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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm glad Belle seems to have chosen Angelo over Aden. She's been through all the angst with Drew, she doesn't need it all again with Aden. The episode today was a perfect example. She was two minutes with Aden and she was shouting and crying, then she spent two minutes with Angelo and she was laughing and relaxed. Also from Aden's point of view it would be better for him to find someone calm and caring, not someone overexcitable like Belle.

I can see where you are coming from with this but the problem is that Belle is still in love with Aden and she got together with Angelo on the rebound. I’m pretty sure it will eventually reach the stage where she will start becoming pretty miserable and subconsciously start resenting Angelo for being the reason she is not with Aden (even though it’s not his fault). I can only see him getting hurt in the long run.

It wasn’t a smart move by Matthew to keep hold of Ruby’s diary. If she finds out that he’s got it, she will just assume he went to their house, found it and took it. She will then come to the conclusion that he is stalking her. He should have just been straight with her from the start. She was so relieved the house didn’t burn down, I think she would have been ok with his explanation.

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What I,d like to know is Charlie going to replace the kettle her Dad managed to ruin, at the end odf the day Charlie is still on her high horse about her father not thinking about Ruby and the affect that its haveing on her, and also as Leah is kind it must be haveing its affects on VJ and Her self.

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I'm glad Belle seems to have chosen Angelo over Aden. She's been through all the angst with Drew, she doesn't need it all again with Aden. The episode today was a perfect example. She was two minutes with Aden and she was shouting and crying, then she spent two minutes with Angelo and she was laughing and relaxed. Also from Aden's point of view it would be better for him to find someone calm and caring, not someone overexcitable like Belle.

I can see where you are coming from with this but the problem is that Belle is still in love with Aden and she got together with Angelo on the rebound. I’m pretty sure it will eventually reach the stage where she will start becoming pretty miserable and subconsciously start resenting Angelo for being the reason she is not with Aden (even though it’s not his fault). I can only see him getting hurt in the long run.

Part of me wishes that Belle would make a go of things with Angelo because when she does relax with him they actually seem happy together but the way she keeps looking at Aden and keeping things from Angelo...Maybe if Aden kept his distance it would work out but I can't see that happening.It really does seem to be Lucas and Drew all over again:She's arbitarily decided to give up on the guy she really wants and throw herself into a relationship she isn't really committed to.And favouring the angsty bad boy over the decent one.

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I'm glad Belle seems to have chosen Angelo over Aden. She's been through all the angst with Drew, she doesn't need it all again with Aden. The episode today was a perfect example. She was two minutes with Aden and she was shouting and crying, then she spent two minutes with Angelo and she was laughing and relaxed. Also from Aden's point of view it would be better for him to find someone calm and caring, not someone overexcitable like Belle.

I can see where you are coming from with this but the problem is that Belle is still in love with Aden and she got together with Angelo on the rebound. I’m pretty sure it will eventually reach the stage where she will start becoming pretty miserable and subconsciously start resenting Angelo for being the reason she is not with Aden (even though it’s not his fault). I can only see him getting hurt in the long run.

It wasn’t a smart move by Matthew to keep hold of Ruby’s diary. If she finds out that he’s got it, she will just assume he went to their house, found it and took it. She will then come to the conclusion that he is stalking her. He should have just been straight with her from the start. She was so relieved the house didn’t burn down, I think she would have been ok with his explanation.

It is so obvious Belle is still in love with Aden, she just won't admit it to herself. Aden and Belle did have some good times together before all the trouble with his Dad reared it's ugly head. It was a very moving speech Larry made to Aden, I think he meant he doesn't want Aden turning out like him and maybe beconing an alcoholic.

I agree about Matthew, all he had to say was he found her dairy where she dropped it and was returning it. BTW it finally clicked who he reminded me of - a young Jamie Foreman.

I was with Ross though about Charlie leaving all those little notes for him, I would have been furious too. I know he shouldn't have taken it out on Ruby, but you tend to take it out on those dearest to you.

Did anyone notice when he turned up at Roman's he said something about being home! Very telling.

Charlie wound me up again :angry: It is not her place to think about putting Ross in a care home, when if comes to that it is Morag's - and if he is still able to decide - Ross's.

Know what you mean Red Ranger about Geoff, he does seem pretty unbreakable. They didn't even say at the Hospital what his injuries were. No H&A tonight AGAIN, but two tomorrow to make up for it.

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I'm glad Aden didn't forgive his dad it would've felt wrong after everything , I'm not sure if its something you could ever forgive.

I understand that it was pretty bad Larry not protecting Aden when he was younger as you would imagine that abuse of a child is every parent’s worst nightmare. However Aden tried to kill Larry and I personally feel that if Rachel hadn’t stalled him and Belle hadn’t turned up when she did and eventually call the police, he probably would have killed him. So you could argue that the forgiveness goes both ways. I’m glad Aden’s been give another chance, but he was EXTREMELY lucky. If Larry hadn’t spoken to Rachel at the hospital, gave supporting evidence for Aden in the court case and maybe a different judge/prosecutor were present things could have turned out very differently.

I guess I see it differently, the abuse Aden suffered was for a long period of time(can't remember how long) when he was a child which screwed up his mental development. Larry could have prevented one of the most evil things that could happen to a child but didn't because of the abuse he suffered and I actually think that's worse than Aden trying to kill him because of the length of time and also Aden was having a mental episode and so wasn't in control of his actions. I agree though that he may well have killed him and think he was v lucky not to get any prison time. I think Larry has forgiven Aden because he wanted to kill his father too.

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I'm glad Aden didn't forgive his dad it would've felt wrong after everything , I'm not sure if its something you could ever forgive.

I understand that it was pretty bad Larry not protecting Aden when he was younger as you would imagine that abuse of a child is every parent’s worst nightmare. However Aden tried to kill Larry and I personally feel that if Rachel hadn’t stalled him and Belle hadn’t turned up when she did and eventually call the police, he probably would have killed him. So you could argue that the forgiveness goes both ways. I’m glad Aden’s been give another chance, but he was EXTREMELY lucky. If Larry hadn’t spoken to Rachel at the hospital, gave supporting evidence for Aden in the court case and maybe a different judge/prosecutor were present things could have turned out very differently.

I guess I see it differently, the abuse Aden suffered was for a long period of time(can't remember how long) when he was a child which screwed up his mental development. Larry could have prevented one of the most evil things that could happen to a child but didn't because of the abuse he suffered and I actually think that's worse than Aden trying to kill him because of the length of time and also Aden was having a mental episode and so wasn't in control of his actions. I agree though that he may well have killed him and think he was v lucky not to get any prison time. I think Larry has forgiven Aden because he wanted to kill his father too.

Hmm.I find it interesting that people are willing to accept that Aden's abuse excuses him whilst condemning Larry.Essentially, Larry is Aden's fellow victim and was probably just as badly affected, resulting in his alcoholism, his poor relationship with his family, his violent reaction when Aden forced him to confront the abuse...Some viewers seem to have got the impression that Larry was down the corridor doing nothing while Aden was being abused when in fact he wasn't even in the house, having left them alone and hoped for the best.Yes, he was in a position of responsibility over Aden and should have been looking after him but it in no way excuses Aden's actions.And, no, we've never been given any details of the time period involved whether it was months, years or less.

Anyway...if you had any doubts Bridget was dodgy, prepare to lose them.It's pretty obvious she's lying about the cancer and were those fake IDs in her bag?

Good on Ruby for standing up to Charlie and making her see that her ideas are impractical and it isn't about her.Despite being a lot younger than Charlie, there are times when she seems like the more mature one...at least until she starts playing tit-for-tat with Matthew.

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I suppose I am just thinking of my own past history when I think of Belle and her love troubles. I just want to shout 'leave the bad boy and go with the good boy, you silly girl!' That decision would lead her to much more happiness and a better life. Belle and Aden both need calmer people than each other.

I think HAA should introduce a prim and proper but strong character that Aden would at first despise but then fall in love with. Someone more like Rachel or Annie [but not actually them, obviously :P] However I can see the Aden/Belle will they/won't they storyline continuing for years, much like the Jack/Martha one [yawn]. At least it would save them spoiling two other couples, as my mum would say :lol:

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Sorry, forgot to fulfill my function as the pedantic so-and-so who spots the continuity errors.Charlie and Ruby go into the Diner and say Morag is with Ross.Then, a few scenes later, they're all back at the house and Ross tells the girls to go out so he can talk to Morag.Does anyone else think that should have been the other way round?

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Sorry, forgot to fulfill my function as the pedantic so-and-so who spots the continuity errors.Charlie and Ruby go into the Diner and say Morag is with Ross.Then, a few scenes later, they're all back at the house and Ross tells the girls to go out so he can talk to Morag.Does anyone else think that should have been the other way round?

I do as well. Bridget is definitely dodgy but lying about cancer that is low even for her, cancer is no laughing matter, I cant put my finger on it. I liked Matthew and Ruby as well :P

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Hmm.I find it interesting that people are willing to accept that Aden's abuse excuses him whilst condemning Larry.Essentially, Larry is Aden's fellow victim and was probably just as badly affected, resulting in his alcoholism, his poor relationship with his family, his violent reaction when Aden forced him to confront the abuse...Some viewers seem to have got the impression that Larry was down the corridor doing nothing while Aden was being abused when in fact he wasn't even in the house, having left them alone and hoped for the best.Yes, he was in a position of responsibility over Aden and should have been looking after him but it in no way excuses Aden's actions.And, no, we've never been given any details of the time period involved whether it was months, years or less.

Anyway...if you had any doubts Bridget was dodgy, prepare to lose them.It's pretty obvious she's lying about the cancer and were those fake IDs in her bag?

Good on Ruby for standing up to Charlie and making her see that her ideas are impractical and it isn't about her.Despite being a lot younger than Charlie, there are times when she seems like the more mature one...at least until she starts playing tit-for-tat with Matthew.

I agree whilst Larry’s actions have ultimately resulted in his demise, I personally feel that most of the pain he caused was indirect. He hit Axel and Jai when he was drunk. He didn’t actively get in his car to find someone to run over. And as far as allowing his dad to abuse Aden, he didn’t actively participate. He just didn’t prevent it. So presumably Larry never set out with the intention of harming anyone. Aden unfortunately did.

Yes, initially I liked Bridget and then I thought she was too nice to be true and when you saw the fake Ids you could hear the old dun, dun, dun. Rachel is now going to be watching her like a hawk just waiting for her to put a foot wrong and then she’ll pounce.

Ruby and Mathew - a match made in heaven.

So Kirsty’s finally going through with it. What a surprise, although, desperate times call for desperate measures.

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