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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Hmmm firstly there was something that bothered when Irene said to Aden “It’s very good to have you back love”. I’m all for giving people second chances but after everything he’s done why is she able to give him a fair go but when Geoff mentioned to her last week about Nicole having problems with her mother she immediately assumed that Nicole was to blame. She’s caused trouble since coming to the Bay but nowhere near as much as Aden has.

Well I thought Charlie did well staying out of Nicole’s dispute with her mother last episode but she arguable deserved a medal today. Natalie was quite rude to her and she completely bit her tongue - Very unlike her. I’m not sure if she can sustain that for any period of time.

I felt sorry for Angelo when he basically hinted to Charlie that he suspected that the main reason Belle was going out with him because it was convenient having a police constable as a boyfriend.

I quite enjoyed the scenes with Nicole and Nat. It seemed like Nicole was the mother and Nat was the daughter. Loved the way she just told her to get in the car. Why couldn’t she have called Roman or Geoff to pick her and Nat up? Summer Bay is the haven for Sod’s law so its hardly surprising out of all the police officers that could have been working that night it just happened to be Charlie that stopped them.

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I felt sorry for Angelo when he basically hinted to Charlie that he suspected that the main reason Belle was going out with him because it was convenient having a police constable as a boyfriend.

I know I should feel sorry for him, but for some reason I just can't warm to Angelo. I think it's because he's so smug about Belle choosing him over Aden - yes, he has every right to dislike Aden, but all the gloating he does just makes me think he's asking to be cheated on. :ph34r:

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I knew as soon as Nicole got into the car she was heading for trouble she should have made her mother walk lets face it she didnt seem that bothered when Charlie pulled them over especially as Nicole had already told her she had lost her licence, I have to agree Nicole the Mother Nat the child and fancy taking her to a bar she knowd she is under age, Memories of Jazz maybe.

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Right, so Belle's stringing Angelo along so he'll help her out with her increasingly desperate investigation.There are words for girls like that and most of them have been directed at Kirsty lately. Actually, most of them were directed at Belle a few months back.By Aden.Maybe he was closer to the mark than we first thought.It actually looked as though Belle was stringing Aden along as well, unless he was just covering when he told Roman she was going to break up with Angelo soon.And I had to raise an eyebrow when Irene told Aden "I know you'll do the right thing."Er, what are you basing that assumption on?

Oh, Nicole.She was doing so well, staying off the booze and dragging her mum away before she made a fool of herself but then she had to spoil it by driving illegally.(Again.)She should probably make a resolution never to listen to anything Natalie says ever again.

And Aden felt the need to say Geoff wasn't his type when no-one had suggested he was.I'll leave other people to draw their conclusions from that.

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^This obesssional hatred of Mr Jeffries has to stop. It’s unhealthy and by the looks of things it’s now starting to make you hate other characters as well. Soon it will be Nicole and Roman.

That aside, please continue as I always look forward to reading your highly amusing posts regarding (according to most people) Summer Bay’s two best characters - Aden and Belle. *round of applause*

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I felt sorry for Angelo when he basically hinted to Charlie that he suspected that the main reason Belle was going out with him because it was convenient having a police constable as a boyfriend.

I know I should feel sorry for him, but for some reason I just can't warm to Angelo. I think it's because he's so smug about Belle choosing him over Aden - yes, he has every right to dislike Aden, but all the gloating he does just makes me think he's asking to be cheated on. :ph34r:

See, I warmed to Angelo instantly and I don't see the smug part. All I see is a man trying to protect his girlfriend and I get the reason he has a dislike towards Aden.

But then I kind of see more chemistry between Angelo/Aden than Aden/Belle so I should just shut up now :lol:

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^This obesssional hatred of Mr Jeffries has to stop. It’s unhealthy and by the looks of things it’s now starting to make you hate other characters as well. Soon it will be Nicole and Roman.

That aside, please continue as I always look forward to reading your highly amusing posts regarding (according to most people) Summer Bay’s two best characters - Aden and Belle. *round of applause*

Yes, I think I did admit in another thread a while back that I was worried Aden was going to make me hate all the characters that hang around him as well.Although I did say Belle wasn't being fair on Aden either by constantly saying she's going to break up with Angelo and then not doing it.Actually I do prefer Aden when he's in scenes with Nicole than when he's with Belle, they make a much more interesting double act.

The only time I haven't liked Angelo's attitude towards Aden was when Aden turned up at the house in the middle of the night while Belle was asleep.Aden was out of line but Angelo was a bit too smug towards him.Otherwise his reaction has been pretty much what any guy's would be if their girlfriend's criminal ex kept hanging around.

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So Belle is the spawn of satan.

She saw how worried Angelo was and she still wants to use him, its just so horrible. I even feel bad for Aden even after all he put her through I feel sorry for the way she's treating him. I would've thought Aden being treated like this would set back his recovery but then as he doesn't seem to be having any treatment maybe he's supposed to be magically better. And yep those things that Irene said didn't ring true she was never his biggest fan even before he went manic. Good to see more of her though.

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Yes, I think I did admit in another thread a while back that I was worried Aden was going to make me hate all the characters that hang around him as well.Although I did say Belle wasn't being fair on Aden either by constantly saying she's going to break up with Angelo and then not doing it.Actually I do prefer Aden when he's in scenes with Nicole than when he's with Belle, they make a much more interesting double act.

Fair dos. Again I wasn’t being serious. I know you don’t hate Aden to the point of obsession (as you’re too busy writing your fan-fictions). :P

Initially I didn’t mind the scenes when Aden and Belle were first getting together (although admittedly I was a bit surprised she would just let him crawl in her bed like that). But now I’m starting to find them quite tiresome to be honest. I don’t mind them as individual characters (although I’m not so keen on Belle anymore) it’s just the idea of them being together as a couple which bothers me. And as I said several times before, Aden hasn’t fully resolved his past issues and Belle is detrimental to any recovery as Aden seems to focus all his energy in her rather than actually getting better.

In regards to Belle’s behaviour it’s not so much the cheating which bothers me as she’s been no worse than characters in the past (Cassie and Martha are two names I can think off the top of my head). It’s the ways she’s blatantly using Angelo specifically because she wants to expose the council and the building contractors in regards to waste disposal issues.

The Amanda of old would have been proud!

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I can't say I'm that bothered about the storyline between Nicole and her mother, big yawn. Anyway, I think the script writers must be on holiday, Belles car crash was the worst one they've ever done (and they've done a lot), hardly a cliff hanger. And why did Charley and Angie stop Nicole when she was driving back from the city, had they bugged her in the nightclub? As for Belle the way she's going she'll be doing panto in Mansfield with Harold from Neighbours this New year :-)

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