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That actually annoyed me more than when she had a go at Bridget the other day.

Bridget is awful. I hate her lying to Alf and Martha and deceiving people like that. I don't blame Rachel for having a go either. I know i couldn't be around the women who slept with my fiancee every day. And yeah Bridget is not really to blame but she knew the situation, what kinda woman does that?

The Miles and Leah scene was really fun, i am liking Miles more and more. It's great to have some humour on the show.

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I actually thought it was Aden on the phone threatening Belle. It really sounded like him, especially as he was speaking in the next scene and I could compare voices. But I suppose he wouldn't get himself fired from his job, would he? Or give the plans to Belle then steal them back again? :lol: Unless he's got a split personality :o:lol: I expect what it was, the director said 'right I want a male actor to phone up, we can't afford to hire an actor just to say one line. Who will do it?' And Aden was picked.

Curiously, I was surprised that Belle said it wasn't Tim's voice because it sounded exactly like him to me.Although he didn't have a moustache so it obviously wasn't him.

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women who slept with my fiancee every day. And yeah Bridget is not really to blame but she knew the situation, what kinda woman does that?

The Miles and Leah scene was really fun, i am liking Miles more and more. It's great to have some humour on the show.

When Bridget first came into the show I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation with Tony. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt because it was as much Tony’s fault as it was hers. Then I thought she was really nice, then rather quickly it clicked that she was quite false.

Sorry to slate your favourite character but I just don’t like Rachel at the moment. I did when she was with Kim but over the last few months I haven’t liked her attitude at all. I find her quite sanctimonious to be honest. I don’t like the way where at times she sticks her nose into people’s business and she annoys me with this holier than thou attitude.

Anyway as I always say – each to their own.

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Awww, come on! :lol:

Ok she didn't adopt him officially but he was taken from her at the very last second, to people who at the time didn't exactly come across as being the best parents in the world.

Yes but they were his parents, not Rachel, Lee is his mother, Dane brought him up as his own son, whereas Rachel nearly did. on't get me wrong I feel bad for her, but being in shock and grieving does not give her, or anybody else the right to treat other people as if their feelings are irrelevant. Especially when she yells at the kid's father and makes him feel like he didn't do enough and it was all his fault that his son died of cancer. She didn't even bother to find out what actually happened to Joe before she started throwing accusations around and assuming that she would have saved him. I just felt so bad for Dane, he was grieving too - for his son- and she made him feel it was all his fault. Sorry if any of this offends you, just my opinion :)

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I think you could be wrong on it being Angelo the lips were too thick, and Angelos voice is slightly higher, to be honest I think its one of the construction workers.

The whole Rache saga mm I have to say is all out of hand its the way she looks also he way she went off at Tony over the little Joe thing was not on in my book she suppose to be in love with this man but basicly tells him to but ot I will never understand Rachel.

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Re: Kirsty. I have never forgiven her for falling in love and marrying her sister's rapist. How could she? :angry: All she ever did when she was last in the show was manipulate people.

I thought it was just me! Honestly those two made my stomach turn so very wrong!

Leah and Miles were sweet today :D Nice to see her actually having some scenes.

I really enjoyed their scenes too it was nice having some happy smiley people and they have realy good chemistry. I also realy anjoyed seeing Melody all happy and sparkly I hope Nicole doesn't ruin it for her and that Geoff's straight with her although I think he'd be crazy to pick Nicole over her.

The person on the phone i thought was Aden at first but now I think its the bloke he was supposedly friends with that he worked with, can't remember his name.

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Re: Kirsty. I have never forgiven her for falling in love and marrying her sister's rapist. How could she? :angry: All she ever did when she was last in the show was manipulate people.

I thought it was just me! Honestly those two made my stomach turn so very wrong!

Leah and Miles were sweet today :D Nice to see her actually having some scenes.

I really enjoyed their scenes too it was nice having some happy smiley people and they have realy good chemistry. I also realy anjoyed seeing Melody all happy and sparkly I hope Nicole doesn't ruin it for her and that Geoff's straight with her although I think he'd be crazy to pick Nicole over her.

The person on the phone i thought was Aden at first but now I think its the bloke he was supposedly friends with that he worked with, can't remember his name.

I also think Geoff should tell Melody he just wants to be friends otherwise she is going to get hurt and she certainly doesn't need that after what she has just been through.

Martin wasn't doing anything wrong by having an escort for the evening, he is a single adult after all. Kirsty was so wrong to threaten him.

The guy who was working with was called Dino and he did look like he knew more than he said he did after Aden had a go at him.

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I am watching todays episode at the moment and I loved Aden's smile when Belle and Angelo were at the Surf Club playing pool. Then Belles dream about Aden with his shirt off..gorgeous. Melody is starting to really annoy me, the way she just presumes Geoff wants to get back together just because he is being nice to her. Aww Ollie is soo cute. Has anyone else noticed that Belle was wearing makeup in bed? :lol: And it wasn't smudged or anything.

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If Geoff isn't interested in Melody like that, then Nicole's right and he should tell her before she gets hurt.Odd that he didn't seem willing to confirm it, given that he ran off like a scalded cat last episode, but maybe he just didn't want to talk about it with Nicole.Then again maybe he's been taking advice from Belle on how to handle multiple love interests.(Hmm, sleeping with one guy whilst having wet dreams about another-and, curiously, development plans.That's gonna work...)

I've just realised:They've done this cancer thing before.Will and Peta took a water sample for a school project from this lake and they found it was contaminated and the farmer that owned it got really upset cos his son used to swim in it and he died of cancer.I'm finding the whole toxic waste thing a bit daft, frankly.Belle's probably going to be right but dragging up storylines stretching back five years and claiming it's all part of a masterplan is somewhat ridiculous.Maybe my theory about an agency being hired to send nutters there will turn out to be right as well.And it doesn't help that half the time she seems to be using it as an excuse to spend time with Aden.

And Jai and Annie finally acting like teenagers.I'd almost forgotten they were meant to be dating.

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