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Yes after disliking her for months I have warmed to Rachel over the last week or so. More of the old Rachel please.

I found Charlie’s facial expressions quite funny when Nat was dropping hints about having nowhere to stay. I actually thought she was quite restrained as part of me felt that she wanted to say something but she simply stayed out dispute between Nicole and her mum and also reassured Nat later on – Well done Charlie!

I’m glad Nat’s going to be staying (at least for the time being I assume) as I’m sure she will cause trouble. Although I get the feeling that Charlie will kick off at some point. We all know what she’s like and when she’s feeling insecure what does she do? Lash out.

I’m so bored of this Waste disposal/Cancer storyline. If as the guy that’s covering up said they will remove the waste from the site next week hopefully it will all come out and that will be then end of it. Fingers crossed.

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Dose any one else think Natalie is a lot like Amanda when she first came into the bay she expected every one to panda to her needs just like Natalie is now, I felt like punching her when she said to nicole "you cant turn me away " I thought oh yes I can just wait shes going to cause trouble beween oman and Charlie I bet.

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^I think Natalie is like Amanda in the sense that she is the same type of character when Amanda first turned up - Stuck up, selfish, materialistic etc. Amanda did change towards the end but even when she wasn’t good she did care a lot more for her son than Nat currently does for Nicole.

I actually think Nat is more like Jazz than Amanda. She couldn’t really care less about Drew or her other two children. She only wanted to get to know Drew when she discovered he was the sole beneficiary of his Grandmother’s will. After that she only came back to when her husband gave her the boot. Don’t get me wrong because I actually really liked Jazz (and Amanda). As I’ve said before I’m always partial to those types of characters as I feel they always bring something to the show.

And let’s face it at least they do something. Most of the time characters like Irene and Leah are just part of the furniture in the background, although watching Leah getting jealous and sanctimonious over Kirsty is something at least.

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Sheesh, Roman should have 'Welcome' tattooed on his forehead, talk about door mat! Doesn't he know most people in HW get directed to The Sands brothel when they're not welcome to stay. I was surprised Charley didn't have something to say about it, looks like she's always going to play second fiddle in that relationship.

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Oh yeah, where did Belle get Murray's phone number from?What with Roman talking about Natalie turning up at the school, looks like another episode that got mangled in the editing suite.

This development story has never really interested me.They're just going round and round in circles, with Belle screaming that they're all going to die while no-one cares.Although if Tim is telling the truth about them removing the waste, that's the first thing that's made sense since the whole sorry business started.

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But they would still keep that hushed up they would just advertise there flats and any one from out side summer bay would not know the appartments were built on toxic land as they have already said Colleen has used that path for years so did Vinnie and all the rest who live along that path. We all know how long it takes for toxic wASTE TO DISPURSE thats why if the council are approached usally they cover it up especially if there is a back hander in it for them.

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I still don't really get what's in it for the developers.If everyone that moves in catches cancer, there's going to be an awful lot of fingers pointed at them, especially when they've already been accused once. Why don't they just build on a site that isn't toxic?And I don't see what's in it for the council.The waste has been there for years and no-one knows about it, but instead of keeping the place out of bounds they start a development that threatens to expose them.

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Yea so the story could be Council in Toxic waste cover up, I dont know where Home And Away are going with this story but when Developers come along no matter who they are if there is money to be made they all ways get round it no matter who gets hurt in the peocess, it boils down to Big fats cats and Money.

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