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All though Charlie is Rosses Daughter she should leave well alone its for Morag to Look After Ross as she is now his wife, but Charlie being Charlie cant leave well alone Morags need help and support not confrontation all the while, Look at the mess Charlie made by telling Jack about Martha talk about putting your foot in it personally I dont like her attiude towards Morag whitch is totally wrong.

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What can I say? Lucky, lucky Aden.

He was charged with attempted murder and kidnapping and he wound up getting 100 hours community service. Admittedly there were mitigating circumstances but that was a result by anyone’s standards. Let’s face it there have been people that have committed lesser crimes that have actually had to serve a custodial sentence. The two that spring to mind for me are Vinnie (who convicted of fraud) and Dom (who as someone pointed out the other day was involved with stolen parts).

Initially my mind was set. I thought that he should have definitely gone to jail, but now I’m not so sure. After watching today’s episode and actually thinking about the business with Larry and the kidnappings, I honestly believe that he was not thinking clearly, so it is debatable as to whether he can be completely held responsible for his actions. I just…don’t know. I did feel a bit sorry for him when he was giving evidence and when he was crying and also when Belle started crying but a couple of things did not tally up.

1. The reaction of quite a few people in that episode in my opinion was very unbelievable. In particular Rachel and Charlie. I remember the look of fear in Rachel’s face when she saw Aden in the police station after he got arrested and now she appears to have done a complete U-turn. Also the way Charlie kissed him and congratulated him…hmmm. Considering that she is a senior constable and she knows exactly the seriousness of what he did I found that quite surprising. There were other people that said they were proud of him – fine. However they seem to have neglected the severity of what he actually did.

2. Something else that bothered me was the type of trial this was. I thought he was supposed to be tried by a jury but the judge just seemed to give the verdict and pass the sentence. Did I miss something?

BTW notice how Angelo kept looking over at Belle in the courtroom when Aden was giving evidence. He knows in his heart of hearts that she’s still in love with him. In terms of damage limitation, he should just seize the opportunity to finish with her come what may…

For purely selfish reasons I’m actually glad Aden didn’t go to jail because like him or loathe him, I feel he is a good character and I have enjoyed the storylines that have revolved around him. However I’m sure some people will disagree with me, in particular a certain Back To The Bay forum member who will no doubt express displeasure at the end result.

I pretty much agree with everything you have written, although since I am a fan of Aden, I was glad he got let off :D

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The reaction of quite a few people in that episode in my opinion was very unbelievable. In particular Rachel and Charlie. I remember the look of fear in Rachel’s face when she saw Aden in the police station after he got arrested and now she appears to have done a complete U-turn

I think once she'd calmed down she realised sending him to prison would do no good for him and that he needed professional help. After she saw him at the station, looking the way that he did, she changed her startment and said he had had a breakdown, and i think it was Rachel saying that that got him into the hospital he went too for treatment.

She was pretty emotionally messed up after what had happened (and rightly so.) But she does know Aden's history and as a doctor and ex physcatrists she understands why he acted the way he did.

I agree though, Aden got off way too lightly. I find it very strange everyone has accepted him back into the town with open arms, and days after being released from the hospital (where he spend what a week?) he's back at school and the surf club, fooling around with Nicole and no one really cares or questions his behaviour. I also wish we'd seen Tony's reaction. I can't imagine Aden is his favourite person right now, considering what he did to his fiancee, but it's just not been mentioned.

I'm glad he apologised to Rachel and Belle, that took courage and he seemed sincere when he was talking to them.

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All though Charlie is Rosses Daughter she should leave well alone its for Morag to Look After Ross as she is now his wife, but Charlie being Charlie cant leave well alone Morags need help and support not confrontation all the while, Look at the mess Charlie made by telling Jack about Martha talk about putting your foot in it personally I dont like her attiude towards Morag whitch is totally wrong.

I agree in a sense but i also see a daughter trying to look out for her dad, the thing is she cant except the facts , i think she dose'nt want to believe this is happening to her dad, in some way she thinks she's helping but she not bye going agaist Morag, she still has the baggage of she's not my mum i know best.,,

Charlie should just support Morag at the end of the day Ross should be able while he can just do whAt he wants in the way of going fishing, i thought it was sad when Morag asked about talking to Charlie, then she did a self obsessed act on Morag saying you sent my dad around" oh please"

Ross did'nt remember.

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However I’m sure some people will disagree with me, in particular a certain Back To The Bay forum member who will no doubt express displeasure at the end result.

What are you implying..?

Not guilty.I just can't believe he was found not guilty of attempted murder.He had to be physically restrained from giving his father a lethal injection.A fact that, curiously, no-one mentioned during the trial at all.Did they all forget about it or are we supposed to?The only possible explanation for the judge handing out such a ridiculously lenient sentence is that he's actually a Home and Away fan and didn't want Aden to leave the show.

I don't know where to start on how much I hated that episode.On the plus side, Aden's speech in court was quite good, although he still seems to be having difficulty saying "I was wrong to try and kill my father"(the closest we get is a somewhat vague "I know what I did was wrong").I'm glad we actually got to hear what he said instead of them cutting away like they did when he told Belle what happened. But Rachel's testimony was utter baloney.For a start, why is a doctor who knows him socially, who was a victim of his crimes and therefore not an unbiased witness, being treated as an expert on the case?It can't just be because she happened to be around because there was no sign of her in court beforehand so why not get someone there who was actually treating him?"The Aden of old was bitter and angry." What's changed?He's been nothing but bitter and angry for the last three episodes:his treatment of Belle, his outburst in court, his dismissal of Jack, blowing up at Morag and Roman.Belle, who's closer to him than anyone, was willing to believe he'd thrown a brick through a window."Not a threat to society?" Well, we'll reserve judgement on that but I really don't think his behaviour towards other is any less threatening or violent.He admitted himself that if Larry had been in court he would have acted quite differently which suggests he'd be quite willing to do the same thing in the same circumstances.Did Scorpius even bother cross examining Aden and Rachel?Because any reasonably competent prosecutor would have torn them to pieces.Oh-and Morag to the rescue despite saying she definitely, absolutely couldn't do that.She couldn't keep Alf, Ric or Kane out of jail when they were innocent but she gets Aden off when he's guilty as sin.Ho-hum.

I've said it before and I've noticed other people are saying it...no-one involved has had a normal human reaction.I can understand Rachel sympathising with him but thinking he's safe to be around other people after what he did to her?The same with Belle, who's back making eyes at him despite seeing him behaving in a frankly terrifying manner.Tony, Alf, Irene...Aden harmed people close to them yet the latter two actually looked pleased to see him and Tony seems to have just fallen into line with Rachel's attitude.The judge says he doesn't condone his behaviour but by letting him escape jail he did exactly that.They could have sent him to jail for six months, out in three, without upsetting the status quo.But instead they make Aden bulletproof as usual.

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Exgactly she really should talk to Morag and try and work some think out between them then they wouldnt rub each other up the wrong way all the while but another thing I noticed that she never asked Leah if it was ok to have her Dad living with them and she hadnt consulterd Ruby who is taking all of this with her Dad extreamly hard I think its Morah and Ruby I feel sorry for not Charlie she even told Roman to butt out its would serve her right if Roman told her where to go .

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Did Scorpius even bother cross examining Aden and Rachel?Because any reasonably competent prosecutor would have torn them to pieces.

I agree with you there. I actually would have loved to see that because i don't think Rachel would have been able to cope if she'd been challenged. She was clearly an emotional mess after what he did to her, but she seemed to get over it pretty fast when Tony came back with all the Bridget crap which was the also completely stupid and badly done but i won't get into that again. She was the same with Rev.Hall though. She forgave him too, i guess it's just who she is.

At least he was found guilty of kidnapping. While i don't think his sentence was harsh enough, priosn is not really the answer for people like Aden. But spending like a week in the treatment center and then being totally changed is a joke.

I don't understand Alf and Irene's behaviour towards him to be honest. It's like he didn't do anything and everyones forgotten what he did. As for Tony, i so wish they'd shown us how he feels. He messed him up pretty bad too. Aden should have apologised to him as well. Not only did he ruin his wedding (which everyone seems to have conveiently forgotten) he held his fiancee hostage and nearly had her helping murder someone. Surely he'd want to hit him a little bit? Jeeze.

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However I’m sure some people will disagree with me, in particular a certain Back To The Bay forum member who will no doubt express displeasure at the end result.

What are you implying..?

Ah Red Ranger. It was a light-hearted comment (because I knew you would be annoyed after watching that episode and judging by this post I guess I was right). If it came across as anything else, I’m sorry it wasn’t intended that way.

Again it’s very difficult to disagree with or refute some of your points.

Just curious, what exactly did you hate about that episode? Was it the fact that Aden got off? The lack of believability of some of the characters in regards to their behaviour, the acting, all of the above.

You touched on one of the main issues in that has Aden actually changed. For me I personally feel that he simply did not spend enough time in the clinic. I’m no expert but you would have expected treatment to go on for weeks (or possibly months) and even if he was discharged he would still have to have regular sessions at least for the foreseeable future. But that is the fault of the psychologists. They were the ones who ultimately decided that his treatment was complete.

In addition to the reactions from characters such as Rachel, what also didn’t ring true was the minute he told everybody he was abused, the complete atmosphere of the courtroom changed. You could almost feel that he was going to get off (well kind of). It was as if the judge wanted to give him a lenient sentence.

Also, Tony. I know he’s been having a bit of a rough time lately with Rachel but I remember when after he found out about Axel and Melody and went round to her house to try and talk her into reporting the incident to the police. I also remember him going up to Aden in the Den about the beating he gave Axel. So I was very surprised that he at least didn’t try and confront him at some point. Also, generally people haven’t really liked Aden to be honest. And most residents of Summer Bay (particularly the older generation) appear to adopt the attitude guilty until proven innocent, so I’m quite surprised that nobody had at least given him the cold shoulder until the verdict was announced. As someone said when he got back from the clinic and he took of his T-shirt because he lost the bet to Nicole, I was surprised that Alf was so lenient. I was expecting him to have a right go at him.

Whether you like it or not, he’s a free man now. I only hope that he reflects on everything he’s done and tries to change for the better. The only chance I feel is to try and form closer platonic relationships with people such as Roman, Nicole, Morag etc. this will hopefully give him the stability required to become a better person. If he gets back with Belle, I’m not sure if this will be a good thing to be honest.

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He admitted himself that if Larry had been in court he would have acted quite differently which suggests he'd be quite willing to do the same thing in the same circumstances.

I think he was meaning he wouldn't have been able to talk about the past with his dad there. I was also surprised that the defence didn't mention Larry throttling Aden to illustrate what a damaged relationship they had. I'lm glad he got off and think there wa some cracking acting in ths ep. I don't think he should have gone to jail but think he should have been forced to stay in the clinic for treatment at the very least he should be an outpatient.

agree about the folks in the bay eeing so supportive of Aden I'd assumed Alf and Irene new about his abuse when clearly they hadn't soit would've been perfectly reasonable of them particulary Irene to be wary of him.

I can't believe how lazy the writers are being Belle sleeping with Angelo even though she's clearly still in love with Aden is a direct copy of her sleeping with Lucas. It's like she hasn't progressed at all its making it really hrd to respect her.

Jai and Annie are the most rubbish friends ever I would never leave a friend drunk and vulnerable "we've done all we can" jeez!

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