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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I didn't exactly approve of Rachel's actions but I can't really blame her for them.She seemed to come on a bit strong with both Dane and Tony at the Diner but when she spoke to Dane at the bar I thought she handled it sensitively.I think she now realises it was no-one's fault and she couldn't have done anything even if she'd been there.

The whole development thing is boring me to tears, possibly because it's all about Aden and Belle and they're boring me to tears.It's obvious Belle's right so just find the proof and get it over with.It's actually got to the stage where I'm shouting insults at the set during these scenes.When Aden gave that big speech about not having anything more to do with Belle, I just knew he was going to have changed his mind by the next scene.And seriously, she's meant to be going out with Angelo so why is she round Aden's every five minutes making it pretty obvious she's interested?Either stay away from him or do the decent thing and break up with the poor bloke you're stringing along.

I'm hoping this whole escort thing isn't just an excuse to split up Miles and Kirsty because I think they're actually rather cute together.She really does need to start being honest with him, though.

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But what made me mile was when Kirsty went up to Bartlet and Said "Hello I beleieve I,m the person you waiting for " the look on there faces was a treat.

Although we knew it was going to happen it was still a :) moment. I don't know who was the more embarassed/surprised.

I'm guessing either Kirsty keeps a dress at The Sands or they have a secret supply as she didn't leave the house with one.

Slade if she was just going to be Martin's escort for the evening how is she going to be a social outcast? Yes, I do know there is sometimes more to it than just that, but not on this occasion.

Rachel did seem very quick to blame Dane for Joe's death and even had a swipe at Tony. However once she heard his story and that he had done all the right things but it was still too late she changed her mind. It seemed that Joes's mum (I've forgotten her name) that she didn't want them to find her. BTW you knew that as soon as Rachel decided to have a night out something bad was going to happen.

What's the betting the guy who rang Belle is someone we know, after all why we would just get to see his mouth when we saw hin talking on the phone. It did cross my mind it was Angelo, but then Belle would have known his voice.

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Slade if she was just going to be Martin's escort for the evening how is she going to be a social outcast? Yes, I do know there is sometimes more to it than just that, but not on this occasion.

-She’s done it before.

-She’s lied to Miles.

-She’s doing it to try and get her husband freed even though she’s supposed to be committed in a relationship with someone else.

-Miles is very popular in the community.

-People in Summer Bay generally can be quick to judge.

Most importantly I feel a lot of people will simply see her as a criminal’s husband. Albeit they have decided to give her another go but when they find out she’s been escorting they will simply see her as nothing more than a money grabber. I believe someone referred to her as a “trollop” previously.

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Rachel apologised!Well, sort of.She apologised for something anyway.I was beginning to think no-one apologised on this show anymore.

It's nice to see Melody more relaxed now but I'm worried history's going to repeat itself:She seems to be making assumptions about Geoff while he completely fails to put her straight and it looks like it's all going to blow up.Bit unfair of Nicole to start acting jealous when someone else takes an interest in Geoff after rejecting him twice.

Martin handled the whole escort thing pretty well, I thought.Kirsty was right to refuse to take money off him but she went a bit too far threatening him like that.That one's gonna come back to haunt her...

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I couldnt agree more Red Ranger 1 with what Kirsty shes going to have to lie about what shes doing and how many hours shes working then at the end of the day Miles will be wondering were her money has gone I dont think shes thought of that, but Not only was kirsty in the wrong for not telling Miles Miles was at fault for excepting Leahs invite and she should have known better.

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I actually thought it was Aden on the phone threatening Belle. It really sounded like him, especially as he was speaking in the next scene and I could compare voices. But I suppose he wouldn't get himself fired from his job, would he? Or give the plans to Belle then steal them back again? :lol: Unless he's got a split personality :o:lol: I expect what it was, the director said 'right I want a male actor to phone up, we can't afford to hire an actor just to say one line. Who will do it?' And Aden was picked.

Re: Kirsty. I have never forgiven her for falling in love and marrying her sister's rapist. How could she? :angry: All she ever did when she was last in the show was manipulate people.

Leah and Miles were sweet today :D Nice to see her actually having some scenes.

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How dare Rachel speak to Tony like that, I can't believe she actually said that it was his fault and that if Joe had stayed with them he'd still be alive :angry: , just who does she think she is, some super cancer curer? I get that she was shocked, but she's a doctor, on some level she must have been aware that it was possible he might not make it, it had nothing to do with Joe being deprived of Rachel's care, he had cancer. And then how dare she blame Dane, the man who raised Joe like his own son even though he could easily have walked away. Rachel goes on about how she 'almost' adopted Joe, well so what? Dane brought him up, if Rachel was 'almost' an adoptive mother to Joe, Dane actually was an adoptive father to him, and I'm sure however much Rachel loved him, Dane did too. So how dare she treat a grieving, broken man like it was all his fault his son was just died, of cancer, something he had no control over? But no it's all fine because this is Rachel, and she was in shock of of course it's perfectly understanable.

Ok rant over, sorry about that, and no offence to any Rachel fans :) .

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Awww, come on! :lol:

Ok she didn't adopt him officially but he was taken from her at the very last second, to people who at the time didn't exactly come across as being the best parents in the world. That has to hurt, and you don't just stop loving a child like that. Then he comes back into her life suffering from cancer, his mother has ran off and his step-father was skipping hospital appointments.

I agree Tony didn't deserve to be spoken too like that but she'd just be told a child she loved had died. People usually lash out to those closest to them when they're in shock and thats what just happened. As for Dane, can you really blame her? This is the same Dane, who last time we saw him was a drug addict and clearly didn't care about Joe all that much. Then he skipped doctors appointments and ran off with a sick child half way around the country. And the scene with them in the bar, when she put her hand over his, was nice. She knows how much he meant to Dane as well.

Yes she's a doctor and deep down she probably knows she couldn't have done anything different, but she's human too and is allowed to have a normal reaction without people accusing her of being unprofessional.

Anyhoo, the little scene today in the gym was really lovely. Only i wish we'd actually seen the whole 'shutting him out' business, which is what she was apologising for. Tony is really sweet sometimes.

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^^Finally! And I thought it was just me that had a problem with Rachel. That actually annoyed me more than when she had a go at Bridget the other day.

Re: Kirsty. I have never forgiven her for falling in love and marrying her sister's rapist. How could she? :angry: All she ever did when she was last in the show was manipulate people.

You forgot to include the having a kid with her sister’s rapist part.

And you know what? This is exactly what I like to see - more of the old Kirsty. That’s some of the things I actually like about her - the lying, the sneaking around, the manipulating, trying to cover things up etc. I’ve always been partial to characters such as those – Re Amanda, Jaz, Nicole.

I’m not just saying this because I’m a KK fan but I actually really enjoyed the scenes with Leah and Miles. And I even find myself actually quite liking Bartlett. I don’t know why. I guess you can see that underneath he’s not a bad person.

Since Christine has dispersed and Melody has moved with Miles/Kirsty/Jai she seems far more likeable now (not that I had a problem with her before). And I thought the scenes involving her Nicole and Geoff were quite funny. And Nicole’s reaction at the end was good.

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