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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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But I can just imagine Jack going off on some campaign while leaving Martha alone too much. He thinks he is doing the right thing, but sometimes it is best for other people to handle things while he takes care of his wife. I bet if she had been attacked, he'd go rampaging off to kill the attacker, and think that would make it alright. Meanwhile it wouldn't make it better for her, it would be better if he supported her at home. Jack should accept that this is not about him and making himself feel better, its about Martha and her health, and sometimes whatever you do, things don't turn out alright or as you planned.

Perhaps there will be a 'war' between Aden and Angelo over Belle :lol:. I kind of hope so, it would be fun to watch. But whatever happens, I hope its realistic and not over the top like the one between Elliott and Roman. [think his name was Elliott, wasn't it?]. I'd like Aden and Angelo to stay human, not turn into a avenging stalker like Eve/Zoe, and Elliott.

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I felt really sorry for Martha too, the poor girl! When she talked about wanting to go away for a break after listing all the medical things she has been to go through, it was so sad. That is amazing, because I've always hated her.

Me too she's been in it years and this is the first time I've really liked her. I think Jodi was doing dancing with the stars in oz so that's prob why.

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I can't beleive Aden, how dare he act as if he and Belle are the victims in all of this? They cheated on Angelo, Belle repeatedly and willingly chose to sleep with Aden behind her boyfriend's face and then lied about it to his face. And according to Aden it was all because 'she didn't want to hurt him', right usually when you don't want to hurt someone you don't sleep with your ex behind their back :angry: . But of course, Aden and Belle are 'meant to be', so it's all ok then, silly me :rolleyes: .

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While Angelo has every right to be angry and upset by Belle's action, I would be, IMO it was very unfair of Angelo to publically humiliate her, Angelo may be hurting but he is a cop and maybe humiliating Belle in public is not the best thing to do as he is meant to be an upstanding member of the community and trusted, I am not condoning Aden & Belle's actions but I dont think Angelo should humiliate her anymore as it is obvious she hates herself and is beating herself up so much that it doesnt really matter what Angelo does, I dont think she will feel any worse than she does at the moment.

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Well, we all knew everything was going to blow up in Aden and Belle's faces eventually.Angelo checking her phone records was probably borderline illegal but she did lie to him twice and he just wanted to know the truth.I could accept her lying the first time, she was trying to save his feelings and if he hadn't known already it might have worked.But the second time was just cowardice.Aden's "We have to stay apart while you're with Angelo" stance lasted all of twenty-four hours, I see.I don't think Angelo would have confronted Belle in front of everybody if Aden hadn't started shooting his mouth off. Someone really should have explained to him that when a guy's just found out you slept with his girlfriend, the last thing you want to do is call him stupid in front of most of the town.And the second to last thing you want to do is go chasing after him and tell him she was acting in his best interests.

Not so sure about Martha saying she wants to do things on her own.Seems like she's pushing Jack away again.(Either that or Jodi Gordon was in panto this year.)I can understand him getting mad at the developers.It won't help Martha but he needs to feel like he's doing something and it could prevent the same thing happening to someone else.

Yes, I'm pretty sure checking a persons phone records when they are not a suspect is illegal or at least againt police rules. Mind you Jack has done some pretty illegal things in the past when it suited him. It may be just me, but I don't quite trust Angelo, how come he turned up at the development just at the right time and found Belle, was it coindence?

How very convenient Belle's camera was 'accidentally' run over by one of the trucks :rolleyes:

Maybe now more people know about the risks, something will be done and it will be investigated properly.

I noticed when Belle and Irene were talking once again Sally's cancer wasn't mentioned - WHY!!


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Good for Charlie frankly, apparently the only person in Summer Bay not to have joined the Cult of Aden and Belle.(It's all right saying Belle only lied to Angelo to protect his feelings but what about her cheating on him a lot in the first place?)Shame it caused yet more trouble between her and Roman.I like the guy but there's a thin line between supporting the people you care about and condoning their bad behaviour, which he's been teetering on for quite a while now.At least he finally had the sense to give Natalie her marching orders.

As for Angelo turning up at the development site, he had just phoned Belle to warn her that Murray might be working against her, although the timing of that might be significant.(Then again, we've seen Angelo and Murray in private conversation so it doesn't seem likely they're both up to something.) Tim's story about the camera being run over was probably a lie and as far as I can see there are only three explanations of how it ended up in his possession:Either Murray gave it to him or he dropped it or he took it off him.

As for cancer victims, seeing as how we're keeping a tote and given that Leah mentioned Byron, I wonder if we could add Marilyn to the list since she was suffering from cancer last we heard.(I've got a feeling someone's forgotten where Don Fisher's house was but that's another matter.)

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“You’ve come up with a big fat zero so far Constable so I think stupid is a pretty good word for it mate!” :lol: Funny but what a cheek. I’m not surprised Angelo decided to humiliate them like that. I agree that it was wrong for him to pull the phone records and he certainly shouldn't have blurted it out but I think given the circumstances it was understandable. Then Aden had to nerve to run after, goad him and get right in his face. If Angelo wasn’t a police officer he probably would have decked him.

Definitely. Are we expected to sympathise with Aden and Belle? I'm on Angelo's side all the way. I don't think he intended to publicly humiliate her, but only did it after Aden confronted him. I'm justifying his behaviour, but I can totally understand why he did it and frankly, Aden and Belle deserve it.

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Belle deserves all she gets from people in the Bay Angelo just showed his anger for what she done to him, have we not heard the words before from Her mother Amanda Wo said I,m sorry I didnt mean to hurt you when she was with Peter, as they say the apple never falls far from the tree.

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I’m bit gutted that Roman has decided to dump Charlie as I really like those two together and it did seem a bit abrupt but I can’t really say I’m surprised as part of me suspected that he still had a thing for Martha and I would imagine that he’s sick and tired of her losing it. She’s the sort of person where you constantly have to be very careful what you say because she is very prone to taking things the wrong way. I hope he reconsiders but I have a feeling he won’t.

I don’t usually like Charlie’s outbursts but today they brought a smile to my face. It’s funny because the way Belle was acting you would have thought she was the one that got cheated on. Part of me wanted to feel sorry for her…not. And I loved Aden’s reaction. You have to say for the way she conducted herself, it was no more that she deserved!

Nicole really annoyed me today. I didn’t like the sarcastic remarks she was making towards Charlie at all. If you ask me she seems quite ungrateful. Charlie was the one who arranged for the helicopter to find her and Geoff on the island and she let her off when she caught her driving without a license the other day.

Initially I thought Nat was quite pleasant at dinner but towards the end we saw more of her calculating side.

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