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I'm watching an episode behind but Charlie is my hero. The whole 'Poor Belle' thing is ridiculous and I'm glad someone has the balls to stand up for Angelo. Aden's hot-headed reaction made the character just that little bit more loathsome to me.

Roman is insane. I'd have Charlie over Martha any day of the week.

Wow, someone who has the courage to say pretty much what I think more forcefully.(Except maybe for the choosing Charlie over Martha part.)Belle did at least have the decency to feel ashamed but having her staying in bed wallowing in self-pity kind of made me feel less sympathetic towards her. Frankly Irene should have said "You know you've done the wrong thing and you need to get out there and face up to it instead of hiding away in here", not given her the day off and sent Aden to keep her company.Starting me on Aden is always a bad idea so I'm probably best off not commenting, except that I do find the guy pretty much impossible to like, the best I can manage towards him is a sort of polite tolerance.

I'm can't quite understand H&A with their decision on how to reunite the couple. Beforehand, even if I disliked them, I could tolerate them as long as they didn't take over the show and their screen-time was limited to the same as that of the other characters. But they've just made them so.......slimey. Are we meant to feel for them here? Are we meant to root for them?? I can't believe this is the same Belle I used to love. Their relationship is self-destructive and I feel the old Belle slipping away and being replaced with this constant moaner with a "Woe is me" attitude while her hot-headed nuisance of a boyfriend makes tired excuses for their behaviour. I'm not stupid, I know this stuff happens in real life all the time but they are in the wrong and the fact that no one other than Charlie can see that is poor storytelling IMO.

I hope I'm wrong and next year we can see evolution in Belle's character and see her move on from this current state, but I think their relationship is tainted now. I think they're bad for each other. Not really ill-suited as characters, but Belle's been reduced to a shadow of her former self and I miss her.

I want to like this Melody storyline because I really like Celeste as an actress, but I feel that so far, it's being horribly written and under-developed. Melody is mentally ill and ill-equipped to deal with life through years of overzealous parenting and control by Christine yet none of the characters seem to be taking her seriously. To me, I think she's on the verge of a breakdown - slowly but surely and the most anyone can do is roll their eyes. This is more than typical teenage rebellion and no one seems to give a crap. Miles is too interested in his love life.

I still find her a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stale and boring teen group.

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Roman is insane. I'd have Charlie over Martha any day of the week.

Whilst I find both of them attractive I think I would prefer Charlie. She’s the loyal type.

Part of me wants to be angry with Roman because I’m starting to wonder whether he went out with her because it was convenient or because he wanted someone to sleep with on a regular basis but I can’t because the other part of me feels that he really wanted to things to work out. I guess he can’t help the way he feels and he hasn’t gotten over Martha yet.

Even though he was going out with someone but in love with someone else at least he did the decent thing and ended it before things got worse. Unlike someone else I can think of.

Wow, someone who has the courage to say pretty much what I think more forcefully.

Starting me on Aden is always a bad idea so I'm probably best off not commenting, except that I do find the guy pretty much impossible to like, the best I can manage towards him is a sort of polite tolerance.

Oh Red Ranger does that mean no more rants? Spoil sport. I was actually enjoying those.

I was surprised at what Nat said to Charlie. I thought she would have been more likely to rub her nose in it.

What possessed Melody? Lyons of all people…Lyons? A few weeks ago he was picking on her in front of everybody when she was in a far worse state than she is now. That girl is in serious danger of relapsing.

Charlie is a bit possessive so not really right for Roman or any man unless she gets over that, she did jump to the conclusion that Roman and Nat were an item. I honestly think that Roman thought he was over Martha, but it took Nat (of all people) to point out he wasn't. I thought she (Nat) was very restrained to not say anything when Charlie was banging on about going round to see Roman and apologise yet again. Also thank goodness Roman didn't mention Nat when he told her it was over.

I was surprised but pleased that Nat said what she did to Charlie as she was leaving after what Charlie had accused her of. Perhaps it was as she said she was growing up as well. A case of the parent learning from the child.

I suppose Melody took up with Matthew because he was the only one who spoke to her apart from Jai, Annie and Ruby also he flattered her. It's probably because she hasn't had any experience of talking to boys that she is giving out the wrong signals to Matthew, though that will in no way excuse him if he tries anything on with her. I know Ruby said to Jai and Annie she would stay and look after Melody, but then she found Charlie in the state she was in and of course she would take priorty.

Wonder if Charlie and Angelo will now get together seeing as they have both been dumped?

I agree with you there Red Ranger, I would have thought Irene would have said 'the longer you leave it the worst it will be' or something to that effect.

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Personally I think Martha and Roman should have stayed together - then we wouldn't have to put up with the awfulness that is Charlie/Roman and Martha/Jack. But ho hum. :rolleyes:

Does anyone get the feeling that the writers don't know what they're doing with Melody? First she was a semi-normal Christian girl with a possessive mother, then she was a psychiatric patient having visions of a dead guy, now she's a rebellious teenager wearing slutty clothes and taking random boys up to her bedroom? I wish they'd make up their minds so the poor actress could have a storyline that's actually consistent and thought through for once.

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Yes, I think Roman and Martha were a good couple. She needs someone more mature than Jack.

Melody is just going down the old route [in soaps anyway] of being completely repressed, then completely going the other way. Annie went that way a bit for a while too [as Mel pointed out], its just a well used storyline.

What is Bridget up to? Does she plan to hit Leah over the head and get the money from her? :lol: Otherwise, how is she going to get it off her? I expect she will pretend to become a confidante of Leah's and listen to all her problems, then ask for money :o But I want to know what her overall plan is: just to get loads of money for herself or is there another reason?

I thought Irene was very stupid to go announcing in public that she had received such a large amount of money, and it would go to Leah. Anyone could have been listening, never mind Bridget. Talking about money like that is just asking for trouble.

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Rather surprised with Geoff today, fighting like that with Matthew. Thought he was more mature than that. Would have expected him to have tried to calm the situation down, taken Matthew aside and talked to him quietly. Especially as he is head boy, as Miles pointed out to him. Bit out of character, but then why does he care about what happens to Melody?

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Latest addition to the list of Things Everyone Seems To Have Forgotten:When Jai was advising Melody to stay away from Matthew and reminding her of the way he treated him, I wondered what she thinks of the fact he used to be friends with Axel.Poor Mel, it seems she's so desperate for a boy to like her she'll take anyone that comes along and do whatever it takes to hold onto him.I think Miles is handling the situation the best he can:Giving Melody a lecture or banning her from seeing Matthew would just cause her to rebel more.He seems to be taking the same attitude as he did with Jai and Axel, stepping back and seeing what happens while making sure there are some rules they stick to.Not sure about Geoff's attitude:Was he just being a friend to Melody or is he jealous?The way he talked about Matthew is pretty much the way Melody and Nicole talk about each other.

Know I'll upset at least two groups of fans with this but Miles and Kirsty were so cute together.I hope Miles doesn't end up with Leah, she's pretty much blotted her copy book on that score.Although she seems to have settled down this episode, she seems regretful rather than jealous and she handled Kirsty having a go at her quite well.

Not sure if Roman still loves Martha or not or rather whether he loves her like that.I think he views her as a friend and he obviously cares about her but whether it goes deeper than that...Although he did seem to be falling for her they were together.

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Does anyone get the feeling that the writers don't know what they're doing with Melody? First she was a semi-normal Christian girl with a possessive mother, then she was a psychiatric patient having visions of a dead guy, now she's a rebellious teenager wearing slutty clothes and taking random boys up to her bedroom? I wish they'd make up their minds so the poor actress could have a storyline that's actually consistent and thought through for once.

I’m not sure what to make of Melody to be honest. A lot of people don’t like her and I think this has been more of a recent thing since she came back. I don’t really have a problem with her and don’t mind that the writers are trying to explore another side to her but I agree that the writing has been inconsistent. It seems as though she’s going through a series of personalities. My only gripe was that they effectively took out two characters to bring her back. They killed off Axel and whether you liked him or not I felt he certainly had a lot more storylines in him. Better ones than Melody. And I actually really liked the Jai/Axel friendship and at least Jai had purpose. Now all he seems to be doing is holding hands with Annie and at times they don’t even seem like boyfriend and girlfriend.

Rather surprised with Geoff today, fighting like that with Matthew. Thought he was more mature than that. Would have expected him to have tried to calm the situation down, taken Matthew aside and talked to him quietly. Especially as he is head boy, as Miles pointed out to him. Bit out of character, but then why does he care about what happens to Melody?

Well I wasn’t. This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this. He knocked Aden out a while back and he went after Axel in the Den, although admittedly I felt both times he had good reason. Still doesn’t change the fact that yet again he should have know better.

Not sure if Roman still loves Martha or not or rather whether he loves her like that.I think he views her as a friend and he obviously cares about her but whether it goes deeper than that...Although he did seem to be falling for her they were together.

He loves her. I’m sure he does. He was always different around her than he was with Charlie. And the episode where Roman went after her on the beach. I remember his words when she threw up – “Don’t you dare apologise”. There was just something about they way he was with her. He would never have been like that with Charlie.

Funny that Colleen had to get Irene and Leah to start talking again. And I see Kirsty had a go at Leah this time. Well I call that having a go but every time she’s gotten into a disagreement with someone she always seems quite controlled.

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I hope I'm wrong and next year we can see evolution in Belle's character and see her move on from this current state, but I think their relationship is tainted now. I think they're bad for each other. Not really ill-suited as characters, but Belle's been reduced to a shadow of her former self and I miss her.

I want to like this Melody storyline because I really like Celeste as an actress, but I feel that so far, it's being horribly written and under-developed. Melody is mentally ill and ill-equipped to deal with life through years of overzealous parenting and control by Christine yet none of the characters seem to be taking her seriously. To me, I think she's on the verge of a breakdown - slowly but surely and the most anyone can do is roll their eyes. This is more than typical teenage rebellion and no one seems to give a crap. Miles is too interested in his love life.

I still find her a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stale and boring teen group.

I couldn't agree more, firstly with Belle she seems incredibly weak and quite a pointless character even though she was supposed to be the fiesty one we need a strong and confident young woman in the bay they all seem t be push overs at the mo.I like Aden or rather the actor I think he has a lot of talent and charisma but I don't like him with Belle and as you said their relationship seems tainted.

I'd really been enjoying the Melody storylines up until this week but now the writers seem to have no grasp of mental illness I think this whole mathew plot is just stupid. Mattie went through something similar although I think it was better handled if I remember right and seemed to make more sense. I hope they sort her character out as I like her.

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Being a Jack and Martha fan, I would hate it if they split up but Roman does love Martha, he acts different around her so I am sure he loves and treasures Martha, he might not act on his feeling but he does genuinely harbor feelings for Martha, and to be completely honest Roman and Martha might not even be that bad but I dont want it to happen yet or for a while at least..

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