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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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To be fair about Geoff having slept with Nicole, it was under exceptional circumstances, thing is now other people know, how long before it gets back to Roman!! :o

Yes it was under exceptional circumstances but you would have thought that he would have been less likely to have done it as they both felt they were in a situation where they could die. And if you sin and don’t repent, you will not inherit God’s Kingdom (according to the Bible). So you would have thought there would be no way he could have realistically repented after that as he clearly had a choice whether or not to actually sin.

I thought the remark made earlier on in the thread about Nicole was a bit unfair.

I think that your interpretation of the Bible is rather strange, Slade. As you say, Geoff had a choice whether to sin or not, that is, whether to make love to Nicole on the island. He chose to sin, which I think was understandable in the circumstances. He can repent of that sin, as he did when he went to see Nicole afterwards and was wracked with guilt. So he can continue to live his life as a Christian, as we all make mistakes in our lifes (part of being human) and Christ forgave the woman taken in adultery and told her "Go and sin no more". Geoff could even still become a minister, although I can't see Nicole as a minister's wife!


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I think that your interpretation of the Bible is rather strange, Slade. As you say, Geoff had a choice whether to sin or not, that is, whether to make love to Nicole on the island. He chose to sin, which I think was understandable in the circumstances. He can repent of that sin, as he did when he went to see Nicole afterwards and was wracked with guilt. So he can continue to live his life as a Christian, as we all make mistakes in our lifes (part of being human) and Christ forgave the woman taken in adultery and told her "Go and sin no more". Geoff could even still become a minister, although I can't see Nicole as a minister's wife!


And why is that Brian? Because I don’t see things the same way you do. :P

My point was that they were both in a situation where they thought they could die. And I am on the understanding that repentance isn’t just being sorry it’s about GENUINELY being sorry and atoning. So if he’d slept with Nicole and Roman and various other people didn’t find them in time and they died how could he have repented? He should have known better, considering how sanctimonious and judgmental he can be.

As I said before, I’m glad Nicole accidentally blurted it out as the level of his hypocrisy will be there for all to see.

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I think that your interpretation of the Bible is rather strange, Slade. As you say, Geoff had a choice whether to sin or not, that is, whether to make love to Nicole on the island. He chose to sin, which I think was understandable in the circumstances. He can repent of that sin, as he did when he went to see Nicole afterwards and was wracked with guilt. So he can continue to live his life as a Christian, as we all make mistakes in our lifes (part of being human) and Christ forgave the woman taken in adultery and told her "Go and sin no more". Geoff could even still become a minister, although I can't see Nicole as a minister's wife!


And why is that Brian? Because I don’t see things the same way you do. :P

My point was that they were both in a situation where they thought they could die. And I am on the understanding that repentance isn’t just being sorry it’s about GENUINELY being sorry and atoning. So if he’d slept with Nicole and Roman and various other people didn’t find them in time and they died how could he have repented? He should have known better, considering how sanctimonious and judgmental he can be.

As I said before, I’m glad Nicole accidentally blurted it out as the level of his hypocrisy will be there for all to see.

I'm glad that you pointed that out to me, Slade, as I missed the point of your reply. Sorry about that. You say that Geoff was facing possible death on the island that night and, if he sinned, he would not have had the opportunity to repent. Good point. Perhaps that was deliberate on the part of the scriptwriters.

However, he did survive and repent and he could then continue to live a Christian life.

As to his hypocrisy, the word "hypocrite" was not used in the last episode, even by Melody. Perhaps because most of us are hypocrites at some time in our lifes, such as parents to children, teachers to pupils, ministers to their congregation. The phrases "don't do as I do, do as I say" and "the pot calling the kettle black" illustrate this. Sometimes we get caught out and this was portrayed very dramatically by Nicole. A good Christian will then admit it (as Geoff did), apologise and make amends to those he upset, learn from his mistake and move on. Let's see if Geoff does, although it will be difficult for him with his past record. "How the mighty have fallen!" Be interesting to see how he explains it to shocked Annie.


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Is anyone else find the majority so utterly unlikeable at the moment? I actually can't stand half of them.

I know exactly what you mean. Martha's actually become one of my favourite characters lately(so naturally it looks like

she's leaving) as she's one of the few that hasn't cheated or lied or been manipulative. seeing the old eps made me realise how now nice and smiley the majority of the old cast were compared to the present bunch. I like having drama and I like having flawed characters but I also like the old summer bay warmth, humour and romances.

As for todays ep I hope they don't suddenly make Angelo out to be a nutter they way he acted was very weird checking phone records-surely it's not legal for personal use- and then the way he acted at the surf club. He's been a nice character I hope they don't change him to try and make us sympathise with Belle over him.

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Nice to see them all back again :)

I think Angelo was within his rights saying all that as his feelings obviously overwhelmed him. However, it was a bit too much to announce it to the whole surf club. As someone said above I hope he doesn't turn into the town psycho! But having said that, remember he is the cop partner of Jack, who is notorious for being partnered with loony cops [Corey, George etc.] :lol:

I wonder if Angelo pushes Aden too far he will retaliate- surely Aden's vindictiveness can't be too far below the surface, however much better he feels?

I felt really sorry for Martha too, the poor girl! When she talked about wanting to go away for a break after listing all the medical things she has been to go through, it was so sad. That is amazing, because I've always hated her. And I could have slapped Jack [nothing new there :angry::lol: ] as he went ranting on about hunting down the developers who made Martha ill- as if that would do anything to help her present health! He should support her, not go off on some rampage.

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“You’ve come up with a big fat zero so far Constable so I think stupid is a pretty good word for it mate!” :lol: Funny but what a cheek. I’m not surprised Angelo decided to humiliate them like that. I agree that it was wrong for him to pull the phone records and he certainly shouldn't have blurted it out but I think given the circumstances it was understandable. Then Aden had to nerve to run after, goad him and get right in his face. If Angelo wasn’t a police officer he probably would have decked him.

I get the feeling he’s going to be looking for some payback. As he said he’s a sore loser.

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Well, we all knew everything was going to blow up in Aden and Belle's faces eventually.Angelo checking her phone records was probably borderline illegal but she did lie to him twice and he just wanted to know the truth.I could accept her lying the first time, she was trying to save his feelings and if he hadn't known already it might have worked.But the second time was just cowardice.Aden's "We have to stay apart while you're with Angelo" stance lasted all of twenty-four hours, I see.I don't think Angelo would have confronted Belle in front of everybody if Aden hadn't started shooting his mouth off. Someone really should have explained to him that when a guy's just found out you slept with his girlfriend, the last thing you want to do is call him stupid in front of most of the town.And the second to last thing you want to do is go chasing after him and tell him she was acting in his best interests.

Not so sure about Martha saying she wants to do things on her own.Seems like she's pushing Jack away again.(Either that or Jodi Gordon was in panto this year.)I can understand him getting mad at the developers.It won't help Martha but he needs to feel like he's doing something and it could prevent the same thing happening to someone else.

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