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Geoff and Miles?Hardly the Dynamic Duo but it's kind of appropriate that they were the ones to rescue Melody, given how much trouble Christine caused them before.I'm glad Melody seems a lot stronger now, although it does seem as though she's misinterpreting Geoff's concern for her.Looks like the caravan park's got a new house guest.(Good job Kirsty's bed seems to be free...)Still no sign of Melody's dad.Maybe they really should start checking that basement.

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I think Melodys Dad was only going to say he was coming back si that Christine could get Melody back home but I do think trying to snatch Melody just shows how Christine has one thing on her mind and that was to controle her daughter, but I dont think Melodys problems are over by a long chalk.

Belle is another who cant leave well alone she seems to be nosieying around something she knowes nothink about why is she the one that has to do all this digging when we know shes going to get caught.

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I think Melodys Dad was only going to say he was coming back si that Christine could get Melody back home but I do think trying to snatch Melody just shows how Christine has one thing on her mind and that was to controle her daughter, but I dont think Melodys problems are over by a long chalk.

Belle is another who cant leave well alone she seems to be nosieying around something she knowes nothink about why is she the one that has to do all this digging when we know shes going to get caught.

Thats Belle though, she is fiesty and won't give up until she gets answers and she normallys gets them :)

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I'd been quite sympathetic towards Melody's dad up until that episode but, when you think about it, he's basically guilty of wilful neglect-he's been there all the time that Christine's been mistreating her and hasn't done anything about it.

Yeah, Belle's obviously heading for trouble.And I'd love to know how exactly she managed to talk her way out of breaking into a council archive.Mind you, it's becoming increasingly obvious that there really is something dodgy going on.(Although the perverse part of my mind keeps observing that this means when Brett Macklin tried to turn Summer Bay into a toxic waste dump a few years back it was already a toxic waste dump.That's bad luck.)I'm hoping there's more to the story because if it's just a case of Belle finding evidence that proves she was right all along that's gonna be a bit of an anti-climax.

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The last two episodes of Home and Away haven’t been that great and I have just found parts of them so boring.

In regards to today’s episode I did like the speech Larry gave to Aden in the hospital and Geoff’s heroics. It’s ironic - when I first started watching Larry I didn’t like his character at all as I felt he brought nothing to the show and would have been glad to see him go. After watching him beg Rachel to have pity on Aden several weeks ago and tonight, now it looks as though his time is limited, it seems as though I actually quite like the guy. Just a shame Aden had to run off like that.

I also liked the way Aden was with Melody in the Den but something about it just didn’t ring true. It seemed out of character for him although I appreciate that their time together in the clinic allowed them to bond to a certain degree.

I guess we can now start placing bets as to how long it will take before Aden and Belle get back together.

In regards to Kirsty and the escorting it’s pretty obvious she’s going to do it, otherwise why would they even bother showing it? Another ridiculous storyline.

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Melody seemed surprisingly forgiving towards her mother given what she'd just been through and hopefully that's the end to her.Although at least she didn't keep driving after running someone over. Never mind Jai, it's starting to look as though Geoff's the one that's invincible:A month or so ago he got shot in the leg with a harpoon only for it to apparently heal by itself and here he's wandering around mere minutes after being hit by a car and seeming to suffer no ill effects.

Aden's comment about not being able to face Larry is the closest he's come so far to expressing unambiguous guilt.I liked Larry's speech and Aden seemed to be affected by it but perhaps not enough; Larry's right when he says if he holds on to the bitterness it'll stop him moving on.

Belle's actions become increasingly desperate as she seems to have moved from snapping random photos to committing random break and enter.Like Aden says, what's she expecting to find?A folder marked "My Evil Plan"?

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Belles not exactly Veronica Mars is she? Parking right in front of the security guard jeez! It was good to see her being supportive of Aden though and the scene with Aden and his dad was v emotional, I'm glad Aden didn't forgive his dad it would've felt wrong after everything , I'm not sure if its something you could ever forgive.

I agree Slade this Kirsty escorting things (I imagine it's code for prostitution) annoying I know young women do get caught up in things like this but it's a bit like watching a train wreck about to happen.

I'm glad Mel stood up to her mum and is staying in the Bay it's nice to have a decent female character they seem to be a bit mean at the mo, although they'll prob change her and make her go off the rails, but I hope not.

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I'm glad Aden didn't forgive his dad it would've felt wrong after everything , I'm not sure if its something you could ever forgive.

I understand that it was pretty bad Larry not protecting Aden when he was younger as you would imagine that abuse of a child is every parent’s worst nightmare. However Aden tried to kill Larry and I personally feel that if Rachel hadn’t stalled him and Belle hadn’t turned up when she did and eventually call the police, he probably would have killed him. So you could argue that the forgiveness goes both ways. I’m glad Aden’s been give another chance, but he was EXTREMELY lucky. If Larry hadn’t spoken to Rachel at the hospital, gave supporting evidence for Aden in the court case and maybe a different judge/prosecutor were present things could have turned out very differently.

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I'm glad Belle seems to have chosen Angelo over Aden. She's been through all the angst with Drew, she doesn't need it all again with Aden. The episode today was a perfect example. She was two minutes with Aden and she was shouting and crying, then she spent two minutes with Angelo and she was laughing and relaxed. Also from Aden's point of view it would be better for him to find someone calm and caring, not someone overexcitable like Belle.

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