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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I quite enjoyed that episode.

Firstly Roman was actually smiling when he found out Nicole was applying for school captain. If only he could do that more often. It would do wonders for his character. I actually wasn’t sure about Nicole doing that because she has changed her attitude as of late and that just seems to be reverting back to how she was before, although Geoff annoyed me with his little outburst.

I guess Jai’s reached the stage where he wants to get more physical and possibly try other things. They only seemed to be hanging out with each other before and now I guess his hormones are going into overdrive.

Again I liked Aden’s interaction with Nicole and even Melody. A few months ago he never would have been friends with someone like her.

Belle’s still hanging around Aden like a lost puppy. I'm assuming her and Angelo aren't going to last but I’m still not sure about Aden and Belle as a couple. I like them both as individual characters but together…hmmm.

How stupid was Kirsty to just leave her bank details exposed like that?

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Yes I agree with you Slade I dont think any one in there right mind would have switches the computer off but it was bound to happen for Miles to find out Kirsty had money off Bartlett but I dont like the way shes being threatened either carry on with the escorting or loose her job as a house maid when she went for the job that wasnt mentioned.

Nicole seems to be back to her old self out for number one I cant see a relation ship between her and Geoff they are two different people she a happy go luvky type and Geoff is more for up holding his preachings from the bible.

Belle I dont really know what she wants I have said this before in a earlier post like mother like daughter.

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Aha, me and Oipoodle don't like Kirsty :lol:

I laughed and laughed when Miles found her bank account details with money from Martin in there. I think her deception is all going to unravel. Jolly good :D Maybe Miles will finally realise that Leah is The One For Him, not a trailer trash girl 10 years younger than him. But now I wonder if Miles is good enough for Leah, now he's been lured to the Dark Side [Kirsty] :unsure:

I think re: Geoff, he's just overwhelmed having two girls fighting over him, the poor dear :lol: I can't think of anyone suitable to advise him though...

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Belle is really starting to annoy me, she's acting all holier-than-thou whilst breaking the law, using people, getting them to lie for her and hiding her ex-boyfriend in her bedroom(and apparently expecting him to be there waiting for her once she's got rid of current boyfriend).

Miles surprised me:I don't think I've ever seen him genuinely angry before and it's only going to get worse.Ironic that Leah notes he's easy to manipulate when she appears to be doing exactly that herself, encouraging him to think the worst of Kirsty even though she's supposed to be her friend.Liked Jai's reaction.

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A great episode today! It was nice to see Miles actually getting angry and mean rather than just being a dippy oaf as usual. I don't think Leah was manipulating him though, I thought she was just listening to him. I know she Likes him but she is Kirsty's friend too remember. If Miles keeps acting like this I might actually like him again as I did pre Kirsty.

I think Belle is just repeating her usual behaviour: hiding one boyfriend while the other one doesn't suspect; getting people to do things for her then pushing them away. As we have said before on this thread, its the same as it was with Drew and Lucas again. She needs to understand herself better.

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Belle annoyed me as well. She knew full well that as doctor Rachel had to respect patient confidentiality but she didn’t appear to give two hoots.

I’ve been very critical of Rachel as of late but I actually thought she came across a lot better in that episode. She reminded me more of the Rachel that I used to like as opposed to the one we’ve been watching over the last few months.

That was very unlike Miles and completely out of character - I loved it. Let the goody two shoes show a dark side for once. I guess Kirsty’s in trouble. No worry people like her always land on their feet.

Claire Louise, she never stopped loving him. She was just being resourceful and using her brain. If Kane miraculously gets out she can go back to him otherwise she might as well stick it out with Miles and have a stable home for Ollie.

Interesting to note how people are prepared to slate Kirsty for stringing Miles along yet apparently it’s ok for Belle to string Angelo along - I like that.

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Belle annoyed me as well. She knew full well that as doctor Rachel had to respect patient confidentiality but she didn’t appear to give two hoots.

In one way I agree with you but another I don't. She may not have cared that Rachel has to respect patient confidentiality but she probaly wasn't thinking that was very important if shes trying to save people from cancer. If that was me, I'm sure I would rather save people from getting cancer than making sure a doctor respects patient confidentialy.

Interesting to note how people are prepared to slate Kirsty for stringing Miles along yet apparently it’s ok for Belle to string Angelo along - I like that.

Maybe its because people like Miles and they don't like Kirsty and that everyone loved Adelle when they were together so they don't mind as they want them back together.

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