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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Okay, so it turns out that Jai and Annie don't actually care what happens to Ruby and it's left to Matthew to rescue her.Ho-hum.And Miles and Kirsty are co-habiting.It's wondering about little details like that that keeps me awake at night.Voiceover on the letter this time:Was it Sam Atwell or not?Hard to tell and I don't think he was credited.

Ah yes, Christine.Ever since her virtually incoherent rant at Miles at the meeting, I've thought she was a less than stable individual and it looks as though she needs to be in a clinic more than Melody does. Geoff had better do something fast or this could turn nasty.Although it's good that Melody's still got the presence of mind to defy her.

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I’m glad to see Leah and Kirsty are getting on a lot better now. They seem more like they were before Kirsty left the bay.

In regards to Kirsty and Miles I’m going to say something very stupid but have they actually slept together yet? I know they’re “cohabiting” but considering that she is probably the first person he’s gone out with since his family died and she’s still married I thought they would have made more of an issue about the whole thing.

Mathew rescuing Ruby. Perhaps, but I also think he’s following a trend that previous people have – Sarah, Zoe, Dom, Aden , Belle - you know what I mean. Maybe I’m being a bit harsh. Although I think we can probably guess how this is going to turn out.

I thought the scene with Christine at the end was quite ridiculous to be honest. I mean come on an exorcism! We know that Christine takes her religion very seriously, however the writers are taking it a little too far. And it all stems back to the fact that they are trying to stereotype the hardcore Christian.

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^^You made some interesting points.Up until that episode, I'd been wondering whether Miles and Kirsty were sleeping together or not.We saw then that they were sharing a bed rather than her still being in with Ollie which is a bit of a clue.(Is that a recent development or was Jai just really inattentive?)And he did offer to run her a bath a few weeks back.But it's open to interpretation, I suppose.

Matthew...I think he genuinely likes Ruby, rather than it all being a cover story for some master plan, but he's also clearly being a bit manipulative, posing as someone else in order to big himself up.Have to see what happens.

Christine...I don't think it's as simple as her being a hardcore Christian, although the character does seem a bit two-dimensional at times.I think she's someone deeply disturbed, a la Noah's mother or Casey's, who's latched onto religion as a way of making sense of the world.Both Geoff and the priest, who are genuine Christians, were horrified by her attitude.

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^^You made some interesting points.Up until that episode, I'd been wondering whether Miles and Kirsty were sleeping together or not.We saw then that they were sharing a bed rather than her still being in with Ollie which is a bit of a clue.(Is that a recent development or was Jai just really inattentive?)And he did offer to run her a bath a few weeks back.But it's open to interpretation, I suppose.

Matthew...I think he genuinely likes Ruby, rather than it all being a cover story for some master plan, but he's also clearly being a bit manipulative, posing as someone else in order to big himself up.Have to see what happens.

Christine...I don't think it's as simple as her being a hardcore Christian, although the character does seem a bit two-dimensional at times.I think she's someone deeply disturbed, a la Noah's mother or Casey's, who's latched onto religion as a way of making sense of the world.Both Geoff and the priest, who are genuine Christians, were horrified by her attitude.

I was surprised that she told Geoff her plans, she's never liked him so I would've though she would've waited till he'd left but it just a well for Melody that he's there. Christin's been a really good baddie I assume there wrapping the story up which is a shame as she's a really good actress.

I'm not too sure what I make of the recent Ruby storylines. I don't think tv shows should preach but it's just felt a bit irresponsible that first they showed her arranging to meet someone she met on the net, ok in a public place, but she still could've been followed home. I thought they were going to have some creepy older bloke to show the dangers of it but instead w'eve got a 15yrold boy who seems to have a crush on her. Then she's at a party getting drunk and her only two friends there leave her, even though anything could have happened. Luckily Matthew happens to be there and stops anything bad from happening to her. I just don't think they should ever make out its ok to leave a friend like that or that it isn't extremely dangerous to meet someone from the net.

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^^You made some interesting points.Up until that episode, I'd been wondering whether Miles and Kirsty were sleeping together or not.We saw then that they were sharing a bed rather than her still being in with Ollie which is a bit of a clue.(Is that a recent development or was Jai just really inattentive?)And he did offer to run her a bath a few weeks back.But it's open to interpretation, I suppose.

Matthew...I think he genuinely likes Ruby, rather than it all being a cover story for some master plan, but he's also clearly being a bit manipulative, posing as someone else in order to big himself up.Have to see what happens.

Christine...I don't think it's as simple as her being a hardcore Christian, although the character does seem a bit two-dimensional at times.I think she's someone deeply disturbed, a la Noah's mother or Casey's, who's latched onto religion as a way of making sense of the world.Both Geoff and the priest, who are genuine Christians, were horrified by her attitude.

I was surprised that she told Geoff her plans, she's never liked him so I would've though she would've waited till he'd left but it just a well for Melody that he's there. Christin's been a really good baddie I assume there wrapping the story up which is a shame as she's a really good actress.

I'm not too sure what I make of the recent Ruby storylines. I don't think tv shows should preach but it's just felt a bit irresponsible that first they showed her arranging to meet someone she met on the net, ok in a public place, but she still could've been followed home. I thought they were going to have some creepy older bloke to show the dangers of it but instead w'eve got a 15yrold boy who seems to have a crush on her. Then she's at a party getting drunk and her only two friends there leave her, even though anything could have happened. Luckily Matthew happens to be there and stops anything bad from happening to her. I just don't think they should ever make out its ok to leave a friend like that or that it isn't extremely dangerous to meet someone from the net.

It just shows the the state of mind Christine is in that she did tell Geoff, she hasn't a clue as to what she is doing. Geoff has strong religious beliefs, but even he said to Melody the other week they would go to a doctor if they were ill. Your'e right about Christine, RedRanger she is need of more help than Melody. In fact if she wasn't around Melody would be a lot better. She said it herself to Geoff that while she was in the clinic people listened to her. Thing is it doesn't do her any good defying Christine she doesn't listen!

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I think Christine is a strong minded woman and once she makes up her mind about some think she just barges her way round and dosent take any notice of any one around her husband couldnt talk thats why he left then Melody tried her best saying she needed help but her mother just wouldnt listen, who in there right mind would leave a child or in Melodys case with a mad woman like Christine, she has let her faith take over where she should be talking to Doctors for help.

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is meboldy staying because her storyline is the most stupid and funniest stories i have ever seen i cant take it seriously every time she was on screen with her mum i couldn't help for laughing her mums been watching to many horror movies trying to cast the devil out please i'm shocked Mebdolys head didn't spin round and start puking up green slime :lol and i laughed when Medoly said she wants to divorce her and her dad how shes not married too them

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is meboldy staying because her storyline is the most stupid and funniest stories i have ever seen i cant take it seriously every time she was on screen with her mum i couldn't help for laughing her mums been watching to many horror movies trying to cast the devil out please i'm shocked Mebdolys head didn't spin round and start puking up green slime :lol and i laughed when Medoly said she wants to divorce her and her dad how shes not married too them

Kids can divorce their parents there's another word for it too but I've forgotten. It does sound funny when Christine's talking about exorcisms but strange as it is there are parents who've done that too their children in real life.

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About Melody staying because Pemble you think her story line is funny yes there are perents who get in to there faith and they dont let any think else take pressedence, Christine is one of thoes people no matter how much Melody has told her mother she needs help Christine hasnt taken any notis of her, is it ant wonder Melody dosent know witch way to turn, and Yes a child can Divorce its perents if they think they are doing them more harm than good in whitch case Melody Mother is.

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Yep it’s confirmed Christine is stark staring bonkers! It’s no wonder Melody turned out the way she did with a mother like that. There appears to have been a significant portion of people in Summer Bay that are not all right up top. I wonder if it’s got something to do with the toxic waste. Either that or it’s something in the water.

Even though I don’t like Geoff, I have to say his loyalty in certain situations is admirable. There was never any doubt that he was going to get help for Melody. It was exactly the same with Nicole and Elliot. Although, admittedly I think this loyalty only extends to the female of the species.

Now that her mother is out of the way I bet it won’t take long before Melody is back to being perfectly normal again. But judging by the way Geoff was, his body language gave the impression that he doesn’t fancy her anymore. I think he realises there’s just too much baggage there.

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