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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I can't say I'm that bothered about the storyline between Nicole and her mother, big yawn. Anyway, I think the script writers must be on holiday, Belles car crash was the worst one they've ever done (and they've done a lot), hardly a cliff hanger. And why did Charley and Angie stop Nicole when she was driving back from the city, had they bugged her in the nightclub? As for Belle the way she's going she'll be doing panto in Mansfield with Harold from Neighbours this New year :-)

I don't think it was planned specifically that Angelo and Charlie stopped Nicole and Natalie, I thought it was just a spot check on cars coming back from the city knowing ther drivers may have been drinking. What is the worst offence , Nic driving without a license or Nat driving under the influence? I agree with you Slade, why couldn't they have rung Roman or just just a cab. On the subject of Nat and Charlie, yes Charlie was very restrained, Nat was such a cow towards her. Still she is a spoilt brat.

Angelo practically gave Belle the ideal oppurtunity to dump him when he was talking to her in the hospital, the longer she leaves it the harder it is going to be.

There must have been something about Murray that stopped Belle giving him the list, he must have been pretty quick to nab the list. if it was him?

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I told you Charlie wouldn’t be able to hold her tongue for very long. I think she’d better heed Romans advice as Nicole will see any attack on Nat as an attack on her. It’s a shame as well because Charlie and Nicole had been getting on quite well recently. I didn’t really like Nicole speaking to her like that as she and her mother were very lucky not to be charged but I can’t really blame her as there is no way I would just stand there and let someone speak to my mum like that (even if she was in the wrong).

I’m actually liking this new side to Leah. She is far more watchable than she was previously. I can only assume that today’s outburst was probably because it was her time of month. Wait a minute she was like that with Kirsty last week. Ok, spilt personality.

Good to see Irene sticking up for Kirsty. It’s funny because she had a right go at her last week. It’s kind of like a nobody touches her but me sort of thing. I’m glad her and Leah were actually doing something other than serving food as both characters have been wilfully neglected over the last few months.

I see Melody’s not as innocent as we’d thought. That was quite calculating actually.

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Why oh why did Leah have a go at kirsty its got nothing to do with her, I know its Karma what goes around comes around she did the dirty on Peter three Years ago and its come back to bite her on the bum as Kirsty, so glad Miles said it was best to stay away from each other.

Melody has a phyco personality about her fancy telling on poor little Nicoloe mind you I could see that comeing shes just getting her own back.

Charlie was in the wrong haveing a go at Both Nicole and her Mother but I have to say Roman was pretty laid back about the whole thing my dad would have grounded me and told me mother to get out she s a bad influence on her Daughter.

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Hmm.I found it a bit difficult to like anyone in that episode or at least anyone who had more than a couple of lines.Really not liking Leah at the moment and I really hope her and Miles don't get together simply because she's being so underhand, practically throwing herself at him when he's only just broken up with Kirsty(and, indeed, while he was still with her), lying to him and throwing a tantrum because, surprise surprise, he's not over Kirsty five minutes after they broke up.

Melody seems to have developed a sneaky streak and her "I'm over Geoff" speech was about as convincing as most of Aden's "I'm over Belle" speeches.Ironic that she gets Nicole thrown off the council to keep her and Geoff apart when Nicole only joined to keep Geoff and Melody apart.Mind you, at home she seems to have been turned into Miles' verbal punchbag.I'd have quite liked to have seen him "checking on" her, although that just seemed to be an excuse to avoid Kirsty.

Roman/Nicole/Natalie/Charlie.There seemed to be a hint of Belle about Roman's behaviour here, Charlie sticks her neck out to stop Nicole getting into trouble and gets treated badly by everyone involved.Her speech to Natalie was spot on so it's a shame it seems to have put Nicole offside.At least Roman didn't end up having a go at her although she didn't too happy about being told to back off.

Comedy highlight:Geoff questioning exactly how Nicole got into the situation in the first place in the middle of her rant and then apologising.

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Roman/Nicole/Natalie/Charlie.There seemed to be a hint of Belle about Roman's behaviour here, Charlie sticks her neck out to stop Nicole getting into trouble and gets treated badly by everyone involved.Her speech to Natalie was spot on so it's a shame it seems to have put Nicole offside.At least Roman didn't end up having a go at her although she didn't too happy about being told to back off.

I'm not so sure about that. Charlie decided to go easy on them. Roman didn't put her up to it. Also he is in a very difficult position. Charlie wanted him to chuck Nat out and he's only trying to do what is best for his daughter, which means ensuring that she's happy i.e. patching things up with her mother. So obviously he doesn't want to rock the boat. I agree he was too lenient but I don't think there was anything wrong with the way he acted towards Charlie. There was nothing else he could really do and I actually think he's been more affectionate with her lately than he was before.

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Hooray for Alf for pointing out a few things to Miles.Hooray for Rachel for pointing out a few things to Leah.Miles putting some distance between them was probably a good idea, if for no other reason than that he really needs an impartial confidente rather than someone with such fixed opinions.And Kirsty's pulled out of funding Kane's appeal.Not sure if that means he's gone for good or not.

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The thing that makes me laugh most of all regarding Leah and Miles is that she was like that when he was dating Jazz for a brief period earlier on in the year (although admittedly not as hard-line as she was with Kirsty). Then when Miles did take an interest in her she backed off. So she had her chance to be with him but didn’t take it. After spotting that there was trouble with Miles and Kirsty’s relationship she decided to seize the opportunity to make her move. So it would appear that she’s only interested in him when he’s with someone else – i.e. I want what I can’t have.

And Kirsty's pulled out of funding Kane's appeal.Not sure if that means he's gone for good or not.

I think I’ve made my feelings about this perfectly clear before but objectively speaking, I actually think she’s doing the right thing here. After years of putting herself before her family, looks as though she’s decided that it’s more important that she looks after and builds a stable home for her son. Maybe she’s not as selfish as some people thought.

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Well Time will tell with Kirsty I have my reservations, but we will see.

Belle what a foolish girl thinking she is doing some good, will she never learn to keep her nosr=e out of things,

Am I right or did I dream it is Bridget really conning Alf or is it my Imagination?

No you are not dreaming, she is out to con Alf and a few others I shouldn't be surprised. I don't like her at all but I do like the tops she wears. Does seem even Martha is getting weary of her company, she mentioned that she thought Bridget didn't somethimes know what she was talking about. Bridget made another slip when she said to Rachel that Martha would be feeling a lot better after her last of chemo and then had to correct herself.

At last Kirsty seems to be making sensible decisions, getting out of the Sands, accepting Martin's offer of her job back & dropping the funding for Kane's appeal.

Good that Miles explained to Jai at least something of what was going on with him and Kirsty (though obviously not all of it).

I was kind of surprised by Melody snitching on Nicole, I thought she was a good Catholic girl.

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