd hooked up with Dane.She was planning to give Joe up for adoption and, although she had second thoughts after talking to Lucas and Rachel, she ended up leaving with Dane and abandoning Joe.Kim and Rachel made moves to adopt Joe but then Lee turned up, having broken up with Dane and been taken in by another family, and asked for him back.Rachel in particular wanted to fight for custody and probably would have won but Kim convinced her Joe belonged with his mother.Lee left town with Joe immediately after.

Was that brief enough?

Thanks v.much you are the font of all knowledge!

I actually thought Aden was being v.sweet with Belle in the diner, in the past he would've flirted shamelessly with her and goaded Angelo but instead he covered for her and was respectful. I also think he meant what he said to Rachel. The thing I'm wondering with him is if he's given up, we haven't heard him arranging another lawyer or anything and now that he's realised what he did was wrong maybe he thinks he deserves jail. As for the other characters behavoir towards him they've always been v.forgiving of all the various crimes that have been committed over the years, although it would've been good to see Colleen and the other town gossips putting their foots in it .

It was good to see Tony back on form, he's been a right prat of late! I felt really bad for Ruby her sister saying we have to be strong was basically saying lets repress all our emotions, fitted that Charlie would think like that though. And poor Melody! I think she's acting it v.well and the make-ups clever.

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I don’t think he’s given up. I just think he’s keeping his head down at least until the court case is over. He’s playing it smart. It will be interesting to see if his attitude changes if he does get off.

On the subject or Charlie, I really want her and Roman to be happy together but I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m just not feeling the love. There doesn’t seem to be much passion or chemistry there. When she was going for a run on the beach and she was talking to Belle about the protest a couple of episodes ago, her and Roman weren’t even talking. Roman is a worry because even when he’s not down he never actually seems happy. If the writers don’t give him better storylines soon he will start to become boring, although I did like the stuff with Elliott (even though it was a bit over the top).

I’m glad Nicole’s getting on better with Annie and Co. Previously, I don’t think she would have really hung around them. She probably would have been sitting at the table in the Den and waiting for an excuse to start on someone. But I guess this stuff with Elliot has made her calm down a bit.

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I've completely blanked on Lee I can't picture her at all can anyone refresh my memory?

Okay, the brief history of Lee Morton:She was a girl with a reputation from school who Lucas briefly dated while self-destructing in 2006.Some months later, she went to him(and later Ric)for help while she was pregnant, after having an affair with one of their teachers, and in a panic, when her pregnancy was found out, she claimed Lucas was the father.(In fact, they'd never slept together, although she did spend a night in his bed while he took the floor.)Sally and Tony eventually found out the truth, the teacher in question was sacked and Lee was persuaded to tell her parents.She disappeared again for a while before going to Lucas and Belle for help just before she went into labour; her parents hadn't taken the news very well and she'd hooked up with Dane.She was planning to give Joe up for adoption and, although she had second thoughts after talking to Lucas and Rachel, she ended up leaving with Dane and abandoning Joe.Kim and Rachel made moves to adopt Joe but then Lee turned up, having broken up with Dane and been taken in by another family, and asked for him back.Rachel in particular wanted to fight for custody and probably would have won but Kim convinced her Joe belonged with his mother.Lee left town with Joe immediately after.

Was that brief enough?

Thanks v.much you are the font of all knowledge!

I actually thought Aden was being v.sweet with Belle in the diner, in the past he would've flirted shamelessly with her and goaded Angelo but instead he covered for her and was respectful. I also think he meant what he said to Rachel. The thing I'm wondering with him is if he's given up, we haven't heard him arranging another lawyer or anything and now that he's realised what he did was wrong maybe he thinks he deserves jail. As for the other characters behavoir towards him they've always been v.forgiving of all the various crimes that have been committed over the years, although it would've been good to see Colleen and the other town gossips putting their foots in it .

It was good to see Tony back on form, he's been a right prat of late! I felt really bad for Ruby her sister saying we have to be strong was basically saying lets repress all our emotions, fitted that Charlie would think like that though. And poor Melody! I think she's acting it v.well and the make-ups clever.

Yes, poor Melody having to resort to becoming anorexic to have some control over her life. I was wondering what she was going to do with all that food, keeping it in her wardrobe wasn't a very good idea. Christine is being so blinkered in her way of doing things, she is not thinking about Melody at all. I can seee her running away again. Geoff was so nice to her on the beach and at her place.

I guess Charlie is trying to deal with Ross's illness the only way she can, as is Ruby. It would help them all if they could get in contact with other families that have gone and are going through the same thing.

Surprise that Martin gave Kirstie such a good reference, perhaps it was as he said, he realised what a fool he had been. Wonder what Kane needs $5000 for, because that is obviously what the letter was about?

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Did anyone notice in yesterday's episode how Ross cut his hand when he was fishing with Alf and then in the scene towards the end when Charlie was apoligising, he had no bandage or any sign of an injury

Did anyone else see it ?

But strange of Kirsty to go to Bartlett for money though, this is the same man that sexual harressed her in the workplace and then fired her, yet a few days later she asks him for $5000, and he actually gives it her

Just seems strange <_<

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I actually thought Roman and Charlie were quite sweet at the end of that episode where she'd just apologised to her family for coming on strong and he was reassuring her.I think it'll work out between them.

Poor Melody.They seem determined to heap every misery possible on her.I'm surprised Martin let her back to school despite her having received no treatment and I'm surprised Miles didn't seem to make a fuss about it either.Nice to see her and Geoff together again although something tells me there's not going to be a reunion any time soon.The eating disorder thing...not sure what to make of it.At first I thought she was deliberately starving herself so she'd have to go to hospital and the doctors would make sure she got the treatment she needs.But now...It's not an image thing, I think it's a sympton of her other problems.I'm starting to think that the problem's her increasingly oppressive upbringing rather than what happened with Axel.It's as if meeting Geoff and the others has shown her there's a larger world out there than she's been allowed to experience and she can't handle Christine trying to force her back into the role she's chosen for her.And now she's not letting her see her father.Did he really leave her or is it all a cover story and Christine's actually buried him in the basement?

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Did anyone notice in yesterday's episode how Ross cut his hand when he was fishing with Alf and then in the scene towards the end when Charlie was apoligising, he had no bandage or any sign of an injury

Did anyone else see it ?

But strange of Kirsty to go to Bartlett for money though, this is the same man that sexual harressed her in the workplace and then fired her, yet a few days later she asks him for $5000, and he actually gives it her

Just seems strange <_<

I don’t think it’s strange at all. Kirsty’s proved time and time again that she is prepared to do almost anything for Kane. She knows that Bartlett has a thing for her, he's single and probably on a decent salary, so why not use feminine charm coupled with emotional blackmail to get him to write a blank cheque. Nobody else will give her that much money.

I can only assume that Kane must have landed himself in some kind of trouble in jail. Maybe he is being blackmailed for money or perhaps he’s made some enemies. It wouldn’t surprise me considering his track record. The scene where Kirsty was reading his letter at the Rock Pool was reminiscent of the one in 2002 after he drove of and left her.

It’s funny, it doesn’t matter how unprofessional or out of line he was with Kirsty for some reason I just can’t find myself disliking Bartlett. In a way I actually feel quite sorry for him. It’s kind of sad really.

I see Lynes has moved onto his next target. First Jai, then Melody and now Ruby. I don’t know what he hopes to achieve with this. I hope he’s not another one of those troubled teenagers who is having problems at home so he has to take it out on people who he sees as weak. To be honest he’s very lucky to still be at that school. I thought Bartlett would have been in his rights to expel him.

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I don’t think it’s strange at all. Kirsty’s proved time and time again that she is prepared to do almost anything for Kane. She knows that Bartlett has a thing for her, he's single and probably on a decent salary, so why not use feminine charm coupled with emotional blackmail to get him to write a blank cheque. Nobody else will give her that much money.

I can only assume that Kane must have landed himself in some kind of trouble in jail. Maybe he is being blackmailed for money or perhaps he’s made some enemies. It wouldn’t surprise me considering his track record. The scene where Kirsty was reading his letter at the Rock Pool was reminiscent of the one in 2002 after he drove of and left her.

It’s funny, it doesn’t matter how unprofessional or out of line he was with Kirsty for some reason I just can’t find myself disliking Bartlett. In a way I actually feel quite sorry for him. It’s kind of sad really.

I see Lynes has moved onto his next target. First Jai, then Melody and now Ruby. I don’t know what he hopes to achieve with this. I hope he’s not another one of those troubled teenagers who is having problems at home so he has to take it out on people who he sees as weak. To be honest he’s very lucky to still be at that school. I thought Bartlett would have been in his rights to expel him.

Just seemed strange that Bartlett would have over the money straight away, and how he changes so quickly. She rejected him and he then fired her, yet just over a week later he is giving her $5000. Maybe Im reading too much into it LOL

I agree about Lynes. Surely if it was an other student he would be expelled a few months ago. Although I did think it was funny when he made that comment to Aden about him being a pyscho or something, and Aden squared up to him :lol:

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I don’t think it’s strange at all. Kirsty’s proved time and time again that she is prepared to do almost anything for Kane. She knows that Bartlett has a thing for her, he's single and probably on a decent salary, so why not use feminine charm coupled with emotional blackmail to get him to write a blank cheque. Nobody else will give her that much money.

I can only assume that Kane must have landed himself in some kind of trouble in jail. Maybe he is being blackmailed for money or perhaps he’s made some enemies. It wouldn’t surprise me considering his track record. The scene where Kirsty was reading his letter at the Rock Pool was reminiscent of the one in 2002 after he drove of and left her.

It’s funny, it doesn’t matter how unprofessional or out of line he was with Kirsty for some reason I just can’t find myself disliking Bartlett. In a way I actually feel quite sorry for him. It’s kind of sad really.

I see Lynes has moved onto his next target. First Jai, then Melody and now Ruby. I don’t know what he hopes to achieve with this. I hope he’s not another one of those troubled teenagers who is having problems at home so he has to take it out on people who he sees as weak. To be honest he’s very lucky to still be at that school. I thought Bartlett would have been in his rights to expel him.

Just seemed strange that Bartlett would have over the money straight away, and how he changes so quickly. She rejected him and he then fired her, yet just over a week later he is giving her $5000. Maybe Im reading too much into it LOL

I agree about Lynes. Surely if it was an other student he would be expelled a few months ago. Although I did think it was funny when he made that comment to Aden about him being a pyscho or something, and Aden squared up to him :lol:

I agree about Bartlett I think Kirsty is completely wrong, she claims she wants to be independent yet she keeps running to Bartlett for help. I was disappointed he didn't get in trouble for the way he treated Kirsty although I think the characters good and the actors v.talented so I wouldn't want him to leave. I liked Kirsty when she first came back she seemed quite fiesty but now she seems weak and I actually feel sorry for Bartlett the way she's using him. Miles is way to good for her.

As for Melody starving herself it definately seem like a control thing and yep I was thinking maybe her dad had met a sticky end although I was thinking buried in the garden lol. It just seems strange that he'd leave Melody. Christine's a great villain I just hope poor Melody will stand up to her one of these days.

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I don’t think it’s strange at all. Kirsty’s proved time and time again that she is prepared to do almost anything for Kane. She knows that Bartlett has a thing for her, he's single and probably on a decent salary, so why not use feminine charm coupled with emotional blackmail to get him to write a blank cheque. Nobody else will give her that much money.

I can only assume that Kane must have landed himself in some kind of trouble in jail. Maybe he is being blackmailed for money or perhaps he’s made some enemies. It wouldn’t surprise me considering his track record. The scene where Kirsty was reading his letter at the Rock Pool was reminiscent of the one in 2002 after he drove of and left her.

It’s funny, it doesn’t matter how unprofessional or out of line he was with Kirsty for some reason I just can’t find myself disliking Bartlett. In a way I actually feel quite sorry for him. It’s kind of sad really.

I see Lynes has moved onto his next target. First Jai, then Melody and now Ruby. I don’t know what he hopes to achieve with this. I hope he’s not another one of those troubled teenagers who is having problems at home so he has to take it out on people who he sees as weak. To be honest he’s very lucky to still be at that school. I thought Bartlett would have been in his rights to expel him.

Just seemed strange that Bartlett would have over the money straight away, and how he changes so quickly. She rejected him and he then fired her, yet just over a week later he is giving her $5000. Maybe Im reading too much into it LOL

I agree about Lynes. Surely if it was an other student he would be expelled a few months ago. Although I did think it was funny when he made that comment to Aden about him being a pyscho or something, and Aden squared up to him :lol:

I agree about Bartlett I think Kirsty is completely wrong, she claims she wants to be independent yet she keeps running to Bartlett for help. I was disappointed he didn't get in trouble for the way he treated Kirsty although I think the characters good and the actors v.talented so I wouldn't want him to leave. I liked Kirsty when she first came back she seemed quite fiesty but now she seems weak and I actually feel sorry for Bartlett the way she's using him. Miles is way to good for her.

As for Melody starving herself it definately seem like a control thing and yep I was thinking maybe her dad had met a sticky end although I was thinking buried in the garden lol. It just seems strange that he'd leave Melody. Christine's a great villain I just hope poor Melody will stand up to her one of these days.

I think the reason Kirsty asked Martin was because Miles would have asked too many questions. Also as he had just told her he loved her, I would like to think she would have been too ashamed. Kane must be a big heap of trouble to ask for $5000.

The only person Christine listens to is Christine, the way she brushed off Melody when she was trying to tell her about not eating and her overall treatment amounts to child abuse. Even if she does eventually beleive her she will probably drag ehr to church and have them browbeat her into eating.

I was thinking that about Mathhew, all the other bullies, Kane, Ric and Aden had troubled home lives.

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Yeah, I'm not sure what to make of Matthew's latest stunt.When did he realise he was talking to Ruby-when he saw her at the pool or was it her not-exactly-unpenetrable username?(I could comment on Ruby arranging to meet someone over the internet but it was in a public place so I'll let her off.)Ruby said the details he gave her were too precise and he knew some useful links so maybe his story about his nan is true.Although if they are going to turn him "nice" a la Ric and Aden, it's a bit abrupt-only last week he had a clearly distraught Melody backed into a corner.

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