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I can't believe how lazy the writers are being Belle sleeping with Angelo even though she's clearly still in love with Aden is a direct copy of her sleeping with Lucas. It's like she hasn't progressed at all its making it really hrd to respect her.

Jai and Annie are the most rubbish friends ever I would never leave a friend drunk and vulnerable "we've done all we can" jeez!

Has Belle actually slept with Angelo ?

I think Belle was right by what she did when she broke off there relationship when Aden was in the clinic, but now he is out and he is a free man, she needs to make a choice

She is clearly in love with Aden (hell, she admitted it in yesterday's episode) so whats the point of her being with Angelo. Its all going to end in tears

I agree about Annie and Jai, it was obvious that Ruby was upset but they should have helped her instead of just leaving her on the beach, despite her protests

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Yes it does look as though Belle is going to sleep with Angelo (I knew that was coming). If she does, lets face it she’s only doing it out of sympathy. She obviously feels guilty for the way she’s treated him. And so she should!

For the first time (I think) we got to she Charlie, Ruby and Leah all at Leah’s place. To be quite honest I thought Charlie was taking liberties. Not only did she not check with Leah first before moving Ross in but then she starts moving stuff around as if she owns the place. I really like Charlie but to be frank the woman is a control freak. I assume that is a side effect of her being insecure.

In regards to Jai and Annie, Jai is far too laid back to really bother doing anything at all. I’m a bit surprised at Annie. A typical reaction from her would have been to run off and get somebody rather than casually walking off with her boyfriend.

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Yes it does look as though Belle is going to sleep with Angelo (I knew that was coming). If she does, lets face it she’s only doing it out of sympathy. She obviously feels guilty for the way she’s treated him. And so she should!

For the first time (I think) we got to she Charlie, Ruby and Leah all at Leah’s place. To be quite honest I thought Charlie was taking liberties. Not only did she not check with Leah first before moving Ross in but then she starts moving stuff around as if she owns the place. I really like Charlie but to be frank the woman is a control freak. I assume that is a side effect of her being insecure.

In regards to Jai and Annie, Jai is far too laid back to really bother doing anything at all. I’m a bit surprised at Annie. A typical reaction from her would have been to run off and get somebody rather than casually walking off with her boyfriend.

I have to agree regarding Charlie, she was acting like it was her house. Leah felt like she had no choice but to say yes to Charlie.

I also think she isn't giving Ruby any time and not asking her how she is!

When Morag came round she assumed something was wrong! Isn't Morag aloud to spend time with her husband any more?

I know Charlie is being protective but let Ross breath a bit.

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I think Charlie has such a strong personallity that she is finding it hard to let any one look after her father but her, yes I agree she took it on her self to move her father in with first consulting both Leah then her own sister Ruby, she is definatly a controle freak. as for moving things around Leah has allways had a good heart and I think she felt she couldnt say no but I can see it all ending in tears because I can see Ruby going off the rails and Charlie wont want to bother with her, I have to feel sorry for Ruby and Morag.

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However I’m sure some people will disagree with me, in particular a certain Back To The Bay forum member who will no doubt express displeasure at the end result.

What are you implying..?

Ah Red Ranger. It was a light-hearted comment (because I knew you would be annoyed after watching that episode and judging by this post I guess I was right). If it came across as anything else, I’m sorry it wasn’t intended that way.

I similarly apologise if my own light-hearted comment caused you to think you'd in any way upset me. It did occur to me afterwards that I could have tried a bit harder to appear more jocial("Whatever are you implying?" perhaps)and I assure you I didn't mind at all.

As to what I didn't like, I have no qualms about the acting, it was well played by everyone including Todd.It was a combination of the unconvincing behaviour of characters who have just forgiven Aden without him doing anything to deserve it and the ridiculous court proceedings, where everyone seemed to bend over backwards to avoid sending an abuse victim to jail despite the fact he had committed very serious crimes and it was the only fitting punishment.As you say, he's free now and I'm going to have to live with it but I think it's going to take a lot of work on his part for me to tolerate him let alone like him.Or maybe not.I tend to be a bit fickle that way.

Someone mentioned Reverend Hall with regards to Rachel's attitude but it's worth noting that he had something physically wrong with him so really wasn't responsible for his actions.He even collapsed in front of her, causing her doctor's instincts to kick in.It was interesting seeing the episode where she was kidnapped by Charlie the other weekend since that's exactly how she should have reacted to Aden:sympathised with him and made sure he got the help he needed but also made sure he was put somewhere where he couldn't harm anyone again instead of just letting him straight back out onto the streets.

Oidpoodle, with regards to his attitude to his father, I probably overstated the mark a bit.However I do believe he still feels anger and even hatred towards his father and so would not have seemed so contrite and sympathetic were his victim actually in the court reminding him of those feelings and why he acted the way he did.

So onto today's episode.Oh boy, Belle.She treats Angelo badly(again), she ignores some good advice from Irene(again), but oddly I didn't feel as angry with her for sleeping with him as I expected to.It seemed to be less a case of her using him to get over Aden and more a case of her turning to him in a moment of vulnerability, after she'd had another disappointment and he'd supported her.We'll see where it goes and it's good that he's showing a spine and not just letting her walk all over him.

At the end of last week, I thought Charlie had turned a corner but she's back to annoying me again, bossing Ruby about and insisting on her own way.I can see her frustration in having to leave the care of her father to someone she hardly knows but at least Morag is trying to respect Ross' wishes which I don't think Charlie is.

And I'm hoping that Jai and Annie go and get Charlie or Roman next episode instead of just leaving Ruby to her own devices.

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I agree that Charlie does seem rather annoying at the moment, but i really think its just her way of coping by trying to control the situation, whereas Ruby doesn't seem to want to be near Ross because she's afraid of what she might see. I can defiantely see Ruby going off the rails, i just hope things don't go to far :(

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I agree that Charlie does seem rather annoying at the moment, but i really think its just her way of coping by trying to control the situation, whereas Ruby doesn't seem to want to be near Ross because she's afraid of what she might see. I can defiantely see Ruby going off the rails, i just hope things don't go to far :(

I agree and although I kind of want to yell at Charlie it completely fits with her character so I'm glad they've followed through. It must be such a difficult position to be in I think they're portraying it well.

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Who,s for Morag in all of this afer all she is now Rosses wife she didnt know what she was taking on because he didnt say he had any memory loss when they met again after all the years, but Charlie took a dislike to Morag right from the beguining and didnt want her father to marry because of it not being very long after there mother but what charlie dosent take into account is her father happiness and where he is best off, I just hope Morag does and brings Ross back where he knows where things are, instead of being up rooted to somewhere different and he didnt know where the bathroom was, this is thanks to CHARLIE wanting to get her own way.

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did find todays episode funny first we had Kristy say she didnt know how to make a cocktail she didn't know about computers when she worked at the school does she lie about what she does for every job she would go for

but the really funny bit was when Melody's mother told Geoff she wanted to perform a exorcism on Melody that made me burst out laughing

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Actually when you think about it it was rather frightening I think her mother has really lost it, she just dosent listen to what Melody is saying and that could be very dangerous its a good thing Geoff was there to speak to her mom or I really dont know what would have happened.

As for Kisty she gets me going not only knows nothing about computers but cant mix a cocktail well shell learn, but not Only that when the costomer said he gave her a fifty Dollar bill the girl should have had the till checked before handing his change to him weather he spends thjousands of dollars or not.

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