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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Oh dear, Captain Harris has ended his attachment to Miss Charlotte Buckton, I shall have to recline on the chaise longue again :whistle:

I think Angelo [unless he goes off in a rage] will get together with Charlie, then they can boss everyone about together and get Summer Bay under control :lol:

I thought Nicole was being very nice to Belle, I hope she is being genuine.

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I think Charlie's problem is that she always takes things too far. She definitely had a point - Aden and Belle were well out of order and poor Angelo was gutted - they deserved what they got. But when she saw the cosy little dinner at Roman's - she should have left rather than going off on a major rant at Roman. You can't just keep behaving like that and expect to be forgiven every time.

Not sure what Natalie was up to at the end - was she being nice to Charlie or is she scheming - I couldn't tell.

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I think Charlie's problem is that she always takes things too far. She definitely had a point - Aden and Belle were well out of order and poor Angelo was gutted - they deserved what they got. But when she saw the cosy little dinner at Roman's - she should have left rather than going off on a major rant at Roman. You can't just keep behaving like that and expect to be forgiven every time.

Not sure what Natalie was up to at the end - was she being nice to Charlie or is she scheming - I couldn't tell.

I think what happened at the dinner was an excuse to break up with her rather than an actual reason. I’m guessing they won’t get back together because Roman seemed so calm and absolute. Even if she hadn’t blown up, I assume he would have still ended it sometime (just not as soon). I actually thought they had been getting on quite well recently but the main thing was that Charlie had to make all the effort whereas Roman was just prepared to go with the flow. It always seemed as though she liked him a lot more than he liked her. After the date with Angelo when she told him she wanted more and he went after her I still felt as though his heart wasn’t fully in it. And of course there was the time when he was pretending to be asleep and she told him that she thought she was falling in love with him (his expression was priceless). He had the same look on his face when they made up, after Charlie had a go at him when he spent the day with Martha even though it was to buy her a gift. When he was with Martha he could be himself whereas with Charlie, everything seemed…forced.

I thought Nat was trying to cause trouble for Charlie and Roman because he kicked her out but it was hard to tell.

And it’s good to see other people that feel Belle at least got some sort of comeuppance.

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As I said before, I don't have a problem with Angelo having a go at Aden and Belle because I don't think it was pre-meditated.He was just standing there keeping to himself until Aden opened his mouth and wound him up.Charlie...I don't know.Maybe she should have just left although Aden's reaction does make you wonder what planet he lives on.

Not sure what to make of Natalie.When she tried to talk Charlie out of going to see Roman, I think it was because she knew it wouldn't go well.And surprisingly her last piece of advice actually made sense. I loved Nicole's reaction when she thought Roman and Natalie were getting back together though.

Oh dear, Melody.The girl's obviously got some serious self-esteem issues and cancelling her appointment with her counsellor was probably a mistake(although not as big a mistake as going upstairs with Matthew).She thought no-one liked her but she didn't seem to notice that Annie, Ruby and Jai were trying to be her friends.And then she gives Geoff and Nicole that look as if to say "Maybe if I look like that..."She did actually look quite good in a weird sort of way.Not sure about Nicole's reaction: Geoff storming up to her and reading her the riot act wouldn't have done any good but dragging him out of the surf club rather than keeping an eye on her probably wasn't the best mood.

And that scene where Kirsty tells Miles she's moving out?They so still like each other.

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So who will Roman get together with now? Will he somehow get Martha away from Jack? [please no! I couldn't bear another 10 years of the Martha/Jack saga!]. Or will Roman suddenly like Leah? :o Or Irene, she does like younger men? :o :o Time will tell...

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I'm watching an episode behind but Charlie is my hero. The whole 'Poor Belle' thing is ridiculous and I'm glad someone has the balls to stand up for Angelo. Aden's hot-headed reaction made the character just that little bit more loathsome to me.

Roman is insane. I'd have Charlie over Martha any day of the week.

Wow, someone who has the courage to say pretty much what I think more forcefully.(Except maybe for the choosing Charlie over Martha part.)Belle did at least have the decency to feel ashamed but having her staying in bed wallowing in self-pity kind of made me feel less sympathetic towards her. Frankly Irene should have said "You know you've done the wrong thing and you need to get out there and face up to it instead of hiding away in here", not given her the day off and sent Aden to keep her company.Starting me on Aden is always a bad idea so I'm probably best off not commenting, except that I do find the guy pretty much impossible to like, the best I can manage towards him is a sort of polite tolerance.

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Roman is insane. I'd have Charlie over Martha any day of the week.

Whilst I find both of them attractive I think I would prefer Charlie. She’s the loyal type.

Part of me wants to be angry with Roman because I’m starting to wonder whether he went out with her because it was convenient or because he wanted someone to sleep with on a regular basis but I can’t because the other part of me feels that he really wanted to things to work out. I guess he can’t help the way he feels and he hasn’t gotten over Martha yet.

Even though he was going out with someone but in love with someone else at least he did the decent thing and ended it before things got worse. Unlike someone else I can think of.

Wow, someone who has the courage to say pretty much what I think more forcefully.

Starting me on Aden is always a bad idea so I'm probably best off not commenting, except that I do find the guy pretty much impossible to like, the best I can manage towards him is a sort of polite tolerance.

Oh Red Ranger does that mean no more rants? Spoil sport. I was actually enjoying those.

I was surprised at what Nat said to Charlie. I thought she would have been more likely to rub her nose in it.

What possessed Melody? Lyons of all people…Lyons? A few weeks ago he was picking on her in front of everybody when she was in a far worse state than she is now. That girl is in serious danger of relapsing.

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Wow, someone who has the courage to say pretty much what I think more forcefully.

Starting me on Aden is always a bad idea so I'm probably best off not commenting, except that I do find the guy pretty much impossible to like, the best I can manage towards him is a sort of polite tolerance.

Oh Red Ranger does that mean no more rants? Spoil sport. I was actually enjoying those.

Well, never say never.But if I go off on one every time Aden appears in an episode and sometimes even when he doesn't, I'm going to sound a bit obsessed.

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