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In regards to Kirsty and Miles, I admit that the main reason I’m not happy about the relationship is because I want her to get back with Kane. But do you not think that due to the nature of her personality (i.e. the lying, not taking ownership or responsibility for her actions etc.) that in the long run she’ll only end up hurting Miles?

Not sure.I think Kirsty does genuinely care for Miles but keeping Kane's letter from him doesn't bode well.My main concern is that it looks like Kirsty's going to be left with no-one again.We're presumably supposed to accept she's estranged from her family, given that she never mentions them and doesn't seem to have contacted them, and if she dumps Miles and goes back to Kane I don't think anyone in the Bay will want anything to do with her either.

Aden and Belle...Don't get me started, mainly because I've got nothing new to say.She's still expecting people to break the law for her, he's still coming out with comments like "You're giving evidence against me"...It's got to the stage where I just zone out during their scenes together because I'm way past caring.

I thought Nicole seemed a bit ready to accept her test results.Presumably there was some reason for her thinking she was pregnant or does she always take a test after she's had sex?I don't think she is pregnant though.

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I think Nicole took the test, because they were hardly able to take precautions on the island.

Presumably that means she usually practices safe sex, which is good, seeing as, so far in the show, she seems to believe you have to sleep with every boy/man you go out with, however briefly!

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I think Nicole took the test, because they were hardly able to take precautions on the island.

Presumably that means she usually practices safe sex, which is good, seeing as, so far in the show, she seems to believe you have to sleep with every boy/man you go out with, however briefly!

I think it’s debatable as to whether Nicole sleeps around. I know at times she comes across as quite forward but how many people has she actually slept with. AFAIK there were only two, Geoff and presumably Elliott. I know she came onto Aden but he rejected her and she only made out with the Chef from the School trip. Also I’m not sure if she slept with anyone before she came to Summer Bay.

I wouldn’t label her as a s**t, the reason being I think the main reason why she’s the way she is, is loneliness. When she moved to Summer Bay, I’m assuming that she didn’t have too many close friends in the city and we already learnt from the conversation with Melody that she wasn’t that close too her mum, as she seemed to treat her more like a expensive item to show off. This was the reason why I feel she was actively trying to pursue relationships. She just wanted (or needed) somebody to want her. Since the stuff with Elliott, her and Roman are now a lot closer and she seems to be friends with Annie and Co and is also a lot closer with Aden, so some of that loneliness seems to have disappeared, hence she has calmed down.

Aden and Belle...Don't get me started, mainly because I've got nothing new to say.She's still expecting people to break the law for her, he's still coming out with comments like "You're giving evidence against me"...It's got to the stage where I just zone out during their scenes together because I'm way past caring.

Oh please! It’s obvious Belle is still in love with Aden and the way he was pining after her at the clinic I assume that the feeling’s mutual. I really hope they don’t decide to do another Drew/Belle situation where they are getting together and breaking up every five minutes. That got extremely tiresome eventually.

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I wouldn’t label her as a s**t, the reason being I think the main reason why she’s the way she is, is loneliness. When she moved to Summer Bay, I’m assuming that she didn’t have too many close friends in the city and we already learnt from the conversation with Melody that she wasn’t that close too her mum, as she seemed to treat her more like a expensive item to show off. This was the reason why I feel she was actively trying to pursue relationships. She just wanted (or needed) somebody to want her. Since the stuff with Elliott, her and Roman are now a lot closer and she seems to be friends with Annie and Co and is also a lot closer with Aden, so some of that loneliness seems to have disappeared, hence she has calmed down.

Thats what I thought too, which is why I found it strange when she broke it off with Geoff because he wouldn't sleep wih her. I would've thought a character like hers would have been glad that she'd found someone who loved her for herself and not her just her body.

Aden and Belle...Don't get me started, mainly because I've got nothing new to say.She's still expecting people to break the law for her, he's still coming out with comments like "You're giving evidence against me"...It's got to the stage where I just zone out during their scenes together because I'm way past caring.

Oh please! It’s obvious Belle is still in love with Aden and the way he was pining after her at the clinic I assume that the feeling’s mutual. I really hope they don’t decide to do another Drew/Belle situation where they are getting together and breaking up every five minutes. That got extremely tiresome eventually.

Place your bets how long will it be before Belle/Aden get back together?

It very much reminds me f the the Belle/Drew Lucas thing. I hope if they get back together which it looks like they will, that they stay together nad are happy at least for a while. Aden's one of my favourite characters and although Belle is irritating me at the mo is one of my favourites, and I find both actors v. watchable as they're both such good actors so I prefer storylines involving those two than most of the younger cast.

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Aden and Belle...Don't get me started, mainly because I've got nothing new to say.She's still expecting people to break the law for her, he's still coming out with comments like "You're giving evidence against me"...It's got to the stage where I just zone out during their scenes together because I'm way past caring.

Oh please! It’s obvious Belle is still in love with Aden and the way he was pining after her at the clinic I assume that the feeling’s mutual. I really hope they don’t decide to do another Drew/Belle situation where they are getting together and breaking up every five minutes. That got extremely tiresome eventually.

I agree, I would hate it if that happened

Although given how popular Aden and Belle when they are together as a couple, I would be very suprised if they writers went down that route

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Aden and Belle...Don't get me started, mainly because I've got nothing new to say.She's still expecting people to break the law for her, he's still coming out with comments like "You're giving evidence against me"...It's got to the stage where I just zone out during their scenes together because I'm way past caring.

Oh please! It’s obvious Belle is still in love with Aden and the way he was pining after her at the clinic I assume that the feeling’s mutual. I really hope they don’t decide to do another Drew/Belle situation where they are getting together and breaking up every five minutes. That got extremely tiresome eventually.

I agree, I would hate it if that happened

Although given how popular Aden and Belle when they are together as a couple, I would be very suprised if they writers went down that route

I'd say they've already gone down that route.They were together two months according to Belle in the last episode, which seems like a bit of an exaggeration frankly, and broke up three times.

I'm a bit confused about the whole trial thing.Roman says Aden intends to take full responsibility and talks to him about trying to get a lighter sentence but the prosecution are acting as though they need to prove he's guilty and when Roman comes home Morag asks what the verdict was.What are they trying to change, the verdict or the sentence?

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Oh look, it was the same Judge and Prosecutor from Kane’s trial. I wonder how much of a coincidence that was.

I don’t think Aden made a very smart move with Belle, Rachel or his lawyer in the court case but to be fair to him he must be in quite a difficult position. Obviously he doesn’t want other people knowing about the abuse. The best chance is for him to reveal the truth about his past.

Again Charlie was annoying with her outburst and this me, me, me attitude is starting to become a bit of a habit. In her defence she must be in a very difficult position. Her mother died recently and within a few months her father marries someone else. He is then revealed to have a Alzheimer’s, meaning eventually he probably won't even recognise her and she is stuck having to play second fiddle to her new step mum, who she hardly gets along with.

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Oh look, it was the same Judge and Prosecutor from Kane’s trial. I wonder how much of a coincidence that was.

I don’t think Aden made a very smart move with Belle, Rachel or his lawyer in the court case but to be fair to him he must be in quite a difficult position. Obviously he doesn’t want other people knowing about the abuse. The best chance is for him to reveal the truth about his past.

Again Charlie was annoying with her outburst and this me, me, me attitude is starting to become a bit of a habit. In her defence she must be in a very difficult position. Her mother died recently and within a few months her father marries someone else. He is then revealed to have a Alzheimer’s, meaning eventually he probably won't even recognise her and she is stuck having to play second fiddle to her new step mum, who she hardly gets along with.

I'm guessing that the trial was held at Yabby Creek in which case, it is probably likely the judge and prosecuter would be the same. Perhaps Aden feels people will feel sorry for him if they learn about the abuse which he doesn't want. BTW how did Nicole manage to get time off school to be there?

Could the reason Aden took the job at the construction site be that so he could find out more from the inside than Belle could from the outside? I agree with everyone else it is so obvious she is still in love with him and he her. Hopefully once the trial is over, whatever the verdict, they can get back together.

I think the reason Nicole took the test was because she was late and as they hadn't been able to take precautions she naturally though she could be pregnant. I also don't think she is as sexually experienced as she sometimes makes out. I'm not even sure she and Eliott got together.

Why did Charlie automatically assume Morag sent Ross round to have a word with her :angry: He does still have a mind of his own.

I might not like Bridget or trust her, but I did love the top she wore on her date with Alf. She was very clever getting Martha on her side and getting her to have a word with Alf to try again.

I reckon one the reasons Charlie and Morag don't get on is because they are so alike in temperment, both independent so don't normally like to rely on anyone else for help.

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I don’t think Aden made a very smart move with Belle, Rachel or his lawyer in the court case but to be fair to him he must be in quite a difficult position. Obviously he doesn’t want other people knowing about the abuse. The best chance is for him to reveal the truth about his past.

I agree. The only way he is going to get away with this is by talking about his abuse. Rachel could have done wonders for him if he'd let her talk.

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What can I say? Lucky, lucky Aden.

He was charged with attempted murder and kidnapping and he wound up getting 100 hours community service. Admittedly there were mitigating circumstances but that was a result by anyone’s standards. Let’s face it there have been people that have committed lesser crimes that have actually had to serve a custodial sentence. The two that spring to mind for me are Vinnie (who convicted of fraud) and Dom (who as someone pointed out the other day was involved with stolen parts).

Initially my mind was set. I thought that he should have definitely gone to jail, but now I’m not so sure. After watching today’s episode and actually thinking about the business with Larry and the kidnappings, I honestly believe that he was not thinking clearly, so it is debatable as to whether he can be completely held responsible for his actions. I just…don’t know. I did feel a bit sorry for him when he was giving evidence and when he was crying and also when Belle started crying but a couple of things did not tally up.

1. The reaction of quite a few people in that episode in my opinion was very unbelievable. In particular Rachel and Charlie. I remember the look of fear in Rachel’s face when she saw Aden in the police station after he got arrested and now she appears to have done a complete U-turn. Also the way Charlie kissed him and congratulated him…hmmm. Considering that she is a senior constable and she knows exactly the seriousness of what he did I found that quite surprising. There were other people that said they were proud of him – fine. However they seem to have neglected the severity of what he actually did.

2. Something else that bothered me was the type of trial this was. I thought he was supposed to be tried by a jury but the judge just seemed to give the verdict and pass the sentence. Did I miss something?

BTW notice how Angelo kept looking over at Belle in the courtroom when Aden was giving evidence. He knows in his heart of hearts that she’s still in love with him. In terms of damage limitation, he should just seize the opportunity to finish with her come what may…

For purely selfish reasons I’m actually glad Aden didn’t go to jail because like him or loathe him, I feel he is a good character and I have enjoyed the storylines that have revolved around him. However I’m sure some people will disagree with me, in particular a certain Back To The Bay forum member who will no doubt express displeasure at the end result.

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